If tariffs are bad, how did the USA became an industrialized country?

: how the tariffs in the US helped develop the local industry.
too 100% stupid. When idiotic liberals force consumers to buy the more expensive domestic product they buy less so railroads and autos etc. develop slower, not faster. Do you get it now? Ultra slow??
In theory abolishing tariffs is good for the economy. Nevertheless, the US became an industrialized country in spite ( or maybe because of) tariffs. During the first half of the XIX century Great Britain was the most industrialized country.

"Tariffs were the main source of all Federal revenue from 1790 to 1914. At the end of the American Civil War in 1865 about 63% of Federal income was generated by the excise taxes, which exceeded the 25.4% generated by tariffs. In 1915 during World War I tariffs generated only 30.1% of revenues. Since 1935 tariff income has continued to be a declining percentage of Federal tax income."
"The lack of imported goods relatively quickly gave very strong incentives to start building several U.S. industries in the Northeast. Textiles and machinery especially grew."

It is notable that the average tariff was particularly high during the gilded age, one of the periods during which the US experienced one of fastest growing rates. During that period the average tariff was 32%.

Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Interesting but the flip side of that is that high tariff's lead to higher prices for consumers.

For example- typical shirt or pants runs about 20-30% duty- which means if you are paying 30 dollars for a shirt, then about $9.00 of that is duty.

High duty rates hurt the poorest American consumers the most.

Do high duty rates lead to higher employment though? That part is not known for certain.
: how the tariffs in the US helped develop the local industry.
too 100% stupid. When idiotic liberals force consumers to buy the more expensive domestic product they buy less so railroads and autos etc. develop slower, not faster. Do you get it now? Ultra slow??

That means you are calling "idiotic liberal" all of the presidents and congressmen that held office from Washington up until Franklin D. Roosvelt.
Nice try Ed.
That means you are calling "idiotic liberal" all of the presidents and congressmen that held office from Washington up until Franklin D. Roosvelt.
Nice try Ed.

sadly, its true that economists did not understand the concept of trade until Hawley Smoot united them by causing the Great Depression. Its 100 years later and you still lack the IQ to understand it. See why we have to be 100% that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
In theory abolishing tariffs is good for the economy. Nevertheless, the US became an industrialized country in spite ( or maybe because of) tariffs. During the first half of the XIX century Great Britain was the most industrialized country.

"Tariffs were the main source of all Federal revenue from 1790 to 1914. At the end of the American Civil War in 1865 about 63% of Federal income was generated by the excise taxes, which exceeded the 25.4% generated by tariffs. In 1915 during World War I tariffs generated only 30.1% of revenues. Since 1935 tariff income has continued to be a declining percentage of Federal tax income."
"The lack of imported goods relatively quickly gave very strong incentives to start building several U.S. industries in the Northeast. Textiles and machinery especially grew."

It is notable that the average tariff was particularly high during the gilded age, one of the periods during which the US experienced one of fastest growing rates. During that period the average tariff was 32%.

Tariffs in United States history - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Interesting but the flip side of that is that high tariff's lead to higher prices for consumers.

For example- typical shirt or pants runs about 20-30% duty- which means if you are paying 30 dollars for a shirt, then about $9.00 of that is duty.

High duty rates hurt the poorest American consumers the most.

Do high duty rates lead to higher employment though? That part is not known for certain.

I think the key is not consumer prices but Wealth. A nation which industrializes is wealthier because it has more capital goods ( warehouses, machinery ) and capacity to exploit land.
Whereas a country who has downsized its industrial base has effectively diminished both its wealth and its capacity to produce wealth.

Arguably the US has shifted its source of wealth from the industrial sector to the service sector, but this has only generated economic stagnation. The real per capita growth ( discounting inflation) has been at most of 1% per year during the last 30 years.

"Total of all assets of an economic unit that generate currentincome or have the potential to generate future income."
What is wealth definition and meaning
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Do high duty rates lead to higher employment though? That part is not known for certain.

high duty means domestic industry is protected from competition so becomes second class and makes country second class.

