If the cops lost order at protest, then what?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Below is a Marine (I'm taking his word for it) in his uniform with war ribbons pinned on screaming at several NYPD cops for what he believes is brutality, and he verbally challenges them all. He said he fought to protect Americans, and now the cops brutalize them. He says it's not right, that "this isn't a war zone" "no one has guns (it's NYC, there are guns)", etc, etc. Just watch and form your own opinion. The crowd cheered him on.

My question is this: The cops have taken a ton of bad PR and hate during the OWS movement. Part of Karl Marx and left wing ideologists teachings say conflict with police is desired to push one's view. Well, what if the cops lost control? Either by being overrun, or, as this Marine said, simply stood aside and let the people do whatever they want, lawlessness??

Well, then we'd either get anarchy or martial law. If this military guy siding with OWS hates what cops do to the citizens..........imagine if it was the US Army or USMC that was holding a riot line. Or pulling over cars. Or tasked with moving 100 protestors who were trespassing and refused to move.

It's easy to hate the cops. And apparantely, even an occassional military guy has joined the cause. But look around the world. And imagine if we had Mexican cops. Or Chinese. Or Russian cops. Or if we had the military running the protest crowd control and law enforcement.

Just wanted to stick up for the cops for a moment. Because this Marine in the video should realize that if those cops did what he said, and the cities became chaotic in the absence of any police control, his unit could possibly be activated to restore order. Wouldn't that be ironic.
We've seen the cops lose order before.

At the Chicago Democratic National Convention in 68, they cops turned a peaceful protest into a full scale police riot according to the Scranton Commission.

I don't blame the cops, for it.

I blame DEMOCRATIC MAYOR Richard M Daley for it.

He's the guy who ordered the cops to clean out the protestors.
Perhaps these dimwits could try acting peacefully? How is screaming and throwing shit and crapping and pissing and doing drugs peaceful? How'd you like to be standing out there, outnumbered probably 20 -1?

Fuck those Marxists assholes... they should thump a bunch more of them.

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