If Someone Dies WITH Covid 19, We Are Counting That as a Covid 19 Death

Of course...….morticians are busy enough with normal autopsies, and don't have time for sorting out the details of anyone with covid. Much easier to just stamp em assembly line fashion.
And if anyone dies with Corvid-19 symptoms, but was never tested for the virus, they are not counted as Corvid victims.
And if anyone dies with Corvid-19 symptoms, but was never tested for the virus, they are not counted as Corvid victims.
How is that statement relevant? Are you in agreement with declaring ANY death as covid 19 as long as they just have the virus? Is that honest in your eyes?
Openly admitting how dishonest they are with these deaths

Yes , it will not matter what they die of/ from if they are tested for the CV even though the virus had NOTHING to do with the said death they are going to say the cause of death was the CV whiich gives them power to up or down the death stats based off pure bs from sites they know the general pubic rely on for " trust" and that is ur cdc-fda-etc all those sites that if tld most ppl would eat crap if told to via one of these entities.

Someday some may finally figure it out
Someday some may finally figure it out
I hope so, pretty soon. This government ignorance is destroying millions of lives

Yes and again juust look at these four little headlines..


The bottom left what an excellent way to " help break up the family" even more so this ripples into multiple , multiple other areas of ppl's lives.........

After the virus call this is going to get much worse ppl won't believe it until they are living it. Evenn thenn some won't understand all these " FAKE NUMBERS" ... Invisible 911.
China was eating u alive for all those decades.

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