If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a "Christian" baker participated in the marriage...

Ok you clearly have not read the last USSC Opinion on that. They said a man can’t be made to choose between his faith & his trade. That’s interfering with his Constitutional rights. You have already lost on that angle so you may now retire it. Try again.

Actually, all they said was that the board was mean to him, and shouldn't have been. Even SCOTUS is reluctant to say, "You can avoid obeying the law if your imaginary friend in the sky says so."

You know, because if you did, you'd have a lot of people joining the cult of Queztacoatl and cutting the hearts out of the enemies.

But we'll bankrupt the homophobic bakers long before the courts resolve this mess.
Ok you clearly have not read the last USSC Opinion on that. They said a man can’t be made to choose between his faith & his trade. That’s interfering with his Constitutional rights. You have already lost on that angle so you may now retire it. Try again.

Actually, all they said was that the board was mean to him, and shouldn't have been. Even SCOTUS is reluctant to say, "You can avoid obeying the law if your imaginary friend in the sky says so."

You know, because if you did, you'd have a lot of people joining the cult of Queztacoatl and cutting the hearts out of the enemies.

But we'll bankrupt the homophobic bakers long before the courts resolve this mess.
Nope. There was language about how a State can’t punish a business owner for following his faith clear into the shop & beyond. Read it again Sparky.

I hope the Court reads your threat about purposefully targeting Christian bakers for bankruptcy if they won’t participate in your deviant sex cult rituals. Should play well for you with the new Court.
Weird. I had no idea your sock puppet was “sparky”. That’s eerie that I nicknamed you sparky just seconds before “sparky” posted.

And again, your threats of financial sabotage if others don’t bow to your deviant sex cult values will not be well received by the Court.

You going to bankrupt Muslim bakers next? :popcorn:
So JoeB/Sparky, you were saying about Christians being the only ones saying no to participating in the ritual of two men or two women marrying? Did you view the video on the Muslim shop saying no also? Where's their lawsuit? Where's their glitter bombs and social media witch hunts?
Here's what you are refusing to see: you can do your own thing without forcing others to participate.

That's what freedom is.

And you are perfectly free to NOT own a bakery. But once you own a bakery, you have to follow all the commerce laws that have been put into place.

This is really not complicated. Tell you what, why don't you go to a bakery where the owner has decided the Health Codes are a violation of his religious "Freedom". That should be amusing.

Merry Christmas, bub.

I don't think you get either the concept of Liberty, but that's for another day.
Nope. There was language about how a State can’t punish a business owner for following his faith clear into the shop & beyond. Read it again Sparky.

Nobody is punishing him for his faith. He's being punished for violating the state's public accommodation laws.

I hope the Court reads your threat about purposefully targeting Christian bakers for bankruptcy if they won’t participate in your deviant sex cult rituals. Should play well for you with the new Court.

Could care less.... you keep refusing service, the state will keep suing you. and your side will run out of money first, I promise.

So JoeB/Sparky, you were saying about Christians being the only ones saying no to participating in the ritual of two men or two women marrying? Did you view the video on the Muslim shop saying no also? Where's their lawsuit? Where's their glitter bombs and social media witch hunts?

Did you type in the words "Muslim Bakery" and this is all you came up with? That's kind of pathetic.
Merry Christmas, bub.

I don't think you get either the concept of Liberty, but that's for another day.

You can't have freedom OF religion unless you have freedom FROM religion.

You have the right to believe in whatever backward ass superstitions from the bronze age you want.

Your business does not. Your business has to obey the same commerce laws the rest of us do.
If you craft one of the centerpieces of the event then you have participated in the event . Participation in the event should be voluntary and Not mandatory
If you craft one of the centerpieces of the event then you have participated in the event . Participation in the event should be voluntary and Not mandatory

They volunteered the minute they said, "Will make Custom Wedding Cakes"
Gun nut =/= gun industry. I thought you knew that. I see no support in what you said.

Except the gun nuts are the primacy customers of the gun industry. They'd go broke catering to the gun owner who only takes out his gun once a year for target practice... Nope, they got to pander to the gun nut, the guy who arms himself like the Zombies are a-comin', and probably wouldn't pass a test that involved measuring their mental health.

So, IOW, you're just making it up because of your antipathy toward gun owners. You don't like them, so of course they're stupid and nutty about guns and aren't really human.

That's pretty lame thinking right there.
Gun nut =/= gun industry. I thought you knew that. I see no support in what you said.

Except the gun nuts are the primacy customers of the gun industry. They'd go broke catering to the gun owner who only takes out his gun once a year for target practice... Nope, they got to pander to the gun nut, the guy who arms himself like the Zombies are a-comin', and probably wouldn't pass a test that involved measuring their mental health.

And who's going to "measure" their mental health, you?

So, IOW, you're just making it up because of your antipathy toward gun owners. You don't like them, so of course they're stupid and nutty about guns and aren't really human.

well, no, i don't like them because they'd rather compensate for their tiny dicks than do something about 33,000 gun deaths a year. But, yeah, if you talk to the gun owners, and their wank fantasies about all the people they want to shoot, and you can see how nutty they are.
And who's going to "measure" their mental health, you?

How about, trained psychiatrists?

YOu see, funny thing. Every last time we have a mass shooting, we find out two things about the shooter.

1) Everyone in their life knew they were nuts.
2) They were still able to get a gun without any problems.

You know, when the guy likes to dress up as the Joker (like at least two mass shooters have done) you might want to think twice about giving them guns.
So, IOW, you're just making it up because of your antipathy toward gun owners. You don't like them, so of course they're stupid and nutty about guns and aren't really human.

well, no, i don't like them because they'd rather compensate for their tiny dicks than do something about 33,000 gun deaths a year. But, yeah, if you talk to the gun owners, and their wank fantasies about all the people they want to shoot, and you can see how nutty they are.

The vast majority of gun owners will never shoot a human being in their lives. The vast majority of guns will never be used to harm a human being.

That's reality, your phallic fantasies aside.
The vast majority of gun owners will never shoot a human being in their lives. The vast majority of guns will never be used to harm a human being.

Wasn't talking about the majority of gun owners,w ho bought one gun once, put it in the back of their closets and forgot about it.

I am talking about the "super owners", that 3% of the population that owns 50% of the guns, and have wank fantasies about shooting the darkies. they are a tragedy looking for a place to happen.
Just a reminder: at heart here is, can the government force to to make products or serve events which violate your moral conscience just because "discrimination laws".

Again. I believe are new Supreme Court is going to say, no, they cannot. That going into private business does not make you an indentured servant to gov't bureaucrats. And that is the right call, btw.
Just a reminder: at heart here is, can the government force to to make products or serve events which violate your moral conscience just because "discrimination laws".

Again. I believe are new Supreme Court is going to say, no, they cannot. That going into private business does not make you an indentured servant to gov't bureaucrats. And that is the right call, btw.

I don't think the Supreme Court is going to say, "YOu can ignore laws you don't like because a Magic Sky Fairy said so."

that's a recipe for chaos. How do you tell a sincerely religious homophobe or racist from a plain old secular homophobe or racist?

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