If Ron Paul becomes president....

His own distaste for earmarks!

America's Most Hypocritical Earmark King Is... Ron "The Representative From Stormfront" Paul

Even Paul doesn't say he's not the earmark King! He justitifies them.

...Paul made over $157 million in earmark requests for FY 2011, one of only four House Republicans to request any earmarks. Additionally, he made over $398 million in earmark requests for FY 2010, again one of the leading Republican House members...
Among Paul's earmarks are boondoggles like $38 million to "encourage parents to read aloud to their children", $18 million for a light rail study, $4 million for a "Trails and Sidewalks Connectivity Initiative", $11 million for an ACORN-like "Community-Based Job Training Program", $2 million for a "clean energy" pilot project, and many, many more.

All of the above earmarks can be found on Paul's own congressional website... Paul typically will make the earmark request, but then votes against or abstains from voting on final passage, so he can maintain his claim to have "never voted for an earmark", even the earmark requests he himself made.

This is Paul's job, this is the law of the land today and this is one of the reasons he was put into office. Paul did nothing morally corrupted nor illegal. Paul did not set himself up for "advisor" or "Historian" jobs after he left congress or do insider trading... No, Paul did his job and earmarked moneys that was being taken from his state... Paul does not agree with earmarking but to not do it would devastate his district.

BTW. You're so full of shit your eyes are brown. You better get back to being nutty for Newtie.

So you admit that Ron Paul does not have a distaste for earmarks! Thank you for pointing that out.

Hmm... It seems you can't read, and that's ok as I have comes to notice that that has been an increasing problem for you.

Paul wants term limits, yet because it is not law he does not simply live up to his own belief and quit.

Many liberals believe we need more taxes yet they don't just pay more to the federal Government come tax time.

Conservatives generally want fewer taxes yet they don't just up and decide to not pay their taxes.

See, the point is we have a set of laws as is, then we have what we want the laws to be... Until ones belief is a law it is not necessarily a bad thing if they don't follow their belief, not to say that just because it is not illegal to steal that stealing is ok, however that is not what we are talking about here, well in a way we are =D.

For instance in the case of earmarks, the money is taken from the community, therefore Paul and his supporters might want earmarks done away with but at this point in time their money is still taken from them, so to get it back they must follow the laws and process that we have set in place.

Do you understand that incredibly simplistic logic or are you just that far gone in your blind hate for Paul? Most people don’t see it your way, in fact you don’t even agree it's a bad thing what Paul is doing as much as it's you just want something to attack Paul with being there is so very little out there to use against Paul.

If others voted against earmarks then this would be a non issue, yet Paul many times is the only one that does that. You are simply not used to seeing a conservative, that is why Paul scares the crap out of you, you like your big, huge, every growing deficit spending Government, unless it's a Democrat...
Will he foot the bill for the White House from his personal funds?

George Washington paid rent for the Samuel Osgood house.


He will have to fire the secret service...That would be a hoot! No Air Force One... Economy class only.. on screaming baby airlines...:lol:

For a Doctor he sure is stupid.
Will he foot the bill for the White House from his personal funds?

George Washington paid rent for the Samuel Osgood house.


He will have to fire the secret service...That would be a hoot! No Air Force One... Economy class only.. on screaming baby airlines...:lol:

For a Doctor he sure is stupid.

How many times has he voted for a pay increase?

How often have do your democrats do this?

How many times has Paul RETURNED funds to the treasury?

How often do your democrats do this?
Will he foot the bill for the White House from his personal funds?

George Washington paid rent for the Samuel Osgood house.


He will have to fire the secret service...That would be a hoot! No Air Force One... Economy class only.. on screaming baby airlines...:lol:

For a Doctor he sure is stupid.

How many times has he voted for a pay increase?

How often have do your democrats do this?

How many times has Paul RETURNED funds to the treasury?

How often do your democrats do this?

I don't have any democrats fuckwit. Just a bunch of idiot fundamentalist assholes trying and failing miserably to live up to the memory of Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater.. Needless to say I am not proud to have these morons leading my party.
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He will have to fire the secret service...That would be a hoot! No Air Force One... Economy class only.. on screaming baby airlines...:lol:

For a Doctor he sure is stupid.

How many times has he voted for a pay increase?

How often have do your democrats do this?

How many times has Paul RETURNED funds to the treasury?

How often do your democrats do this?

I don't have any democrats fuckwit. Just a bunch of idiot fundamentalist assholes trying to live up to the memory of Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater..

