If selling a gay couple a wedding cake means a "Christian" baker participated in the marriage...

^^ If you can't win the argument, change the conversation? :popcorn:
Where in the US Constitution does it say or even imply that "just some deviant sex addictions but not all of them" get "the same rights and priveleges" as men and women to marry each other?

Where? And don't cite race case law because race is innate and sex addictions are acquired behaviors..of which there could never be a comprehensive list of. You can't favor some and exclude others according, ironically, to the same Amendment Obergefell cited to justify its rationale. '
Oh what fun it will be when that is pointed out...

Damn you are stupid. YOU just advocated for allowing religious people to have rights that non religious people wouldn't have under your reading of the law.

I mean damn, I'm embarrassed for you.
Non religious people can object based on deeply held convictions too. For example, I have deep convictions that a contract that banishes potential children in marriage (remember, Obergefell cited children as intrinsic to marriage in their rationale) from either a mother or father for life, is wrong and quite frankly provable child abuse under contract. So I, agnostic (or even atheist) would still have a right to object to a ritual that celebrates child abuse; or the potential for child abuse. << That BTW is the rationale cited even by gays for not allowing polygamists to marry (??) for example.. I find it ironic and amusing that one deviant sex addiction has heated objections to another...

Once I'd been informed that "this cake is for a ritual to celebrate a "marriage" where any children potentially involved would be barred via binding contract for life from either a mother or father under their roof", I'd have a right to reject any participation in that ritual. Informing will be part of the language of the new Ruling.

No child has a right to
siblings, or to having two parents of opposite sex, except in your fevered brain.
It's so hard to be bazillionaire Lebron James in America!

This is ignorance. Even Lebron has experienced racism.

LeBron James: Racism is hidden but alive

Lots of people have experienced racism...James isn't special. In fact he's just a clueless loudmouth with a hilariously sad beard

EVERYONE has experienced some form of bigotry in their lives. Healthy people shrug it off; what other people think and do does not affect their self-esteem. People who obsess about it are just whiney bee-yatches.

And before the loons go into hysterics, I'm talking about opinions and thoughts, not the real oppression of things like slavery. Lebron is one of the most fortunate humans who have every lived. I'm not going to feel sorry for him. He's a grown man with a great deal of self-determination and the means to support it.
I didnt say bigotry dummy. I said racism.

Racism is a type of bigotry.

Please learn a proper vocabulary and stop the apostrophe abuse.
No dummy. Prejudice is a type of bigotry not racism. You can prefer Blacks to whites but that doesnt mean you think they are superior.
The tranny suing him is a disgraceful asshole. It’s beyond petty.

It's beyond vindictive...and a good example of how to the Totalitarians, Tolerance (leaving someone alone to do his thing) is not enough. You will Accept and Participate in whatever the Biggest Identity Victim wants you too...or you will be destroyed.

Hopping on the victim train is all the rage these days. Hells bells, look at the some of the “woe is me” threads started here.

It’s so hard being black in America!
It’s so hard being white in America!


It's so hard to be bazillionaire Lebron James in America!

This is ignorance. Even Lebron has experienced racism.

LeBron James: Racism is hidden but alive

Lots of people have experienced racism...James isn't special. In fact he's just a clueless loudmouth with a hilariously sad beard
No one said he was special. I just pointed out that you must be an idiot to say Lebron hasnt experienced racism.
^^ If you can't win the argument, change the conversation? :popcorn:
Where in the US Constitution does it say or even imply that "just some deviant sex addictions but not all of them" get "the same rights and priveleges" as men and women to marry each other?

Where? And don't cite race case law because race is innate and sex addictions are acquired behaviors..of which there could never be a comprehensive list of. You can't favor some and exclude others according, ironically, to the same Amendment Obergefell cited to justify its rationale. '
Oh what fun it will be when that is pointed out...

Damn you are stupid. YOU just advocated for allowing religious people to have rights that non religious people wouldn't have under your reading of the law.

