'If that's a clock, I'm the Queen of England': Sarah Palin attacks Muslim schoolboy Ahmed Mohamed


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
Palin never stops making herself look more and more crazy.
Sarah Palin says wrongly arrested Ahmed Mohamed,14, is NOT innocent
Sarah Palin on Friday criticized Obama for inviting a 14-year-old Muslim teenager to the White House after his teachers accused him of building a bomb that was merely a homemade clock and who had him wrongly arrested.

Sarah Palin posted her controversial opinion on her Facebook page and slammed Obama and the 'reactionary-slash-biased media' for defending Ahmed Mohamed's 'dangerous wired-up bomb-looking contraption.'

'Yep, believing that's a clock in a school pencil box is like believing Barack Obama is ruling over the most transparent administration in history,' Palin wrote in the Facebook post in which she shared pictures of her kids' pencil boxes.

'Right. That's a clock, and I'm the Queen of England.'



Taking her stance: Sarah Palin, pictured in a September file photo, on Friday criticized Obama for inviting a 14-year-old Muslim teenager to the White House after his teachers accused him of building a bomb that was merely a homemade clock and who had him wrongly arrested

Read more: Sarah Palin says wrongly arrested Ahmed Mohamed,14, is NOT innocent
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I can understand Palin's hatred of a 14 year old boy way smarter than her and hers. Maybe members of her family can get jobs from this boy someday.
Bill Maher Does Not Stand With Ahmed Mohamed

"While Maher thinks Ahmed deserves an apology from school officials (“No doubt about it,” he said. “They were wrong.”), he thinks the student’s teacher did nothing wrong by bringing the homemade clock to school officials’ attention."
More concerned that he was interrogated w/o a lawyer present...

Muslim group doesn't fault school, police for detention
September 18, 2015 — One of the largest Muslim groups in Texas said Thursday that it does not fault police and school officials who handcuffed and suspended a 14-year-old Muslim boy after he brought a homemade clock to class that they mistook for a possible bomb.
Instead, Khalid Hamideh of the Islamic Association of North Texas blamed political leaders for espousing inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric and creating a "climate of fear." "We're not pointing a finger at the school district or the police department," Hamideh said. "Under the current climate that exists in this country, you can't really blame them because when they see something like that, they have to react." The association operates the mosque attended by the family of Ahmed Mohamed, the suburban Dallas student who became a sensation on social media after word spread about his clock and the way he was treated. Ahmed was pulled from class Monday after he showed the device to a teacher. He was questioned by the principal and police, then handcuffed and taken to the police station.

The Muslim community is concerned that Ahmed was interrogated without a lawyer or his parents present and was led out in handcuffs, Hamideh said. Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd has said department policy requires that handcuffs be used to protect officers and others. Authorities declined to seek charges against the boy, saying there was no evidence he intended to cause alarm. They said he's free to retrieve his clock at the police station. A police photo of the device shows a carrying case containing a circuit board and power supply wired to a digital display.


Ahmed Mohamed stands in handcuffs at Irving police department in Irving, Texas. The 14-year-old Muslim boy became a sensation on social media Wednesday, Sept. 16 and got an invitation to the White House after word spread that he had been placed in handcuffs and suspended for coming to class with a homemade clock that school officials thought resembled a bomb.

School district spokeswoman Lesley Weaver did not return a call for comment Thursday but previously said school administrators followed district policy, which allows staff to take action if a student has a "look-alike" weapon or engages in behaviors that "substantially disrupt or materially interfere with school activities." Ahmed's father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, said Thursday that his son would not be returning to MacArthur High School. He said the family is still deciding where he will go next. The boy's sister, Ayisha Mohamed, 17, said she believes her brother's experience is helping to change people's minds about Muslims. She said her "heart just dropped" when she heard police had detained him. "It was a bad thing that turned into a blessing," she said.

As Ahmed's story spread across social media, Twitter soon erupted with support for the teen. The hashtag #IStandWithAhmed was tweeted more than 1 million times. President Barack Obama invited him to the White House, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg posted that he wanted to meet him. A NASA scientist asked Ahmed to give him a call in a couple of years for a job opportunity. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also weighed in, cautioning that he did not know all the facts but that police were wrong to detain the boy. "The last thing we want to do is put handcuffs on a kid unjustifiably," Abbott told The Dallas Morning News. "It looks like the commitment to law enforcement may have gone too far."

I wonder how many people are still turning up for her speeches.
I think that apparatus that boy brought to school looked enough like a bomb to where the teachers were exactly right to call the cops.

And, that Obama looks like a damn fool inviting the boy to the White House.

And, that Ben Carson is far far from being the only one who is NEVER going to vote for a Muslim for President.

Muslims have no concept of the Separation of Church and State. Islam says Islam is the State and if you think otherwise, you cannot be a Muslim.

And, NO, Donald Trump does not have to defend Barack Obama's religion to nuts (possibly plants) in the audiance.

And, all you Muslim loving political correctness cocksuckers can kiss my ass.
I thought Palin was the Queen of Russia. At least the part she can see from her back porch. :biggrin:
Ahmed was a guest of honor at Google today. He toured the Bay Area.
In October he'll be the guest of President Obama.
'Yep, believing that's a clock in a school pencil box is like believing Barack Obama is ruling over the most transparent administration in history,' Palin wrote in the Facebook post in which she shared pictures of her kids' pencil boxes.

'Right. That's a clock, and I'm the Queen of England.'

