If the Democratic party didn't want Hillary in 08 why would America want her in 2016?

She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

If the GOP didn't want Reagan back in '76. . . :eusa_eh:
Bause they don't have any more "clean" and "articulate" black people to run?
Mitt didn't win the nom in 08, why did Reps put him up in 2012? Oh, that's right... because it was "his turn." Just like it would be Hilary's.

That's a Republican thing. Dems usually don't do that, but then Hillary's an extraordinary person. :D

Extraordinary, how? Because she can talk like a black person when campaigning in black areas of the country?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egJ8NtvVFs8]WTF MOMENTS HILLARY TALKING BLACK - YouTube[/ame]

Racist by definition. It's hard to watch, see how you feel, it's not very long.

:lol::lol: Hahaha!! They need to run that during the 2016 election cycle as well as Hilly claiming to be shot at in Bosnia!!
Mitt didn't win the nom in 08, why did Reps put him up in 2012? Oh, that's right... because it was "his turn." Just like it would be Hilary's.

That's a Republican thing. Dems usually don't do that, but then Hillary's an extraordinary person. :D
She's a tyrant wearing a skirt, and this impresses you? Some people are easily led by the nose. Yeah, I mean YOU.

That all you've got? It's easy to call names, hard to beat someone with the credentials Hillary has. I'm impressed by people that can take all the flak she has over the years and still come back for more. People like you have demonized her for the last twenty years and yet she's still the #1 presidential choice in '16. If it was just a matter of people being easily impressed, she would have fallen by the wayside by now. Sorry, but your comment doesn't appear to be anything more than sour grapes.
That's a Republican thing. Dems usually don't do that, but then Hillary's an extraordinary person. :D

Extraordinary, how? Because she can talk like a black person when campaigning in black areas of the country?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egJ8NtvVFs8"]WTF MOMENTS HILLARY TALKING BLACK - YouTube[/ame]

Racist by definition. It's hard to watch, see how you feel, it's not very long.

:lol::lol: Hahaha!! They need to run that during the 2016 election cycle as well as Hilly claiming to be shot at in Bosnia!!
And it was borne out as a lie.

Hillary Shot At in '96? No Media Mention of Bosnia 'Sniper Fire'
She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

Because she has learned her lesson about the epic oafish stupidity of the Iraq War. She's going to make a great President, just like her husband way, and of course, just like Obama is.

America will for the third election in a row reject a third Bush term by electing whatever buffoon the bible school people think is "smart".

America will reject a third Bush term by having Dems elect another candidate who expands the very Bush era policies they claim to hate, while still not repealing a single one of them.

Yer so smurt! You dun owned up on em racist whitey Rep-derp-a-can'ts~

Sorry, my newly founded red neck honky diolect came to the surface unexpectedly.
She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

Why would America want ANY Democrat?

Well, because the average American voter is dumber than a bag of hammers.

Ah yes, the strategy that worked so well for Romney, kick the people that might have voted for you in the teeth! :lol:

I'm not running for anything dumbass.

Thanks for volunteering yourself as an example of what I was saying.
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Extraordinary, how? Because she can talk like a black person when campaigning in black areas of the country?


Racist by definition. It's hard to watch, see how you feel, it's not very long.

:lol::lol: Hahaha!! They need to run that during the 2016 election cycle as well as Hilly claiming to be shot at in Bosnia!!
And it was borne out as a lie.

Hillary Shot At in '96? No Media Mention of Bosnia 'Sniper Fire'

But but.. Hilly's learned her lesson.. :cuckoo:
:lol::lol: Hahaha!! They need to run that during the 2016 election cycle as well as Hilly claiming to be shot at in Bosnia!!
And it was borne out as a lie.

Hillary Shot At in '96? No Media Mention of Bosnia 'Sniper Fire'

But but.. Hilly's learned her lesson.. :cuckoo:
Typical in politics on both sides...She deserves it because SHE is next in line. It's partisan mulemuffins. Washington warned us in his farewell speech to avoid parties, and what it would bring. WE are living it.
Bause they don't have any more "clean" and "articulate" black people to run?

Well, you see... It's not about electing a person to uphold the constitution as much as it's making the election "historic." Obama got to be the "it's about time" President, people voting for him purely due to his skin color. Hilary gets to be the new "it's about time" President, where people vote for her based purely on her having a Vagina.

