If T does win ..what 4-5 things do you want

1) Completely defund every sanctuary city
thus, destroying our economy.

Immigrants play a wide role in the U.S. economy. The Americans benefit from the taxes they pay as well as from the money they expend on various goods and services. Thus, the removal of undocumented workers would amount to a major loss in the U.S. economic system.

Listening to ONLY RW news has stunted your growth.
Sure, it's fun to pound your chest and act like you are a huge member to your community, but in fact you are NOT. Your little "franchise business' you own could disappear tomorrow, and Vegas would not miss you at all.

Whereas, take away the 'undocumented worker', that pays taxes, (more than trump), and works hard, then try to understand what would happen.

Your Patriotic attempt is nice and all, but you clearly don't understand the 'system' that is working so well for you.
1) Completely defund every sanctuary city
thus, destroying our economy.

Immigrants play a wide role in the U.S. economy. The Americans benefit from the taxes they pay as well as from the money they expend on various goods and services. Thus, the removal of undocumented workers would amount to a major loss in the U.S. economic system.

Listening to ONLY RW news has stunted your growth.
Sure, it's fun to pound your chest and act like you are a huge member to your community, but in fact you are NOT. Your little "franchise business' you own could disappear tomorrow, and Vegas would not miss you at all.

Whereas, take away the 'undocumented worker', that pays taxes, (more than trump), and works hard, then try to understand what would happen.

Your Patriotic attempt is nice and all, but you clearly don't understand the 'system' that is working so well for you.
Illegal immigration provides opportunities for terrorism and crime. Due to the over-protection of the illegal immigrants, the criminals may wander here and there in search of victims.

This is a downpoint.
See, I can see both sides?
Illegal immigrants take jobs and benefits away from American citizens. And they over burden healthcare and Medicaid.
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1) Completely defund every sanctuary city
2) arrests all leaders of Antifa and BLM
3) Finish the wall
4) Massive anti trust indictments against the tech giants
5) indict and subpoena everyone involved in the fake Russian hoax ( I get it that Obama and Hillary are untouchable)
Not sure you get the ins and outs of democracy. If being in power allows an administration to arrest and indict political rivals, then we don’t have a free society any more. I’m not telling you what to believe but don’t wrap yourself in the flag and constitution and then ignore them because it feels good.
Illegal immigrants take jobs away and benefits away from American citizens. And the over burden healthcare and Medicaid.

Particially true.
I'm not going to deny this.

But really try to answer mine.

1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work

Take these hard working people away, and which lazy fuck white fake American would take that job. NONE.
And Adam Schiff !!
Also others
They should be arrested for treason and SS molar

Grow up dude, the adults are trying to hold your thread together.
Your Flag Waving BS isn't enough.
Bring something to the table. Like some actual FACTS.

But really try to answer mine.

1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work
Illegal immigrants take jobs away and benefits away from American citizens. And the over burden healthcare and Medicaid.

Particially true.
I'm not going to deny this.

But really try to answer mine.

1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work

Take these hard working people away, and which lazy fuck white fake American would take that job. NONE.
So you just want to exploit them. Figures.
1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work

Why can't legal immigrants work in these positions if this is what they want to do?
Illegal immigrants take jobs away and benefits away from American citizens. And the over burden healthcare and Medicaid.

Particially true.
I'm not going to deny this.

But really try to answer mine.

1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work

Take these hard working people away, and which lazy fuck white fake American would take that job. NONE.

You may be overestimating some things there as far as where Gin stays and lives.
And Adam Schiff !!
Also others
They should be arrested for treason and SS molar

Grow up dude, the adults are trying to hold your thread together.
Your Flag Waving BS isn't enough.
Bring something to the table. Like some actual FACTS.

But really try to answer mine.

1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work
Welfare recipents and prisoners...........Time to kick them off the free ride government train.
And Adam Schiff !!
Also others
They should be arrested for treason and SS molar

Grow up dude, the adults are trying to hold your thread together.
Your Flag Waving BS isn't enough.
Bring something to the table. Like some actual FACTS.

But really try to answer mine.

1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work
Listen peon, the entire senior staff of Obama all testified before congress that their was zero Russian collision but they continued to run with it .

They even have text messages from FBI staff and agents talking about how to frame trump and mentioning Obama
The evidence is 100 percent
Illegal immigrants take jobs away and benefits away from American citizens. And the over burden healthcare and Medicaid.

Particially true.
I'm not going to deny this.

But really try to answer mine.

1) Who will milk the farmers cows, at the price they work for
2) Who would clean all the fine Hotels that you stay at, at the price they work for
3) Who would provide all that wonderful yardwork, at the price they work for
4) Who would do all the grunt work on construction sites, at the price they work for
5) Who would work hard in the fields, to bring fruits, vegetables, and nuts to our table, at the price they work

Take these hard working people away, and which lazy fuck white fake American would take that job. NONE.
You should watch them trim weed at $60.00 per lb. and so damn fast it's amazing.

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