If Snowflakes Hate Lying politicians So Much, Why Did They Tolerate Obama & Why Tolerate Warren?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Politicians Lie. They have since the very beginning. Its part of who they are at the very core.

Barry was no exception - a true professional cut from the same cloth as Bill Clinton, who looked into the camera / faces of EVERYONE world-wide and declared, 'I did not have sex with that woman!' Before walking into the WH Barry declared he would have the 'smoothest transition evuh' - It was anything BUT smooth as it seemed Barry couldn't find a Democrat who had paid their taxes that could join his team. Later he declared he would have 'the most transparent administration evuh' - Obama went on to set a new Presidential record for the most criminal non-compliance with the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act.

Snowflakes, however, seemed not to even notice their lies. They are extremely hyper-sensitive and seemingly allergic to lies told by President Trump. They suddenly want to get rid of lying politicians....at least any with an (R-) in front of their name.

While snowflakes rant and rave about the lies President Trump tells they remain expectedly silent of 2020 Dem Hopeful Elizabeth Warren, ignoring her continuous stream of lies...and she hasn't even won her party's nomination yet. She has lied about being native American. She lied about her college position / tenure. She lied about her father. She has lied about sending her kids to a 'public school'.

If snowflakes hate lying politicians so much, here is there chance to prove it. Instead of rewarding Warren with 1 more day of support, 1 more dollar to spend on her campaign, tell the lying bit@h America has had enough of lying politicians and send her ass packing. Demand she drop out of the race......or continue to say nothing, snowflakes. Continue to support and defend her, proving yourselves to be hypocrites.

Elizabeth Warren confronted for claiming her kids went to public school


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