I mean damn, I'm embarrassed for you.
Non religious people can object based on deeply held convictions too. For example, I have deep convictions that a contract that banishes potential children in marriage (remember, Obergefell cited children as intrinsic to marriage in their rationale) from either a mother or father for life, is wrong and quite frankly provable child abuse under contract. So I, agnostic (or even atheist) would still have a right to object to a ritual that celebrates child abuse; or the potential for child abuse. << That BTW is the rationale cited even by gays for not allowing polygamists to marry (??) for example.. I find it ironic and amusing that one deviant sex addiction has heated objections to another...

Once I'd been informed that "this cake is for a ritual to celebrate a "marriage" where any children potentially involved would be barred via binding contract for life from either a mother or father under their roof", I'd have a right to reject any participation in that ritual. Informing will be part of the language of the new Ruling.

It’s okay when *you’re* not served, but don’t you dare refuse me. I am special and shit!

Since you are so concerned about child having a father under their roof? Where’s the father under yours? Not having a father under *your* roof is child abuse, but not when it’s mine. More double standards from a fool.
Mdk, long ago I learned with you that when you begin to lean heavily on ad hominem, your argument is slipping precariously. Thanks for the litmus reading. When you are ready to talk to my points, let me know.
This is ignorance. Even Lebron has experienced racism.

LeBron James: Racism is hidden but alive

Lots of people have experienced racism...James isn't special. In fact he's just a clueless loudmouth with a hilariously sad beard

EVERYONE has experienced some form of bigotry in their lives. Healthy people shrug it off; what other people think and do does not affect their self-esteem. People who obsess about it are just whiney bee-yatches.

And before the loons go into hysterics, I'm talking about opinions and thoughts, not the real oppression of things like slavery. Lebron is one of the most fortunate humans who have every lived. I'm not going to feel sorry for him. He's a grown man with a great deal of self-determination and the means to support it.
I didnt say bigotry dummy. I said racism.

Racism is a type of bigotry.

Please learn a proper vocabulary and stop the apostrophe abuse.
No dummy. Prejudice is a type of bigotry not racism. You can prefer Blacks to whites but that doesnt mean you think they are superior.

You are thoroughly ignorant.
It's beyond vindictive...and a good example of how to the Totalitarians, Tolerance (leaving someone alone to do his thing) is not enough. You will Accept and Participate in whatever the Biggest Identity Victim wants you too...or you will be destroyed.

Hopping on the victim train is all the rage these days. Hells bells, look at the some of the “woe is me” threads started here.

It’s so hard being black in America!
It’s so hard being white in America!


It's so hard to be bazillionaire Lebron James in America!

This is ignorance. Even Lebron has experienced racism.

LeBron James: Racism is hidden but alive

Lots of people have experienced racism...James isn't special. In fact he's just a clueless loudmouth with a hilariously sad beard
No one said he was special. I just pointed out that you must be an idiot to say Lebron hasnt experienced racism.

I didn't say he hadn't experienced racism. I pointed out that despite it, he is an incredibly fortunate human being. It's sad to see him speak like a pussified wimp.
^^ If you can't win the argument, change the conversation? :popcorn:
Where in the US Constitution does it say or even imply that "just some deviant sex addictions but not all of them" get "the same rights and priveleges" as men and women to marry each other?

Where? And don't cite race case law because race is innate and sex addictions are acquired behaviors..of which there could never be a comprehensive list of. You can't favor some and exclude others according, ironically, to the same Amendment Obergefell cited to justify its rationale. '
Oh what fun it will be when that is pointed out...

Damn you are stupid. YOU just advocated for allowing religious people to have rights that non religious people wouldn't have under your reading of the law.

I mean damn, I'm embarrassed for you.
Non religious people can object based on deeply held convictions too. For example, I have deep convictions that a contract that banishes potential children in marriage (remember, Obergefell cited children as intrinsic to marriage in their rationale) from either a mother or father for life, is wrong and quite frankly provable child abuse under contract. So I, agnostic (or even atheist) would still have a right to object to a ritual that celebrates child abuse; or the potential for child abuse. << That BTW is the rationale cited even by gays for not allowing polygamists to marry (??) for example.. I find it ironic and amusing that one deviant sex addiction has heated objections to another...

