If the FBI can be trusted, why didn’t the DNC give their server to FBI after the hack, as requested?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The RNC gave the FBI their server to make sure it wasn’t hacked and for security.

The Wikileaks dump of DNC server e-mails was an inside job. It was a jump drive.

Again, why wouldn’t the DNC give their server to the FBI, and instead hire a private firm to review the server if there was nothing to hide and if the FBI can be trusted.

Certainly seems odd,doesn’t it?
When cyber investigators respond to an incident, they capture that evidence in a process called “imaging.” They make an exact byte-for-byte copy of the hard drives. They do the same for the machine’s memory, capturing evidence that would otherwise be lost at the next reboot, and they monitor and store the traffic passing through the victim’s network. This has been standard procedure in computer intrusion investigations for decades. The images, not the computer’s hardware, provide the evidence. Both the DNC and the security firm Crowdstrike, hired to respond to the breach, have said repeatedly over the years that they gave the FBI a copy of all the DNC images back in 2016.


When the computers belong to a cooperating victim, seizing the machines is pretty much out of the question, said James Harris, a former FBI cybercrime agent who worked on a 2009 breach at Google that’s been linked to the Chinese government. “In most cases you don’t even ask, you just assume you’re going to make forensic copies,” said Harris, now vice president of engineering at PFP Cyber. “For example when the Google breach happened back in 2009, agents were sent out with express instructions that you image what they allow you to image, because they’re the victim, you don’t have a search warrant, and you don’t want to disrupt their business.”

So the DNC wasn’t covering for a leak of material to the Russians. This is all apparently misdirection. And if it’s not, it would behoove those theorizing that it is to explain how the FBI got access to all the information they needed to indict those 12 Russian citizens.

No, The DNC Isn't Hiding Its Servers From The FBI To Create A False Narrative Of Russian Hacking

and this link

Trump's DNC 'Server' Conspiracy Rebutted
The RNC gave the FBI their server to make sure it wasn’t hacked and for security.

The Wikileaks dump of DNC server e-mails was an inside job. It was a jump drive.

Again, why wouldn’t the DNC give their server to the FBI, and instead hire a private firm to review the server if there was nothing to hide and if the FBI can be trusted.

Certainly seems odd,doesn’t it?
I believe we all know the answer to this question.
Because they weren't hacked....The data transfer speeds show that the "hack" was an inside job.
dude, and that is the sliver bullet. Bandwidth restrictions and throughput weren't allowable. Still aren't. At least not for dumping PST files off of a PC. Have to be direct connected and dump to a drive. thumb drive or disk. even a disk would have issues. This is why I know for a fact, the russia hack is a hoax. lack of Technology trumps the hoax.
Even your own links admit they didn’t turn over the server. Lol
When cyber investigators respond to an incident, they capture that evidence in a process called “imaging.” They make an exact byte-for-byte copy of the hard drives. They do the same for the machine’s memory, capturing evidence that would otherwise be lost at the next reboot, and they monitor and store the traffic passing through the victim’s network. This has been standard procedure in computer intrusion investigations for decades. The images, not the computer’s hardware, provide the evidence. Both the DNC and the security firm Crowdstrike, hired to respond to the breach, have said repeatedly over the years that they gave the FBI a copy of all the DNC images back in 2016.


When the computers belong to a cooperating victim, seizing the machines is pretty much out of the question, said James Harris, a former FBI cybercrime agent who worked on a 2009 breach at Google that’s been linked to the Chinese government. “In most cases you don’t even ask, you just assume you’re going to make forensic copies,” said Harris, now vice president of engineering at PFP Cyber. “For example when the Google breach happened back in 2009, agents were sent out with express instructions that you image what they allow you to image, because they’re the victim, you don’t have a search warrant, and you don’t want to disrupt their business.”

