If The Gays At The Night Club Had Chosen To Be Straight And Followed The Bible, They Would Be Alive

Now that's just a fact. All they had to have done was shun their degenerate lifestyle and followed Gods teachings through the Bible. That and practicing good ole Southern conservative Christian family values would have kept them alive. Being a moral normal person has its benefits. Being abnormal living a degenerate unholy lifestyle has its disadvantages, especially for the ones who went to the Pulse gay bar. So what is the lesson learned? Stay straight, live a healthy normal lifestyle following God and read the Bible. The patriotic Reverend Billy Graham has stressed this for years on end.
Why do you get a free pass on the future sins you are going to commit.
White pivilege!
That's a bunch of crap. How many of the 3,000 victims of 9-11 were homosexual? Statistics say about 1%.
Now that's just a fact. All they had to have done was shun their degenerate lifestyle and followed Gods teachings through the Bible. That and practicing good ole Southern conservative Christian family values would have kept them alive. Being a moral normal person has its benefits. Being abnormal living a degenerate unholy lifestyle has its disadvantages, especially for the ones who went to the Pulse gay bar. So what is the lesson learned? Stay straight, live a healthy normal lifestyle following God and read the Bible. The patriotic Reverend Billy Graham has stressed this for years on end.
Absurd! If you, Steve, was standing at the bar that night, you'd be just a dead today. This is as dumb an excuse as the fucking liberals saying this wouldn't happen if there were no guns allowed for private citizens. Our problem is not guns nor gays, it's radical Islamic terrorists and that dick sucking asshole Obama.
First of all, as a heterosexual alpha male and southern conservative Christian, I wouldn't have been there in the first place. But hypothetically, if I was, I would have survived by taking cover then assessing the situation figuring out a tactical advantage. Then when at the right time as he was focused on the degenerate homosexual deviant cowardly girlie men putting them out of their misery, I would have taken the offensive and nailed him with a full bottle of Bud Light stunning him. Then I would have attacked him in the milliseconds he was stunned and unleashed a fury of serious blows to the temple and disarm him. In the end, my love for God, White privilege and my patriotism would have made Steve McGarrett victorious. In the end, it would have boiled down to one thing, White Power!

Good job, armchair Batman. You won a battle that only exists in your mind. Tell us again how you did it.
The key word is 'Hypothetically', as in a hypothetical situation. In reality, I would have prevailed through the power and faith of God.

No you wouldn't have. You are a pussy.You do nothing but post your racism on a message board every day while contributing nothing towards yourself or society. You are a loser, and will die a loser. Nobody likes you, let alone loves you. I bet your own family hates you, if they exist. You lead a useless existence. You will die alone with a mouse in your hand, and Stormfront plastered across the computer screen. They'll find you with a bowl of Ramen on your lap, and cum stains on your jeans. You won't even have an obituary.
Now that's just a fact. All they had to have done was shun their degenerate lifestyle and followed the Bible's teachings through God. That and practicing good ole Southern conservative Christian family values would have kept them alive. Being a moral normal person has its benefits. Being abnormal living a degenerate unholy lifestyle has its disadvantages, especially for the ones who went to the Pulse gay bar. So what is the lesson learned? Stay straight, live a healthy normal lifestyle following God and read the Bible.

But then Steve, the terrorist would have targeted something else. Like a school, a mall, or a movie theater.
Exactly! The terrorist may of targeted the church where all these people that choose not to be gay were having a bible study.
Now that's just a fact. All they had to have done was shun their degenerate lifestyle and followed Gods teachings through the Bible. That and practicing good ole Southern conservative Christian family values would have kept them alive. Being a moral normal person has its benefits. Being abnormal living a degenerate unholy lifestyle has its disadvantages, especially for the ones who went to the Pulse gay bar. So what is the lesson learned? Stay straight, live a healthy normal lifestyle following God and read the Bible. The patriotic Reverend Billy Graham has stressed this for years on end.
Absurd! If you, Steve, was standing at the bar that night, you'd be just a dead today. This is as dumb an excuse as the fucking liberals saying this wouldn't happen if there were no guns allowed for private citizens. Our problem is not guns nor gays, it's radical Islamic terrorists and that dick sucking asshole Obama.
First of all, as a heterosexual alpha male and southern conservative Christian, I wouldn't have been there in the first place. But hypothetically, if I was, I would have survived by taking cover then assessing the situation figuring out a tactical advantage. Then when at the right time as he was focused on the degenerate homosexual deviant cowardly girlie men putting them out of their misery, I would have taken the offensive and nailed him with a full bottle of Bud Light stunning him. Then I would have attacked him in the milliseconds he was stunned and unleashed a fury of serious blows to the temple and disarm him. In the end, my love for God, White privilege and my patriotism would have made Steve McGarrett victorious. In the end, it would have boiled down to one thing, White Power!

Good job, armchair Batman. You won a battle that only exists in your mind. Tell us again how you did it.
The key word is 'Hypothetically', as in a hypothetical situation. In reality, I would have prevailed through the power and faith of God.

No you wouldn't have. You are a pussy.You do nothing but post your racism on a message board every day while contributing nothing towards yourself or society. You are a loser, and will die a loser. Nobody likes you, let alone loves you. I bet your own family hates you, if they exist. You lead a useless existence. You will die alone with a mouse in your hand, and Stormfront plastered across the computer screen. They'll find you with a bowl of Ramen on your lap, and cum stains on your jeans. You won't even have an obituary.
Actually I'm well loved in the community and by my loving family. Since I've been retired, I give to charity, conservation programs and spread the word of God through generous love. It's all a Southern conservative White Christian Baptist can do.

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