Once I'd been informed that "this cake is for a ritual to celebrate a "marriage" where any children potentially involved would be barred via binding contract for life from either a mother or father under their roof", I'd have a right to reject any participation in that ritual. Informing will be part of the language of the new Ruling.

It’s okay when *you’re* not served, but don’t you dare refuse me. I am special and shit!

Since you are so concerned about child having a father under their roof? Where’s the father under yours? Not having a father under *your* roof is child abuse, but not when it’s mine. More double standards from a fool.
Mdk, long ago I learned with you that when you begin to lean heavily on ad hominem, your argument is slipping precariously. Thanks for the litmus reading. When you are ready to talk to my points, let me know.

Doesn’t it just stink having to live by the same standards you set for others. The grand part in your silly rant about child abuse and how children are a party to the marriage of their parents is that no one is bound by these definitions you’ve pulled out of your arse. Not me, not the courts, not anyone.
^^ If you can't win the argument, change the conversation? :popcorn:
Where in the US Constitution does it say or even imply that "just some deviant sex addictions but not all of them" get "the same rights and priveleges" as men and women to marry each other?

Where? And don't cite race case law because race is innate and sex addictions are acquired behaviors..of which there could never be a comprehensive list of. You can't favor some and exclude others according, ironically, to the same Amendment Obergefell cited to justify its rationale. '
Oh what fun it will be when that is pointed out...

Damn you are stupid. YOU just advocated for allowing religious people to have rights that non religious people wouldn't have under your reading of the law.

I mean damn, I'm embarrassed for you.
Non religious people can object based on deeply held convictions too. For example, I have deep convictions that a contract that banishes potential children in marriage (remember, Obergefell cited children as intrinsic to marriage in their rationale) from either a mother or father for life, is wrong and quite frankly provable child abuse under contract. So I, agnostic (or even atheist) would still have a right to object to a ritual that celebrates child abuse; or the potential for child abuse. << That BTW is the rationale cited even by gays for not allowing polygamists to marry (??) for example.. I find it ironic and amusing that one deviant sex addiction has heated objections to another...

Once I'd been informed that "this cake is for a ritual to celebrate a "marriage" where any children potentially involved would be barred via binding contract for life from either a mother or father under their roof", I'd have a right to reject any participation in that ritual. Informing will be part of the language of the new Ruling.

No child has a right to
siblings, or to having two parents of opposite sex, except in your fevered brain.

Odds are the child will end up better though.

Normal is good for children
It's beyond vindictive...and a good example of how to the Totalitarians, Tolerance (leaving someone alone to do his thing) is not enough. You will Accept and Participate in whatever the Biggest Identity Victim wants you too...or you will be destroyed.

Hopping on the victim train is all the rage these days. Hells bells, look at the some of the “woe is me” threads started here.

It’s so hard being black in America!
It’s so hard being white in America!


It's so hard to be bazillionaire Lebron James in America!

This is ignorance. Even Lebron has experienced racism.

LeBron James: Racism is hidden but alive

Lots of people have experienced racism...James isn't special. In fact he's just a clueless loudmouth with a hilariously sad beard
No one said he was special. I just pointed out that you must be an idiot to say Lebron hasnt experienced racism.

Cept I never said he hasn't experienced it....dumbass
You are disingenuously twisting the meaning of public accommodation. The phrase pertains to services needed in the moment (food, lodging)...not future products that can be easily acquired elsewhere.

actually, the law makes no such distinction... and hasn't for some time.

Would you agree that I can't deny someone a service just because I don't like them? If I were a racist or homophobe just because I just don't like group X.

So why does it suddenly become okay if you say a few magic words from a book?
Hopping on the victim train is all the rage these days. Hells bells, look at the some of the “woe is me” threads started here.

It’s so hard being black in America!
It’s so hard being white in America!


It's so hard to be bazillionaire Lebron James in America!

This is ignorance. Even Lebron has experienced racism.

