If teachers were given the option to conceal carry, schools would be a lot safer.

Keep dreaming.
That guns are used to provide food is not a dream.

The gun enthusiasts don't think about all the things that can go wrong with having a gun around a classroom. All they care about is using ANY excuse to keep their guns.
We don't need an excuse. We're just going to keep our guns.

But---they shouldn't have to. Their job description does not include police work.
If you want to leave the kids defenseless, go ahead. But don't come to me looking for sympathy when there is another massacre.
The gun enthusiasts don't think about all the things that can go wrong with having a gun around a classroom. All they care about is using ANY excuse to keep their guns. Next they'll be saying the first graders should be taught gun safety, so they can conceal and carry.
You are so full of shit. Are you saying that a woman is incompetent to protect a child? Progressive women i would agree that they are incompetent.
The gun enthusiasts don't think about all the things that can go wrong with having a gun around a classroom. All they care about is using ANY excuse to keep their guns. Next they'll be saying the first graders should be taught gun safety, so they can conceal and carry.
Did you notice how you have to mis-represent our position so you can argue against it?
You have lost the debate ( by insulting me) so I'll put you on IGNORE. Have a nice day.
What a stupid remark. I asked this cretin a very important question "IS A WOMAN INCAPABLE OF PROTECTING A CHILD", and this creature couldnt answer. I wonder if she is black and nominated to the supreme court?

You are so full of shit. Are you saying that a woman is incompetent to protect a child? Progressive women i would agree that they are incompetent.

I am a conservative Christian public school teacher and a gun owner. I am not going to carry a gun into a public school classroom--MY classroom--for THIS public. Nope. No how, no way. I will jump in front of a bullet for my students and do whatever else is necessary. But that? no.

Too much to ask for far, far too little support, trust, and compensation. Nope.
But---they shouldn't have to. Their job description does not include police work.

Police work, combat training, toilet training kindergarteners. Social workers, psychologists, I mean you name it these days.

We cannot save this crumbling society and quite frankly we are dead tired of being asked to do so AND THEN BLAMED when any little thing goes wrong. And now we are being asked to take charge of things going wrong...with bullets.

Sure, right. Yeah.
I am a conservative Christian public school teacher and a gun owner. I am not going to carry a gun into a public school classroom--MY classroom--for THIS public. Nope. No how, no way. I will jump in front of a bullet for my students and do whatever else is necessary. But that? no.

Too much to ask for far, far too little support, trust, and compensation. Nope.
Too many innocent people are dying because they arent stepping up and being the adults in the room. I swore and oath to defend this country and constitution, i would willingly pull the trigger on a deranged 18 or 19 year old if it was going to protect children.
Too many innocent people are dying because they arent stepping up and being the adults in the room. I swore and oath to defend this country and constitution, i would willingly pull the trigger on a deranged 18 or 19 year old if it was going to protect children.

That's great, and I mean that. Some are called to be soldiers. Some are called to be teachers. They are very often not the same, nor should they be asked to fill the same role.

If veterans want to come into the schools armed up, I would be 100% in favor as long as proper checks were done. I'm serious.

But maybe everyone can calm down and think of your average kindergarten teacher. You think she went into the profession because her top thought was defending five year olds with guns?
That's great, and I mean that. Some are called to be soldiers. Some are called to be teachers. They are very often not the same, nor should they be asked to fill the same role.

If veterans want to come into the schools armed up, I would be 100% in favor as long as proper checks were done. I'm serious.

But maybe everyone can calm down and think of your average kindergarten teacher. You think she went into the profession because her top thought was defending five year olds with guns?
But, my daughter, isnt a soldier, but a teacher who took the time to learn the "Women's defense course", and "Concealed carry course", just so she wouldnt be defenseless incase a progressive lunatic goes on a shooting rampage. Are you saying she doesnt have the capability to defend the children even though she is trained to?

But, my daughter, isnt a soldier, but a teacher who took the time to learn the "Women's defense course", and "Concealed carry course", just so she wouldnt be defenseless incase a progressive lunatic goes on a shooting rampage. Are you saying she doesnt have the capability to defend the children even though she is trained to?

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Here's what I know about teachers and schools--our situations are vastly different, not only regionally but even within the same school. If she feels comfortable handling guns in her teaching situation she should be able to do that. I do not, and I know my situation well. And I should not be forced to do so.
Here's what I know about teachers and schools--our situations are vastly different, not only regionally but even within the same school. If she feels comfortable handling guns in her teaching situation she should be able to do that. I do not, and I know my situation well. And I should not be forced to do so.
No one said "forced". It should always be an option to be concealed, then that way innocent children arent butchered as we have seen when the police fail to act.

Police work, combat training, toilet training kindergarteners. Social workers, psychologists, I mean you name it these days.

We cannot save this crumbling society and quite frankly we are dead tired of being asked to do so AND THEN BLAMED when any little thing goes wrong. And now we are being asked to take charge of things going wrong...with bullets.

Sure, right. Yeah.
I agree 100%. No teacher should have to carry a gun in the classroom.
I'm afraid many teachers may retire early, and other young people may not go into the field at all. Teaching has became a dangerous job.
I am a conservative Christian public school teacher and a gun owner. I am not going to carry a gun into a public school classroom--MY classroom--for THIS public. Nope. No how, no way. I will jump in front of a bullet for my students and do whatever else is necessary. But that? no.
Too much to ask for far, far too little support, trust, and compensation. Nope.
So wait...
You're paid enough to be willing to die to protect your kids, but you aren't paid enough to be willing to shoot someone else to protect your kids?
How does that make any sense?
So wait...
You're paid enough to be willing to die to protect your kids, but you aren't paid enough to be willing to shoot someone else to protect your kids?
How does that make any sense?

I am not paid enough for the hell on earth outcome that would be wild gunfire, or being judged for shooting too quick, not shooting quick enough, etc. Many things are worse than dying. That would be one.
I am not paid enough for the hell on earth outcome that would be wild gunfire, or being judged for shooting too quick, not shooting quick enough, etc. Many things are worse than dying. That would be one.
Your ignornace, bigotry an irrational fear demonstrates that you have no business teaching children.
Your ignornace, bigotry an irrational fear demonstrates that you have no business teaching children.

So in other words, my refusal to carry in the classroom puts your gun rights at risk and you take that personally and lash out personally as a result.

Stuff this in your arsenal. I don't care.

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