If Rick Perry Runs,How Will MSNBC Tear Him Down? They Can't Lie About His Record.

Feb 13, 2011

This is something we can't wait to see, Rick Perry makes his announcement, then those Fat-Asses over at MSNBC will go into panic mode being they can't find any dirt on the Texas Governor. Rick Perry will fill the void of Chris Christie. What will those pathetic evening anchors say? They know they can't make up lies. And lets say a month into Perry's Campaign,rumors spread that he is seriously considering either Romney or Rubio for VP. That's the Worst Nightmare For Obama !!!! :lol:
First, there is always something to attack. No one is perfect.

Second, yes, they will lie.

Third, I havent seen any reason to get excited over Perry any more than anyone else. I think we have a strong field of candidates.
I am pretty sure that if Perry runs, most polls will always have him with a 55/45 lead over Butthead, but you wont hear those polls on the Obama Networks,,they will just make up their own polls, like the "Lying Washington Post" Polls.

This is something we can't wait to see, Rick Perry makes his announcement, then those Fat-Asses over at MSNBC will go into panic mode being they can't find any dirt on the Texas Governor. Rick Perry will fill the void of Chris Christie. What will those pathetic evening anchors say? They know they can't make up lies. And lets say a month into Perry's Campaign,rumors spread that he is seriously considering either Romney or Rubio for VP. That's the Worst Nightmare For Obama !!!! :lol:

They lied about FDR getting us out of the FDR Depression

They lied about Joe McCarthy's HUAC Blacklisting Hollywood actors and writers

They will lie about Perry, its all they got
I am pretty sure that if Perry runs, most polls will always have him with a 55/45 lead over Butthead, but you wont hear those polls on the Obama Networks,,they will just make up their own polls, like the "Lying Washington Post" Polls.

No one's stopping you from posting those polls, let's see them.
I am pretty sure that if Perry runs, most polls will always have him with a 55/45 lead over Butthead, but you wont hear those polls on the Obama Networks,,they will just make up their own polls, like the "Lying Washington Post" Polls.

No one's stopping you from posting those polls, let's see them.

I doubt that's going to happen.
Only the most brainwashed republicans would vote this fake, Bilderberger hack, Perry, the racist choice to be the new mouthpiece for the Federal Reserve. There is only one candidate of the people for 2012 and his name is Ron Paul. The rest are corporate mouthpieces and yes men who if elected will work hard to make sure there is no such thing as a middle class in america.

Ron Paul 2012!!!
The One!!
Ahh.. the press will eat him up. He's just their kind of player. They'll needle him for various things, sure, but mostly they'll fawn over him hype the hell out of him. The press loves a phony prick, no way around that.

This is something we can't wait to see, Rick Perry makes his announcement, then those Fat-Asses over at MSNBC will go into panic mode being they can't find any dirt on the Texas Governor. Rick Perry will fill the void of Chris Christie. What will those pathetic evening anchors say? They know they can't make up lies. And lets say a month into Perry's Campaign,rumors spread that he is seriously considering either Romney or Rubio for VP. That's the Worst Nightmare For Obama !!!! :lol:

I was pretty gung ho about him when he first hinted but he's lost steam fast. After the debacle the GOP / Tea Partiers caused over the debt ceiling what will their slogan for him be? Especially when the debt in Texas is discussed.. Maybe:

"Vote for our guy! He did exactly those things we complained most loudly about but hey, on the positive side, he once shot a coyote!" :eek:
Only the most brainwashed republicans would vote this fake, Bilderberger hack, Perry, the racist choice to be the new mouthpiece for the Federal Reserve. There is only one candidate of the people for 2012 and his name is Ron Paul. The rest are corporate mouthpieces and yes men who if elected will work hard to make sure there is no such thing as a middle class in america.

Ron Paul 2012!!!
The One!!

Ron Paul supporters are just...sad. So enthusiastic, yet tinged with the absolute certainty of defeat.
Perry will get eaten alive by Romney in the debates. Not enough filling in the suit.
I hate Perry and bachmAnn/palin supporters right now. I have had to defend Perry a few times lately. Lol
But I have heard Texans say his record is only good because of his state legislators. I would like to know more about that.
I don't agree with Perry's politics, but I have respect for the guy, he has stood up to the social right on principal.
All they need to do is tell the truth.

Perry make Elmer Gantry look like a Saint.

This is something we can't wait to see, Rick Perry makes his announcement, then those Fat-Asses over at MSNBC will go into panic mode being they can't find any dirt on the Texas Governor. Rick Perry will fill the void of Chris Christie. What will those pathetic evening anchors say? They know they can't make up lies. And lets say a month into Perry's Campaign,rumors spread that he is seriously considering either Romney or Rubio for VP. That's the Worst Nightmare For Obama !!!! :lol:

1) High oil prices are what brought tax money into texas
2) Obama's stimulus created perry's jobs
3) Perry's jobs stink
4) Texas schools suck
5) The jobs in texas are due to the high oil prices.

Those are 5 bullshit anti-perry statements i've heard thus far.

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