The majority of Democrats don't care about having a good President, they care about being able to brag later that they had the first black/female President... despite the green party, libertarian party and other parties all having blacks and females running for President years and years and years before Dems could even fathom doing so.
Why would America want ANY Democrat?

Well, because the average American voter is dumber than a bag of hammers.

Ah yes, the strategy that worked so well for Romney, kick the people that might have voted for you in the teeth! :lol:

I'm not running for anything dumbass.

Thanks for volunteering yourself as an examle of what I was saying.

I was just using it as example of why the Republicans have been so clueless on the national level lately. Why would you assume that meant I thought you were running for something? I guess it's just another example of how the right just doesn't get it. It's all about the attitude and that's sucked big time.
Ah yes, the strategy that worked so well for Romney, kick the people that might have voted for you in the teeth! :lol:

I'm not running for anything dumbass.

Thanks for volunteering yourself as an examle of what I was saying.

I was just using it as example of why the Republicans have been so clueless on the national level lately. Why would you assume that meant I thought you were running for something? I guess it's just another example of how the right just doesn't get it. It's all about the attitude and that's sucked big time.

Dems lost 7+ million voters last election... Mitt, a HORRIBLE candidate managed to gain 2% on Dems from where McCain/Obama were in 2008.... Both parties are clueless, not just Reps. Dems can't suffer another hit like that or they will be irrelevant.
But but.. Hilly's learned her lesson.. :cuckoo:
Typical in politics on both sides...She deserves it because SHE is next in line. It's partisan mulemuffins. Washington warned us in his farewell speech to avoid parties, and what it would bring. WE are living it.

:clap2: I couldn't agree more..
He argued to the people that we take the individual to heart, and their record, their deeds. So far? The Hildebeast is far from stellar.
Hillary has proven that indecision runs in her family, Bill had Blackhawk Down and Hillary has Benghazi.

They freeze when it matters most.
She must have been the lesser choice between Obama and herself. If the Democratic party picked Obama over her, meaning she wasn't as good of a candidate, why would we want someone who would be worse than Obama for 4 to 8 years?

Most Democrap men are gay. They really want Bill back,not Hillary.
I'm not running for anything dumbass.

Thanks for volunteering yourself as an examle of what I was saying.

I was just using it as example of why the Republicans have been so clueless on the national level lately. Why would you assume that meant I thought you were running for something? I guess it's just another example of how the right just doesn't get it. It's all about the attitude and that's sucked big time.

Dems lost 7+ million voters last election... Mitt, a HORRIBLE candidate managed to gain 2% on Dems from where McCain/Obama were in 2008.... Both parties are clueless, not just Reps. Dems can't suffer another hit like that or they will be irrelevant.

Considering that Obama had only a so-so record, it's the Reps that can't take another hit like that. If Hillary's the candidate, that 7+ million comes back and the Reps don't have anyone that can touch her, IMO.
Ah yes, the strategy that worked so well for Romney, kick the people that might have voted for you in the teeth! :lol:

I'm not running for anything dumbass.

Thanks for volunteering yourself as an examle of what I was saying.

I was just using it as example of why the Republicans have been so clueless on the national level lately. Why would you assume that meant I thought you were running for something? I guess it's just another example of how the right just doesn't get it. It's all about the attitude and that's sucked big time.

Both parties do the same things, they both grow government... From education to wars, from healthcare to welfare. The difference is how you sell yourself as a party. Dems go full blown "We're here to take from the rich and give to you!!!" but reality is they just give to the poor by accumulating debt. Republicans want people to believe they are "fiscally responsible," despite doing the same deficit growing polices as Dems...

Fact of the matter is Progressive policy has and is failing the country, and both parties do it relentlessly. The country will head towards free markets, it will lower taxes, and government will get out of HC, markets, education and wars because we will either keep spiraling downwards as country until we have no choice by to cut spending, or we will do it slightly before we have no choice.
Hillary has proven that indecision runs in her family, Bill had Blackhawk Down and Hillary has Benghazi.

They freeze when it matters most.
AND then excuse it away or play Drama Queen...Regard Benghazi:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFZytEUCXu4"]Clinton on talking points: 'What difference at this point does it make?' - YouTube[/ame]

And don't think for one minute many of us will let this go. SHE still has some 'splaining to do...as does Obama (whom was literally asleep at the helm).

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