Palin's ignorance is exceeded only by her stupidity.
More concerned that he was interrogated w/o a lawyer present...

Muslim group doesn't fault school, police for detention
September 18, 2015 — One of the largest Muslim groups in Texas said Thursday that it does not fault police and school officials who handcuffed and suspended a 14-year-old Muslim boy after he brought a homemade clock to class that they mistook for a possible bomb.
Instead, Khalid Hamideh of the Islamic Association of North Texas blamed political leaders for espousing inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric and creating a "climate of fear." "We're not pointing a finger at the school district or the police department," Hamideh said. "Under the current climate that exists in this country, you can't really blame them because when they see something like that, they have to react." The association operates the mosque attended by the family of Ahmed Mohamed, the suburban Dallas student who became a sensation on social media after word spread about his clock and the way he was treated. Ahmed was pulled from class Monday after he showed the device to a teacher. He was questioned by the principal and police, then handcuffed and taken to the police station.

The Muslim community is concerned that Ahmed was interrogated without a lawyer or his parents present and was led out in handcuffs, Hamideh said. Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd has said department policy requires that handcuffs be used to protect officers and others. Authorities declined to seek charges against the boy, saying there was no evidence he intended to cause alarm. They said he's free to retrieve his clock at the police station. A police photo of the device shows a carrying case containing a circuit board and power supply wired to a digital display.


Ahmed Mohamed stands in handcuffs at Irving police department in Irving, Texas. The 14-year-old Muslim boy became a sensation on social media Wednesday, Sept. 16 and got an invitation to the White House after word spread that he had been placed in handcuffs and suspended for coming to class with a homemade clock that school officials thought resembled a bomb.

School district spokeswoman Lesley Weaver did not return a call for comment Thursday but previously said school administrators followed district policy, which allows staff to take action if a student has a "look-alike" weapon or engages in behaviors that "substantially disrupt or materially interfere with school activities." Ahmed's father, Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, said Thursday that his son would not be returning to MacArthur High School. He said the family is still deciding where he will go next. The boy's sister, Ayisha Mohamed, 17, said she believes her brother's experience is helping to change people's minds about Muslims. She said her "heart just dropped" when she heard police had detained him. "It was a bad thing that turned into a blessing," she said.

As Ahmed's story spread across social media, Twitter soon erupted with support for the teen. The hashtag #IStandWithAhmed was tweeted more than 1 million times. President Barack Obama invited him to the White House, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg posted that he wanted to meet him. A NASA scientist asked Ahmed to give him a call in a couple of years for a job opportunity. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott also weighed in, cautioning that he did not know all the facts but that police were wrong to detain the boy. "The last thing we want to do is put handcuffs on a kid unjustifiably," Abbott told The Dallas Morning News. "It looks like the commitment to law enforcement may have gone too far."

All nasty Muslims should be treated as enemy combatants without legal representation.
Ahmed didn't make the clock. This is all bullshit.


"So I turned to eBay, searching for vintage alarm clocks. It only took a minute to locate Ahmed’s clock. See this eBay listing, up at the time of this writing. Amhed’s clock was invented, and built, by Micronta, a Radio Shack subsidary. Catalog number 63 765."

Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed's Clock... and Ourselves.

google his dad

Sheik Mohamed Elhassan

The ninth grader is the son of Mohamed Elhassan Mohamed, a Sudanese immigrant who has made headlines of his own over the years. A February 2015 profile in the North Dallas Gazette details the elder Mohamed’s activities.

Born in Sudan in 1961, Mohamed, a former customs worker at Khartoum International Airport, earned a degree in philosophy from Cairo University in Khartoum before emigrating to the U.S. “Once I realized my dream was bigger than what Sudan had to offer I immigrated to America in the mid-1980’s,” he told the North Dallas Gazette. In that same interview, Mohamed shared that upon arrival in the U.S.– where he says his degree was not accepted– he initially sold hot dogs, candy, and newspapers in Manhattan. “I realized this wasn’t enough for me, and I packed my bag and moved to Dallas, Texas y’all,” he told the paper. In Texas, he started out as a pizza delivery man before becoming a taxi driver and ultimately launching his own business ventures– he owns a computer repair shop in Irving, Texas (perhaps where his son gets his tech acuity from), a cab company called Jet Taxi, a medical emergency transport company called Paradise Prime Investments, and the solar energy business AlSufi International in Sudan. He also served as self-elected president of the small Sufi Muslim AlSufi center in Irving.

Mohamed has also run for president of Sudan on two separate occasions. “When I went for the elections in 2010 they were rigid,” he told the North Dallas Gazette. “When I was there my country was worse than I had left it. I saw people starve, and babies, die, and women cry in Darfur. No peace. No justice. So I am back to save my Sudan, so help me God. I’m hope for my country to become great, and to reestablish good connections with America. My country is going through economic hardship because of the embargo, and I would like to lift it.”

The Surprising Backstory Behind #IStandWithAhmed's 2-Time Sudanese Presidential Candidate Father

as usual it is another scam run by the leftists
P. Junky...

Granny thinks dat looks like Chance Gardener...

...in Being There.
This kid made a clock if you expect it to look like a clock you would buy at a store you're a moron. He was clearly an excited kid that got his heart stomped on by the supposed teachers and police officers who were suppose to nurture and protect. The kid told them it was a clock multiple times. Anyways justice has been served this kids on the fast track to success now clearly hurts the racists more than anything. If it was a white kid this never would of happened. Good job nasa google and obama you rock!

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