LeBron James: Racism is hidden but alive

Lots of people have experienced racism...James isn't special. In fact he's just a clueless loudmouth with a hilariously sad beard
No one said he was special. I just pointed out that you must be an idiot to say Lebron hasnt experienced racism.

Cept I never said he hasn't experienced it....dumbass
Not you specifically. Any idiot dumbass..
Correct. It’s not the person rejected by the moral baker. It’s the ceremony or ritual.

Please point out were cakes are mentioned as part of the marriage ritual in the bible. (Hint. It's nowhere in the bible. It's actually a Roman tradition, and they used to serve cakes shaped like sex organs to assure fertility.)

So if your Baker was TRULY RIGHT WITH JESUS, he wouldn't engage in this pagan ritual at all.
You are disingenuously twisting the meaning of public accommodation. The phrase pertains to services needed in the moment (food, lodging)...not future products that can be easily acquired elsewhere.

actually, the law makes no such distinction... and hasn't for some time.

Would you agree that I can't deny someone a service just because I don't like them? If I were a racist or homophobe just because I just don't like group X.

So why does it suddenly become okay if you say a few magic words from a book?

Translation: Progs and their henchthug lawyers and judges have bastardized the original meaning of "public accommodation" in order to turn normal people into criminals.
Both sides are doing that. Fucking stupid authoritarians.

"It's okay if people throw Trump supporters out heehee that's funny, but the government should FORCE Christians to serve gays"

I don't get it.

I'm sure you don't.

No one chooses to be gay. Or black.

People have to make an active effort to be a Trump supporter. It's actually a sustained act of stupidity.
Sil’s argument about ending gay marriage in no way address her concern for children. Magically ending gay marriage doesn’t mean their children suddenly have a mother or a father in their house. What she reallly wants is it to be illegal for gays to raise and have children. That’s her real end game in all this, but she doesn’t have the stones to come and say it.
Translation: Progs and their henchthug lawyers and judges have bastardized the original meaning of "public accommodation" in order to turn normal people into criminals.

No more than they did when they mandated seat belt laws.

Tell you what, Seat Belt laws tick me off. I usually fasten mine, but man, some cop pulling me over because I forgot... that's an imposition..

But it's also the law.
Translation: Progs and their henchthug lawyers and judges have bastardized the original meaning of "public accommodation" in order to turn normal people into criminals.

No more than they did when they mandated seat belt laws.

Tell you what, Seat Belt laws tick me off. I usually fasten mine, but man, some cop pulling me over because I forgot... that's an imposition..

But it's also the law.

Jeebus, you are dull. There is a vast difference between one's personal safety and forcing someone to perform labor for another against his will.
Translation: Progs and their henchthug lawyers and judges have bastardized the original meaning of "public accommodation" in order to turn normal people into criminals.

No more than they did when they mandated seat belt laws.

Tell you what, Seat Belt laws tick me off. I usually fasten mine, but man, some cop pulling me over because I forgot... that's an imposition..

But it's also the law.
Seat belt and helmet laws just like insurance law is ridiculous
Translation: Progs and their henchthug lawyers and judges have bastardized the original meaning of "public accommodation" in order to turn normal people into criminals.

No more than they did when they mandated seat belt laws.

Tell you what, Seat Belt laws tick me off. I usually fasten mine, but man, some cop pulling me over because I forgot... that's an imposition..

But it's also the law.
Seat belt and helmet laws just like insurance law is ridiculous

Agreed. When I was first learning to drive, my parents' insurance company gave them a discount for me pledging to wear a seat belt. The market was already taking care of this issue before the government mandated seat belts.
Please point out were cakes are mentioned as part of the marriage ritual in the bible. (Hint. It's nowhere in the bible. It's actually a Roman tradition, and they used to serve cakes shaped like sex organs to assure fertility.)

So if your Baker was TRULY RIGHT WITH JESUS, he wouldn't engage in this pagan ritual at all.
Serving cake at parties and events hardly makes that event a "pagan ritual". The Romans served many things including wine, beer, bread, sea food, olive oil, etc. and none of those things a pagan ritual makes.

And that you think you know what Jesus would approve or disapprove of is hilarious.

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