if Soros was envolve with the Russia hoax his citizenship should be revoked !

thats right he has duel citizenship status and if it is proven he colluded and funded entities to aid in a false narrative to unseat a president he should lose his citizenship and be charged with treasonGeorge Soros-backed group gave millions of dollars to firms tied to Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele
and all groups funded by him should be blocked from receiving any more funds from the communist pig !
The day after Rudy Giuliani mentioned Soros on Fox, the FBI started an investigation on him and the following week they arrested his 2 contacts . This is no coincidence.

Two associates of Rudy Giuliani arrested for campaign finance violations

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His citizenship should be revoked anyway. American citizenship is for Americans, not for anti-Americans.
The day after Rudy Giuliani mentioned Soros on Fox, the FBI started an investigation on him and the following week they arrested his 2 contacts . This is no coincidence.

Two associates of Rudy Giuliani arrested for campaign finance violations
Oh, no! Now Rudy is a victim of the corrupt FBI, CIA, NSA, SDNY too? Maybe Putin will send a lawyer to save him from this unjust slander that he is running a shadow government...outside the government.
He has. DiGenova and Toensing
The day after Rudy Giuliani mentioned Soros on Fox, the FBI started an investigation on him and the following week they arrested his 2 contacts . This is no coincidence.

Two associates of Rudy Giuliani arrested for campaign finance violations
Oh, no! Now Rudy is a victim of the corrupt FBI, CIA, NSA, SDNY too? Maybe Putin will send a lawyer to save him from this unjust slander that he is running a shadow government...outside the government.
He has. DiGenova and Toensing
Perfect choice. The DeGenovas are as flim flam as Rudy. Slick as snot on a doorknob.
I don't get all the Russia stuff. To me it's alot of nothing. We adopted from Russia 20 some years ago. The only guff we got was from neighbors questioning why we didn't adopt American. Talk about a wacko mentality. The guy is lucky I let him walk away after he asked that.
I don't get all the Russia stuff. To me it's alot of nothing. We adopted from Russia 20 some years ago. The only guff we got was from neighbors questioning why we didn't adopt American. Talk about a wacko mentality. The guy is lucky I let him walk away after he asked that.
Apparently your translator program is not working very well Vlad.
I don't get all the Russia stuff. To me it's alot of nothing. We adopted from Russia 20 some years ago. The only guff we got was from neighbors questioning why we didn't adopt American. Talk about a wacko mentality. The guy is lucky I let him walk away after he asked that.
Apparently your translator program is not working very well Vlad.
The Soviets are coming ! Run to the hills.
Among others, William Barr and John Durham want to know. Mifsud played a role in creating the Russia/Trump collusion hoax that agitated our political life for years. But what role, and at whose behest?

The answer to that is the reason — or a large part of it — Attorney General William Barr journeyed to Italy, apparently twice according to an article in The Guardian that — detailed as it is — curiously downplays the basic motivation behind the visits, finding out what side the mysterious Mifsud was actually on.

We’re supposed to believe he was a Russian agent who, in 2016, told a then very minor Trump aide named George Papadopoulos that the Kremlin was in possession of thousands of emails revealing “dirt” about Hillary Clinton that could help Trump’s campaign.

Indeed, James Comey told us Mifsud was a “Russian agent” and Robert Mueller assured us in his report that Mifsud had “connections to Russia.” But this is the same Mueller who avowed under oath he had never heard of the constantly discussed (for over two years ad infinitum on cable news) Fusion GPS, the same Mueller who informed us that Russians were working to get Trump elected when the Russians were the ones who were the putative source for the Steele dossier that did nothing but smear Trump. Try to reconcile that one.

Where Is Joseph Mifsud?

thats right he has duel citizenship status and if it is proven he colluded and funded entities to aid in a false narrative to unseat a president he should lose his citizenship and be charged with treasonGeorge Soros-backed group gave millions of dollars to firms tied to Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele
if Soros was envolve with the Russia hoax his citizenship should be revoked !

I think you're a Russian hoax.
Apparently the moderator thinks he's Russian since he moved this thread to the Alex Mindwars board.
thats right he has duel citizenship status and if it is proven he colluded and funded entities to aid in a false narrative to unseat a president he should lose his citizenship and be charged with treasonGeorge Soros-backed group gave millions of dollars to firms tied to Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele
That would be awesome.
Soros has been trying to destroy our country ever since we defeated his Nazi buddies in Germany in the 1940s.
Soros is attracted to the DemocraticParty's evilness.
I don't get all the Russia stuff. To me it's alot of nothing. We adopted from Russia 20 some years ago. The only guff we got was from neighbors questioning why we didn't adopt American. Talk about a wacko mentality. The guy is lucky I let him walk away after he asked that.
Apparently your translator program is not working very well Vlad.
The Soviets are coming ! Run to the hills.
Angelo got the "good" translator ap
I don't get all the Russia stuff. To me it's alot of nothing. We adopted from Russia 20 some years ago. The only guff we got was from neighbors questioning why we didn't adopt American. Talk about a wacko mentality. The guy is lucky I let him walk away after he asked that.
Apparently your translator program is not working very well Vlad.
The Soviets are coming ! Run to the hills.
Angelo got the "good" translator ap
Da tovarishch Eto rabotayet ochen' khorosho dlya menya.:26:

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