Ok I'll play your word game son.

How times has he voted for a pay increase?

How often do the people you vote for do it?

How many times has Paul returned funds to the treasury?

How often do the people you vote for do it?

I'd be happy to provide hints if you'd like.
Translation: Paul would roll back all the big government, socialist, new regulations, liberty infringements, unneeded agencies and damage done by the democrats under the Soetoro administration.

He's got my vote.

Basically recreating 1870 United States

Same monetary system, same foreign policy, same government services

I hope your're right.

Huh? I hope not, 1870's America was hell for the brothers.:(
Huh? I hope not, 1870's America was hell for the brothers.:(

it would actually be good for whites and blacks alike. less national debt is good for all of us.

Fiscally yes, but HG has legitimate social issues.

If we return to 1870 or 1830 or 1800 fiscally, that'd be far better and keep today's society in terms of social issues.

i don't think our social structure is gonna return to any of those years. but we need to work hard on slowing our massive debt increase. paul seems to be the only one even talking about it. shame on the voters if we vote for more debt (via the people we elect).
it would actually be good for whites and blacks alike. less national debt is good for all of us.

Fiscally yes, but HG has legitimate social issues.

If we return to 1870 or 1830 or 1800 fiscally, that'd be far better and keep today's society in terms of social issues.

i don't think our social structure is gonna return to any of those years. but we need to work hard on slowing our massive debt increase. paul seems to be the only one even talking about it. shame on the voters if we vote for more debt (via the people we elect).

We won't return to that socially (thankfully) or fiscally (not thankfully).

50% of the ppl have lost hope and don't vote, 24% are fully bought into the republican version of big gov't, 24% are fully bought into the democrat version of big gov't.

Sadly those of us who are into small gov't conservatism and anti-warmongering are just the fringe.
Huh? I hope not, 1870's America was hell for the brothers.:(

it would actually be good for whites and blacks alike. less national debt is good for all of us.

1870's socially would make life hell in this country for Blacks and other minorities, no thank you.

The claims of 'going back' to the 1870's is just slapstick. In point of fact, it would be more like the 2020's - moving forward toward a sustainable government that isn't bankrupting our grandchildren.
His promise to cut 1 Trillion in first year and have a balanced budget within 3 years is the only reasonable thing I've heard so far from the Republican candidates.
This is the biggest issue the USA has.
My vote would go for him.
That's not at all reasonable. The only reasonable solution is to cut 99% of the budget. Its all useless big government crap. Do you want more government or less? That's easy.
it would actually be good for whites and blacks alike. less national debt is good for all of us.

1870's socially would make life hell in this country for Blacks and other minorities, no thank you.

The claims of 'going back' to the 1870's is just slapstick. In point of fact, it would be more like the 2020's - moving forward toward a sustainable government that isn't bankrupting our grandchildren.

Very few grandchildren will be able to attend college one Paul shuts down the Dept. of Education.
1870's socially would make life hell in this country for Blacks and other minorities, no thank you.

The claims of 'going back' to the 1870's is just slapstick. In point of fact, it would be more like the 2020's - moving forward toward a sustainable government that isn't bankrupting our grandchildren.

Very few grandchildren will be able to attend college one Paul shuts down the Dept. of Education.

This is utter nonsense. People can get private loans and the schools will be forced to make tuition more competitive or they will end up going under. The government is artificially inflating tuition prices by offering easy to get low interest loans and grants. Schools will offer more scholarships to get students and who knows maybe they will use money from alumni to do so instead of building bigger stadiums.
Paul would put us back to the stone age

Translation: Paul would roll back all the big government, socialist, new regulations, liberty infringements, unneeded agencies and damage done by the democrats under the Soetoro administration.

So he'd roll it back to the small government of the Bush and pre-Bush administrations?

He'd try. Naturally, Congress will resist, and there's only so much he can do as president. But at the very least, he'd veto the nonsense Congress likes to spew
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Will he foot the bill for the White House from his personal funds?

George Washington paid rent for the Samuel Osgood house.


he'd do that just like he adhered to his own belief in term limits...


and to his own distaste for earmarks...


luckily it's not going to be an issue.

jillian my god, you have GOT to inform yourself better. I don't think I've ever seen anyone have such a strong opinion against something they hardly know anything about.

Paul doesn't have a distaste for earmarks, it's quite the opposite. He believes they are the transparent way of spending appropriations.

Just LISTEN to the fucking man for christ's sake:

Ron Paul on earmarks - The Washington Post

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