If teachers were given the option to conceal carry, schools would be a lot safer.

It's interesting how people always equate "telling the truth" with conservatism.

That has already been done some 90 years ago.

We live in the 21st century now.

There is no conflict between the two.

It never fails that anyone who supports fascism or opposes civil liberties will always invoke some variation of "common sense".

There is still no conflict between the two.

Fascism has always been racist, nationalistic, authoritarian.. look at Hitler, Mussolini, Franco.. Hitler revoked the gun laws in Germany. He knew how to appeal to the populist mob.
You are your own first responder.
If you don't want that responsibility, that's fine, but then you place your life in the hands of others.

You think every 24 year old school teacher should be responsible for protecting our children so you can have your gun rights? Do you have any children?
You think every 24 year old school teacher should be responsible for protecting our children so you can have your gun rights? Do you have any children?
Like I said:
If -you- don't want that responsibility, that's fine, but then you place your life in the hands of others.
Don't presume to make that choice for me or anyone else.
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I wonder what it will take to get serious gun control laws on the books?
When will the gun enthusiasts start loving children more than their guns?
The 1st or 2nd Amendments do not protect the insanity we are seeing with these school shootings.
Insanity is a legal defense that mitigates responsibility, and should not be used in these cases. Anger and evil are more responsible than mental defect.
She's right. It's not fair to put this responsibility on teachers so you can have multiple guns and unlimited ammunition. It's a cop out by all you Kyle Rittenhouse wannabes.
The responsibility is being put on teachers because it will save the lives of their students. It has nothing to do with the fact that we will be keeping our guns and ammo.

You think every 24 year old school teacher should be responsible for protecting our children so you can have your gun rights? Do you have any children?
No. They should be responsible for protecting children so the children will be protected.

It has nothing to do with the fact that we have gun rights.
The responsibility is being put on teachers because it will save the lives of their students. It has nothing to do with the fact that we will be keeping our guns and ammo.

No. They should be responsible for protecting children so the children will be protected.

It has nothing to do with the fact that we have gun rights.

Do you have a daughter? Is she a teacher? Foisting this responsibility off on teachers is a cop out.
Do you have a daughter? Is she a teacher? Foisting this responsibility off on teachers is a cop out.
If you want to let kids keep on getting slaughtered, fine with me. Just don't start whining about it when the next massacre happens.
If you want to let kids keep on getting slaughtered, fine with me. Just don't start whining about it when the next massacre happens.

You see what you're doing? Abbott makes the same speech for the six mass shootings since he's been governor. The GOP blames mental health, teachers, cops, doors, the Democrats... And, now you lay a guilt trip on teachers. You want them to be responsible for our children's safety.
You see what you're doing? Abbott makes the same speech for the six mass shootings since he's been governor. The GOP blames mental health, teachers, cops, doors, the Democrats... And, now you lay a guilt trip on teachers. You want them to be responsible for our children's safety.
If you don't want to save the kids, fine with me. That's between you and the kids.

Just don't come whining if you later regret your choices. I will not be even a little bit sympathetic.
I wonder what it will take to get serious gun control laws on the books?
When will the gun enthusiasts start loving children more than their guns?
The 1st or 2nd Amendments do not protect the insanity we are seeing with these school shootings.
I have children and i have weapons that can be used to kill people, yet not one of my weapons has taken a life....yet. But when the economy goes to shit, and this country goes full on retarded anarchy, i think my weapons will be more valuable then along with my children who will take arms against those that has caused this great country to go down the shitter, and those that voted for those who made this country that way.....

Liberal Hunting.png
Do you have a daughter? Is she a teacher? Foisting this responsibility off on teachers is a cop out.
If -you- don't want that responsibility, that's fine, but then you place your life in the hands of others.
Don't presume to make that choice for me or anyone else.
You see what you're doing? Abbott makes the same speech for the six mass shootings since he's been governor. The GOP blames mental health, teachers, cops, doors, the Democrats... And, now you lay a guilt trip on teachers. You want them to be responsible for our children's safety.
We already are.
My daughter while going to college, also went to the "women's weapon self defense course" and "conceal carry class". She passed with flying colors got her permit to carry and is now a full fledge teacher. More teachers with this capability would be the front line defense incase of a deranged Progressive moron (radicalized to hate America) wanted to come into the school with the intent to "murder" innocent children and teachers. Have the school system pay for the security those schools so badly need.

Ladies Concealed Carry Course • Shooters World

Ladies’ only course meets the requirements necessary for students to obtain their Florida Concealed Carry License. This is an intermediate level course, that reviews license protocols, use of force laws, firearm safety, and marksmanship. The class concludes with a live-fire exercise where students will demonstrate safe shooting skills.
https://www.bing.com/search?q=womens conceal carry course&qs=n&form=QBRE&=%eManage Your Search History%E&sp=-1&pq=womens conceal carry course&sc=4-27&sk=&cvid=D864FEB5CC31437B9044FA71C987426C#

View attachment 649912 View attachment 649913
The idea that classrooms would be safer by having firearms introduced into them is madness to me.

The answer to this part of the problem is SROs. They didn't stop the guy at this one data point, but they do a lot of good.

You mean like the guy in Parkland, who ran away?

I think the most distressing aspect of all of this is that the anti-American left are focused on obtaining the one thing they will never get: an outright ban on guns.

In order to get that, the democrats need more votes than they will ever get. They know that. They know that what they're clamoring for is something which will never be achieved.

This is why, when it comes to matters of guns, gun safety and the 2nd Amendment, they should be ignored. They've got as likely a chance as catching a unicorn that's farting rainbows as they do of getting rid of guns.

Maybe if democrats would start looking at possible solutions which are actually viable we could actually find one. The reality, though, is that they're devoid of ideas, and the facility for critical thought eludes them.
The gun-haters WANT violence. They NEED dead bodies. They CELEBRATE school shootings. It helps their agenda.
Most hospitals and clinics have security guards. Sometimes they are not armed, though.
Why don't we just make it harder for nuts to have access to guns?
Because criminals will always be armed.
NO. I want less guns (ban assault rifles) and more gun control laws (stop allowing the NRA to donate money to politicians).
These steps make more sense than expecting teachers to act like policemen.
You want guns limited to the rich, the well connected, and criminals.
I'm the "Leftist" who voted for Trump twice? That's....amazing.

And yes if you require teachers to arm on top of everything else there will be an exodus. But there already is one so....
Nobody but you has suggested requiring teachers to be armed.

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