If the GOP is racist how do you explain this?

This is a ridiculous claim betrayed by obvious facts. The former segregationist wing of the Democratic party was the Southern Conservative wing and Southern Conservatives today remain as isolated and predominantly white and evangelical as they did then. The Democratic Party however is a bastion of multi-racial and cultural diversity, the exact opposite of the goals of segregation.

THe Dem party then promised whites that it would benefit them at teh expense of blacks.

Today the dem party promises blacks and browns to benefit them at teh expense of whites.

That you think one is bad and the other good, lol.

It's the Republican Party today that attacks the voting rights act that helped to defeat Southern Democratic segregationists.

The Southern white segregationists are 50 years gone. Stop living in the past.

Today's GOP of course thinks it's moral to keep venerating those old Jim Crow assclowns by fighting tooth and nail to maintain statues honoring the same people you're here trying to pretend you're morally against.

Strom, unlike Byrd never publicly denounced his support of segregation.

Yes, but I was thinking more about government policies, arguing for good policy as opposed to dividing US up into groups to then bait them into fighting each other for resources and power.

The dems did it then, both north AND south, ,and the dems to it today, both north AND south. And west for that matter.
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Right. So even though I repudiate Byrd and no one in my family ever voted for Byrd (we came to this country in the 80s and I was the first one eligible to vote when in turned 18 in 99 because my parents were still green card holders at the time) I'm responsible for Byrd. But by that logic does that make every Republican responsible for Strom Thurmond? And why have you still not been brave enough to say whether Democrats Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis, and Nathan Bedford Forrest were pieces of shit? You clowns and your clown arguments are incredibly easy to see through and pick apart.
Storm Thurmond was dem for most of his life, in particular the racist part…joey xiden even gave his eulogy
Storm Thurmond was dem for most of his life, in particular the racist part…joey xiden even gave his eulogy
You know who were even bigger and more deplorable dick bag Democrats than even Thurmond and Byrd? Confederate, slaving Democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest. I'm all for teaching that the lot of them were southern white racist pieces of shit. How about you?
You know who were even bigger and more deplorable dick bag Democrats than even Thurmond and Byrd? Confederate, slaving Democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest. I'm all for teaching that the lot of them were southern white racist pieces of shit. How about you?
LMaO. Anyone with a brain can just Google it. Why does one need to be “taught” that, you racist defect? How about we teach mathematics, logic, public speaking, creative writing, Excel, networking and foreign languages. And leave history to search engines? Novel concept I know.
You know who were even bigger and more deplorable dick bag Democrats than even Thurmond and Byrd? Confederate, slaving Democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest. I'm all for teaching that the lot of them were southern white racist pieces of shit. How about you?
sure. I think. the history of the party of the klan needs to be taught regularly. Americans need to realize the dems are nothing more then the party of oppression
LMaO. Anyone with a brain can just Google it. Why does one need to be “taught” that, you racist defect? How about we teach mathematics, logic, public speaking, creative writing, Excel, networking and foreign languages. And leave history to search engines? Novel concept I know.
You don't want to teach American children history? 😄

I wonder why...
sure. I think. the history of the party of the klan needs to be taught regularly. Americans need to realize the dems are nothing more then the party of oppression
You don't think you're going to find opposition in the conservative South for teaching that Robert E Lee was a deplorable mutant?
You don't think you're going to find opposition in the conservative South for teaching that Robert E Lee was a deplorable mutant?
Robert E Lee was on the wrong side of history you racist defect. I learned that in Middle School. You’re a such a waste of life.
Robert E Lee was on the wrong side of history you racist defect. I learned that in Middle School. You’re a such a waste of life.
Some southern conservatives learn different. It's important to reinforce the fact that he was indeed a piece of shit.
They don't have math and science on Google?
You can’t memorize math and science you defect, you actually have to learn the concepts and understand it. Hence that requires a teacher. History is basic memorization. Duh. Are you ever not a complete defect?
Some southern conservatives learn different. It's important to reinforce the fact that he was indeed a piece of shit.
No they do not, defect. Everyone learns the same. Obviously slavery was bad. Obviously Lee was on the wrong side of history. Obviously Lincoln was on the right side. It’s not anything new. Are you ever not a defect?
Some southern conservatives learn different. It's important to reinforce the fact that he was indeed a piece of shit.
Keep in mind defect, the Civil War was white men killing other white men to free black men. Some black men did fight for the North, especially from MA. Slavery was black men selling black men and women to white men. That’s history, little defect. Should we teach that?
Oh save it.

You left the Democratic Party because they didn't welcome your racism any longer

Why wouldn't they? That's what the democrat party was founded on and thrives on to this day.
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You don't think you're going to find opposition in the conservative South for teaching that Robert E Lee was a deplorable mutant?
I am sure there are many folks that might still want to teach that he was a military genius....he's tactics are being taught at places like West Point still.

You'll likely get some opposition from those folks up in NY.
You can’t memorize math and science you defect, you actually have to learn the concepts and understand it. Hence that requires a teacher. History is basic memorization. Duh. Are you ever not a complete defect?
Really? Because I certainly remember memorizing my times tables. Why are all your arguments so obviously stupid? 😄
Really? Because I certainly remember memorizing my times tables. Why are all your arguments so obviously stupid? 😄
Yeah there is some memorizing, defect but you have to still learn the concepts and strategies. While history is pure memorization. Are you ever not a complete defect. I seriously have to explain that to you?
No they do not, defect. Everyone learns the same. Obviously slavery was bad. Obviously Lee was on the wrong side of history. Obviously Lincoln was on the right side. It’s not anything new. Are you ever not a defect?

So you're going to pretend to never of heard of the State's Rights crowd? 😄 Okay, that's fine. So long as I can force you clowns into admitting Robert E Lee was a piece of shit I'll win.

So you're going to pretend to never of heard of the State's Rights crowd? 😄 Okay, that's fine. So long as I can force you clowns into admitting Robert E Lee was a piece of shit I'll win.
Admit what? So if you force me to admit that the Sun rises in the East, you win? It’s common knowledge. There are people like you who also deny the Holocaust happened. Who cares. Most obviously understand it did and the Nazis were bad. We don’t focus on the outliers who believe differently. You do. Why? You’re a defect. Next you’ll claim victory for convincing us that the Earth is round. LOL

You’re such a defect.

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