If The Gays At The Night Club Had Chosen To Be Straight And Followed The Bible, They Would Be Alive

I'm not with you there. Above all else they are Americans. Sexuality IMO is a person's own business. Terrorist attacks on American soil on Americans is everyone's business.
There's no proof it was a terrorist attack unless you consider all mass shootings terrorist attacks.
It was a terrorist attac
I'm not with you there. Above all else they are Americans. Sexuality IMO is a person's own business. Terrorist attacks on American soil on Americans is everyone's business.
There's no proof it was a terrorist attack unless you consider all mass shootings terrorist attacks.
It was a terrorist attack, the shooter called 911 and stated he was affiliated with ISIS.

Actually, I believe he said he was a follower of yadda yadda Bagdadi.

Nice thing about that is that Obama has already killed Bagdadi's two mentors, one of whom was bin Laden.

Bagdadi is hiding out tonight. Bet on it.
Anyone else who wants to blame the victims?

Why yes....Texas Lt. Gov. ripped for ill-timed tweet after mass shooting
Our local ABC affiliate just reported that tweet was made on Thursday............ 3 days before this terrorist attack.......

He said it though.

Before or after, doesn't matter.
Simply pointing out a fact. The article claimed he tweeted it hours after the attack, that's just plain dishonest.
I'm not with you there. Above all else they are Americans. Sexuality IMO is a person's own business. Terrorist attacks on American soil on Americans is everyone's business.
There's no proof it was a terrorist attack unless you consider all mass shootings terrorist attacks.
It was a terrorist attac
I'm not with you there. Above all else they are Americans. Sexuality IMO is a person's own business. Terrorist attacks on American soil on Americans is everyone's business.
There's no proof it was a terrorist attack unless you consider all mass shootings terrorist attacks.
It was a terrorist attack, the shooter called 911 and stated he was affiliated with ISIS.

Actually, I believe he said he was a follower of yadda yadda Bagdadi.

Nice thing about that is that Obama has already killed Bagdadi's two mentors, one of whom was bin Laden.

Bagdadi is hiding out tonight. Bet on it.
I'm going by what the FBI is saying.
Now that's just a fact. All they had to have done was shun their degenerate lifestyle and followed Gods teachings through the Bible. That and practicing good ole Southern conservative Christian family values would have kept them alive. Being a moral normal person has its benefits. Being abnormal living a degenerate unholy lifestyle has its disadvantages, especially for the ones who went to the Pulse gay bar. So what is the lesson learned? Stay straight, live a healthy normal lifestyle following God and read the Bible. The patriotic Reverend Billy Graham has stressed this for years on end.
Dude, STFU.
Now that's just a fact. All they had to have done was shun their degenerate lifestyle and followed Gods teachings through the Bible. That and practicing good ole Southern conservative Christian family values would have kept them alive. Being a moral normal person has its benefits. Being abnormal living a degenerate unholy lifestyle has its disadvantages, especially for the ones who went to the Pulse gay bar. So what is the lesson learned? Stay straight, live a healthy normal lifestyle following God and read the Bible. The patriotic Reverend Billy Graham has stressed this for years on end.

No it's not a fact !
We know fully well how Islamic nuts feel about western culture in general, if it wasn't Gays it would be any other group.
Take a look around the world, radical Muslims target anyone associated with the West.
Anyone else who wants to blame the victims?

Why yes....Texas Lt. Gov. ripped for ill-timed tweet after mass shooting
I agree with the Lt. Governors tweet. It vindicates my OP.
Nothing vindicates your bullshit!
You rationalize like an evangelical preacher after being caught getting a blow job at a religious retreat.
Such a filthy mouth you have slaming Gods word.
I'm not slamming imaginary god's world just homophobic misrepresentation of them.
Now that's just a fact. All they had to have done was shun their degenerate lifestyle and followed Gods teachings through the Bible. That and practicing good ole Southern conservative Christian family values would have kept them alive. Being a moral normal person has its benefits. Being abnormal living a degenerate unholy lifestyle has its disadvantages, especially for the ones who went to the Pulse gay bar. So what is the lesson learned? Stay straight, live a healthy normal lifestyle following God and read the Bible. The patriotic Reverend Billy Graham has stressed this for years on end.

You're still a POS... Leave God out of your hate bloated rant. God is no respecter of persons. Anyone who has sex outside of marriage is committing the same sin as a gay person is... that's why it's not your place to judge them. People died because of a hate filled Islamic terrorist slaughtered them.
Steve exhibits exactly the same kind of hate as the terrorist. No difference. People like him and the terrorist are the kind of people that create so much sorrow on this small planet.
Now that's just a fact. All they had to have done was shun their degenerate lifestyle and followed Gods teachings through the Bible. That and practicing good ole Southern conservative Christian family values would have kept them alive. Being a moral normal person has its benefits. Being abnormal living a degenerate unholy lifestyle has its disadvantages, especially for the ones who went to the Pulse gay bar. So what is the lesson learned? Stay straight, live a healthy normal lifestyle following God and read the Bible. The patriotic Reverend Billy Graham has stressed this for years on end.
Dude this was a jihadist. If he hadn't attacked the gay bar he'd have attacked some other group because in the end his mission was to kill the infidel and anyone including other muslims, not practicing his brand of Islam is an infidel in his eyes.
Troll thread.

While I agree that the homosexual life style is wrong, I disagree that living a straight lifestyle would have saved those who were shot when something like this can happen anywhere and for any reason. How do you explain the church shooting from not too long ago? What about every school shooting that has ever taken place, like the one in Colorado back in 1999 and the more recent one in Newtown, Connecticut? What about the movie theater shooting a few years ago?

God bless you always!!!

I don't know why I even respond to such egregious attention-seeking nonsense, but I will. I guess the fact that no straight, white, Christian males have ever been shot in massacres such as this validate this bozo's OP.
Yes, people who lead moral lives are less likely to be killed in sex clubs.

It's just a statistical fact. They're also less likely to die of a venereal disease, an anal hemorrhage, or on the table of a back alley Planned Parenthood abbatoir.
Yes, people who lead moral lives are less likely to be killed in sex clubs.

It's just a statistical fact. They're also less likely to die of a venereal disease, an anal hemorrhage, or on the table of a back alley Planned Parenthood abbatoir.
Here's the thing. I do not approve of the gay lifestyle. In any way. However, those people did NOT deserve to be butchered because they were gay. The real problem here is that no one had a gun besides the muslim butcher, and the FACT that our government is doing nothing about these animals.

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