Do you undersdtand?
Was the US a second class country in 1910 Ed ?

too stupid the US was biggest developed country in 1910 with a huge economy that was copied a great deal from trade with Europe. Any more dumb questions?
It is notable that the average tariff was particularly high during the gilded age, one of the periods during which the US experienced one of fastest growing rates. During that period the average tariff was 32%.

fascinating isn't it that liberals are so 100% stupid. The robber barons robbed because capitalism leads to monopoly, not because liberals protected them-right??
A nation which industrializes is wealthier because it has more capital goods ( warehouses, machinery ) and capacity to exploit land.

too stupid by 1000%!! so I'll build warehouses to get wealthy?? Wealth comes when Republicans invent or supply things. We got from the stone age to here because Republicans supplied new things. We got here slower because liberals lack the IQ to understand supply side economics.
It is notable that the average tariff was particularly high during the gilded age, one of the periods during which the US experienced one of fastest growing rates. During that period the average tariff was 32%.

fascinating isn't it that liberals are so 100% stupid. The robber barons robbed because capitalism leads to monopoly, not because liberals protected them-right??
Well Ed, true enough , they were monopolistic barons, but, at least they did create jobs and didn't ask to be bailed out. Plus the average income for the average american had a real growth at that time.
Evenmore , the actual gdp growth was clearly higher than the one experienced during the last 3 decades.

At the end of the American Civil War in 1865 about 63% of Federal income was generated by the excise taxes, which exceeded the 25.4% generated by tariffs.

This should come as no surprise since tariffs were collected in the South and spent in the North. Secession resulted in a major loss of revenue for the Federal Government. The Civil War was more about economics than slavery.

As far as the Gilded Age is concerned it occurred in spite of tariffs not because of them and it was the direct result of free markets and sound money.
As far as the Gilded Age is concerned it occurred in spite of tariffs not because of them and it was the direct result of free markets and sound money.

By that I suppose you refer to the internal "free market".
So tariffs = industrialization
No tariffs = de-industrialization.
Did you look at the chart I posted ?
Other than tariffs what other factors played up to 1900 that made the US grow at a faster pace than it has done in the last 4 decades ?
Well Ed, true enough ,

true enough that liberals are 100% stupid for vilifying what they call robber baron capitalism when the reality is they supplied revolutionary new products, explosive GDP growth, millions of new jobs, and absorbed unlimited immigrant populations?

Why not make liberaism illegal again and have another huge Republican boom? Only this time with increasing middle class wages thanks to limited immigration and unlimited competition.
Other than tariffs what other factors played up to 1900 that made the US grow at a faster pace than it has done in the last 4 decades ?

There was no liberal nanny state entitlement attitude , no liberal socialist pukes buying votes with welfare, the best and brightest went to work rather than to be bleeding heart community organizers, people were steady because liberals had not destroyed their families, streets and schools were safe so people could calmly plan their futures. It was much like China is today.
Other than tariffs what other factors played up to 1900 that made the US grow at a faster pace than it has done in the last 4 decades ?

There was no liberal nanny state entitlement attitude , no liberal socialist pukes buying votes with welfare, the best and brightest went to work rather than to be bleeding heart community organizers, people were steady because liberals had not destroyed their families, streets and schools were safe so people could calmly plan their futures. It was much like China is today.
1) No liberal nanny state entitlement attitude : agreed.
2) No liberal socialist pukes buying votes buying votes with wellfare , ah , no wellfare, but :

"It was also an era in which political corruption seemed to be the norm; practices that today would be viewed as scandalous were accepted as a matter of routine. Businessmen wantonly bribed public officials at the local, state and national level, and political machines turned elections into exercises in fraud and manipulation"

Politics in the Gilded Age 1865-1900
3) The best and brightest went to work rather than to be bleeding heart community organizers. Kind of irrelevant I think , you can be a worker and still be a community organizer.
4) People were steady because liberals had not destroyed their families. WTF? Families are destroyed by individuals left or right. Silly of you trying to blame it on a group.
5) It was much like China is toay... not at all Baiamonte.
: how the tariffs in the US helped develop the local industry and generated a sizeable amount of revenue for the federal government.

Feel free to join the discussion .

Too 100% stupid and liberal. As a liberal you simply lack the IQ for the topic. A closed or protected economy of 1 person or 2 or 300 million or 7 billion will develop but obviously the larger the economy the faster it will develop.Why not think about that over and over until you understand the one thing on which virtually all economists agree.

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance!! No other conclusion is possible.
That's not what the book reviews said about your published opinion on the subject...

"It was also an era in which political corruption.

1) so maybe we need more of it if it gives us revolutionary inventions to incease our standard of living and higher wages

2) the only real corruption is when liberal govt limits capitalism with tariffs, taxes regulations and/or prevents individuals from choosing what to buy
4) People were steady because liberals had not destroyed their families. WTF? Families are destroyed by individuals left or right. Silly of you trying to blame it on a group.
no dear, liberal divorce laws, liberal feminism, liberal abortion, liberal atheism, and liberal opposition to love destroyed the American family. Conservatives are pro family. Haven't you heard??

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