If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving..
The average life expectancy was around 38 in the late 1700's.
Physical issues would kill the vast majority of people before the mental decline of aging.
Politics is one profession where elected officials are not forced to deal with the limitations brought on by aging. You will not find one organization in the free market where top management is as old as our top politicians..
If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving..
The average life expectancy was around 38 in the late 1700's.
Physical issues would kill the vast majority of people before the mental decline of aging.
Politics is one profession where elected officials are not forced to deal with the limitations brought on by aging. You will not find one organization in the free market where top management is as old as our top politicians..
Democrats would not put in 35 as a minimum age. They would change it to maybe 16.

Democrats clearly would include the illegals as voters.
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If the Constitution were written today, women would not exist, the only rights we would have is what government can do for us or the right to kill our children in the womb or the right to take drugs that kill about 300 people a day, and there would only be a one-party system run by the DNC because without that democracy could never exist.
If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving..
The average life expectancy was around 38 in the late 1700's.
Physical issues would kill the vast majority of people before the mental decline of aging.
Politics is one profession where elected officials are not forced to deal with the limitations brought on by aging. You will not find one organization in the free market where top management is as old as our top politicians..

The Republican candidate hasn't declined a bit mentally, and although Sleepy Joe has declined a bit, he is still the brightest light in his party.

Why would this be needed?
Democrats would not put in 35 as a minimum age. They would change it to maybe 16.

Democrats clearly would include the illegals as voters.
Democrats all bad
MAGA Republicans all good
non-MAGA Republicans RINO, all bad
pro-MAGA Independents all good
Anti-MAGA Independents all bad

The thinking of idiots that will bring down our country
The Republican candidate hasn't declined a bit mentally, and although Sleepy Joe has declined a bit, he is still the brightest light in his party.

Why would this be needed?
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R–Iowa)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D–Calif.)
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D–Calif.)
Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in the Senate
Bernie Sanders

Lazy voters do not do their homework on the capabilities of candidates so they vote on name recognition. The longer one serves the more name recognition.
If corporations did this they would go broke
The Founding Fathers never envisioned a lifetime career in government. In the context of the 1700s, serving in office was viewed as something ordinary citizens did for a few years and then return to their private lives. They would be horrified to see what the Federal Govt has morphed into.
It has become a monarchy with congressional nobles.
If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving..
The average life expectancy was around 38 in the late 1700's.
Physical issues would kill the vast majority of people before the mental decline of aging.
Politics is one profession where elected officials are not forced to deal with the limitations brought on by aging. You will not find one organization in the free market where top management is as old as our top politicians..
If they’d envisioned Trump, they’d have put up more guardrails.

Somehow the real issue about mental ability seems to be deflected by an argument about age. Some 80 year old's are mentally astute and some, like Biden, have been in decline for years. If the Founding Fathers were negligent or mistaken about anything it was the assumption that the media would remain honest about the mental condition of a candidate and not become the propaganda arm of a particular party. In a just world every sorry assed political pundit who lied to America about Biden's mental condition would be fired.
If they’d envisioned Trump, they’d have put up more guardrails.

I think they felt seperation of powers would prevent a Trump. Trump has worked for 8 years to weaken seperation of powers and it is working. Disgusting
A key concern of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton was that demagogues would incite mobs and factions to defy the rule of law, overturn free and fair elections and undermine American democracy.

Lincoln was "worried about the fate of the republic if a leader of demagogic ambition arose who was not committed to the institutions built by the founding generation."
If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving..
The average life expectancy was around 38 in the late 1700's.
Physical issues would kill the vast majority of people before the mental decline of aging.
Politics is one profession where elected officials are not forced to deal with the limitations brought on by aging. You will not find one organization in the free market where top management is as old as our top politicians..
How old was Benjamin Franklin when he signed the Constitution?
The Founding Fathers never envisioned a lifetime career in government. In the context of the 1700s, serving in office was viewed as something ordinary citizens did for a few years and then return to their private lives. They would be horrified to see what the Federal Govt has morphed into.
They might not have envisioned it, but they sure as hell discussed it. Look up George Mason, one of three delegates to the convention that refused to sign.
This is one of those threads where people demonstrate both their ignorance of history and their ignorance of life expectancy.

First, Benjamin Franklin was EXACTLY the same age as Joe Biden when he signed the Constitution. He was one of the most respected delegates. The idea that those delegates would have placed an upper age limit to political representation is laughable on its face.

But a higher life expectancy does not mean people are living longer, far from it. It means they are dying later, period. When the Constitution was signed, 40% of children died before they were 15. Today, the worldwide number, including some real shitholes, is 4%.

Ever hear of the Council of Elders? Sparta, in Ancient Greece, that legislative body had a minimum age--60. Educate yourself, look up Gerousia.

But maybe the most enlightening thing you can do, visit an old grave yard. Walk around and pay attention to the lifespans posted on the grave stones, or in my case, the markers--gravestones are prohibited.

My paternal grandparents are buried in one of those old graveyards. I go with Mom to change the flowers every three months, fake flowers but they still fade. She has to drag me out of there every time. I am walking through the oldest part looking at those lifespans. 103, 105, 109, 111. Honestly, damn near half lived over 100 years. The new part, hard to find someone that lived 100 years.

Now, maybe it is the water. I work with the public, sometimes I will meet someone accompanying their parent. This is my mom, she is 95. I will respond with, "Oh, she must live in Vale", that is Vale, NC. At least half the time I am right. And when they show their surprise I tell them, "It is the water". And yeah, I live in Vale, NC.

Like I said, life expectancy increased because people died later, not because people live longer. People don't live as long as they used to.
If the Constitution was written tody, they would put provisions about age and serving..
The average life expectancy was around 38 in the late 1700's.
Physical issues would kill the vast majority of people before the mental decline of aging.
Politics is one profession where elected officials are not forced to deal with the limitations brought on by aging. You will not find one organization in the free market where top management is as old as our top politicians..
Age is nothing but a number. Many people Biden's age are sharp as a tack. Then there are others, like Biden, who need to be living in a nursing home.
What was not foreseen is the lack of and even interest in understanding English and rational thought.
How old was Benjamin Franklin when he signed the Constitution?
He was the oldest guy to sign. He was in his 80's. Most were much younger, 30's, 40's and 50's
I am not saying that there is not a place for older people in an organization but, usually, not the top leader.
Everyone ages different but everyone starts to have some decline in their 70's.
You have to deal with the decline, and accept it, to make good decisions for yourself and others.

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