So the DNC wasn’t covering for a leak of material to the Russians. This is all apparently misdirection. And if it’s not, it would behoove those theorizing that it is to explain how the FBI got access to all the information they needed to indict those 12 Russian citizens.

No, The DNC Isn't Hiding Its Servers From The FBI To Create A False Narrative Of Russian Hacking

and this link

Trump's DNC 'Server' Conspiracy Rebutted
The RNC gave the FBI their server to make sure it wasn’t hacked and for security.

The Wikileaks dump of DNC server e-mails was an inside job. It was a jump drive.

Again, why wouldn’t the DNC give their server to the FBI, and instead hire a private firm to review the server if there was nothing to hide and if the FBI can be trusted.

Certainly seems odd,doesn’t it?
The FBI didn't need it. Why hasn't Trump's DOJ subpoena'd it?
This subject is so over you Retardacrats just can’t except you lost and still losing. Just man up and move on maybe next time in 2024.
I love when conservatives bash theFBI. You are making black lives matter arguments! Lol. The irony .
The DNC refused to let the FBI look at their hacked servers.

Not to bright. Or maybe it was??
When cyber investigators respond to an incident, they capture that evidence in a process called “imaging.” They make an exact byte-for-byte copy of the hard drives. They do the same for the machine’s memory, capturing evidence that would otherwise be lost at the next reboot, and they monitor and store the traffic passing through the victim’s network. This has been standard procedure in computer intrusion investigations for decades. The images, not the computer’s hardware, provide the evidence. Both the DNC and the security firm Crowdstrike, hired to respond to the breach, have said repeatedly over the years that they gave the FBI a copy of all the DNC images back in 2016.


When the computers belong to a cooperating victim, seizing the machines is pretty much out of the question, said James Harris, a former FBI cybercrime agent who worked on a 2009 breach at Google that’s been linked to the Chinese government. “In most cases you don’t even ask, you just assume you’re going to make forensic copies,” said Harris, now vice president of engineering at PFP Cyber. “For example when the Google breach happened back in 2009, agents were sent out with express instructions that you image what they allow you to image, because they’re the victim, you don’t have a search warrant, and you don’t want to disrupt their business.”

So the DNC wasn’t covering for a leak of material to the Russians. This is all apparently misdirection. And if it’s not, it would behoove those theorizing that it is to explain how the FBI got access to all the information they needed to indict those 12 Russian citizens.

No, The DNC Isn't Hiding Its Servers From The FBI To Create A False Narrative Of Russian Hacking

and this link

Trump's DNC 'Server' Conspiracy Rebutted
if you don't have the hard drives, then you can't mirror them. derp!!!

Those servers could not have been hacked, you know that right? It is electronically impossible for the files to have been downloaded over the internet. Read my previous email.

Sweetie, accept that that is technically, physically impossible to have done. It's all pure bullshit... :bsflag:. you need to understand electronic transmission limitations.
The RNC gave the FBI their server to make sure it wasn’t hacked and for security.

The Wikileaks dump of DNC server e-mails was an inside job. It was a jump drive.

Again, why wouldn’t the DNC give their server to the FBI, and instead hire a private firm to review the server if there was nothing to hide and if the FBI can be trusted.

Certainly seems odd,doesn’t it?

Dear Idiot,

You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server. Why didn’t they take the server? Where is the server, I want to know, and what is the server saying?”

The server is saying shut up.

The “server” Trump is obsessed with is actually 140 servers, most of them cloud-based, which the DNC was forced to decommission in June 2016 while trying to rid its network of the Russian GRU officers working to help Trump win the election, according to the figures in the DNC’s civil lawsuit against Russia and the Trump campaign. Another 180 desktop and laptop computers were also swapped out as the DNC raced to get the organization back on its feet and free of Putin’s surveillance.

But despite Trump’s repeated feverish claims to the contrary, no machines are actually missing.

Inside job based on forensics of the Wikileaks data dump of the emails and the way the FAT files allocated the data.

Sort of interesting.

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