If the GOP is racist how do you explain this?

I am sure there are many folks that might still want to teach that he was a military genius....he's tactics are being taught at places like West Point still.

You'll likely get some opposition from those folks up in NY.
And they still teach the Founders were noble warriors for freedom despite being deplorable slavers, but that's not what people are opposed to. I'm all for teaching good military tactics (though it's important to take note that Lee lost). The people fighting against us taking down Lee's statues don't think he was a piece of shit and they aren't likely to be Democrats.
Keep in mind defect, the Civil War was white men killing other white men to free black men. Some black men did fight for the North, especially from MA. Slavery was black men selling black men and women to white men. That’s history, little defect. Should we teach that?
First, of course I'm okay with teaching children that black people sold other black people, including children into slavery.You're the one who doesn't want children to be taught history, remember?

As for your civil war argument, are you saying that the noble white Northerners fought the deplorable white Southerners on behalf of poor enslaved blacks? I'm also okay with teaching all white children this. 😄
Admit what? So if you force me to admit that the Sun rises in the East, you win? It’s common knowledge.
Yes if I force Americans, even ones that tend to agree with conservatives to repudiate the legacy and culture of deplorable white Southern Confederates, I do indeed win. 😁
There are people like you who also deny the Holocaust happened. Who cares. Most obviously understand it did and the Nazis were bad.
Most people do understand that the Nazis were deplorable but for some reason when it comes to slaving Confederates and slaving Founders a lot of Southerners don't make that same connection. It's important to remind them just as it's important to remind people of the Nazis.
We don’t focus on the outliers who believe differently. You do. Why? You’re a defect. Next you’ll claim victory for convincing us that the Earth is round. LOL
Some Southern states still celebrate Confederates day, doesn't seem they got the memo about those deplorable American Nazis. How would you feel if entire States decided to celebrate Hitler day as they just did Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis day?
You’re such a defect.
And you're an easily debated mental midget. 😄
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And they still teach the Founders were noble warriors for freedom despite being deplorable slavers, but that's not what people are opposed to. I'm all for teaching good military tactics (though it's important to take note that Lee lost). The people fighting against us taking down Lee's statues don't think he was a piece of shit and they aren't likely to be Democrats.
I am opposed to BLM rioters and others coming into a city or town and ripping a monument down....leave it up to city or town to vote.
I am opposed to BLM rioters and others coming into a city or town and ripping a monument down....leave it up to city or town to vote.
I agree with that too. Repudiation of deplorable Confederate culture needs to be legitimate and lawful to be impactful.
I agree with that too. Repudiation of deplorable Confederate culture needs to be legitimate and lawful to be impactful.
Agreed, the way the leftist terrorist are doing it, almost makes it seem like they want Dem leaders like Jeff Davis to look like martyrs....especially when they do it, while ripping down and defacing monuments to Lincoln, Grant, and folks like Frederick Douglass.....very sad stuff...but maybe that's the intent of those groups.
Agreed, the way the leftist terrorist are doing it, almost makes it seem like they want Dem leaders like Jeff Davis to look like martyrs....especially when they do it, while ripping down and defacing monuments to Lincoln, Grant, and folks like Frederick Douglass.....very sad stuff...but maybe that's the intent of those groups.

You guys can only manage to sound rational for but so long huh...?
No, I'm amused at your inference that social justice warriors took down statues to make martyrs out of Confederates rather than the more obvious answer of simply being confused in their fervor.
They didn't know who Lincoln, Douglass, Grant, Roosevelt etc were? really?

Hard to take them seriously then.
They didn't know who Lincoln, Douglass, Grant, Roosevelt etc were? really?

Hard to take them seriously then.
What makes you think I take people who mistakenly topple a Frédéric Doulgas statue any more seriously than I take you?

And yes really. If their plan was to make martyrs out of Confederates they failed spectacularly. Since then the conversation around idolizing slavers and especially Confederates has increased and has resulted in more statues coming down legally.
What makes you think I take people who mistakenly topple a Frédéric Doulgas statue any more seriously than I take you?

And yes really. If their plan was to make martyrs out of Confederates they failed spectacularly. Since then the conversation around idolizing slavers and especially Confederates has increased and has resulted in more statues coming down legally.
Glad we both don't take these leftist terrorist seriously then.

Not sure why you are attacking me....I am all for the localities in which these monuments are, to decide what they want to do with them...nor could I care one giant way or the other.

I certainly am not at all supportive of the way the dems fought a civil war, because they lost an election, to try and keep their oppressive tactics going....and don't believe they should be honored at all.
Glad we both don't take these leftist terrorist seriously then.
I said I don't take them seriously, not that they were terrorists. That you think they are terrorists is why I don't take you seriously.
Not sure why you are attacking me....I am all for the localities in which these monuments are, to decide what they want to do with them...nor could I care one giant way or the other.
You mean you don't care other than alluding to being terrorized by social justice warriors. 😄
I certainly am not at all supportive of the way the dems fought a civil war, because they lost an election, to try and keep their oppressive tactics going....and don't believe they should be honored at all.
Good. At least we can agree on simple facts and people like you are certainly politically useful. 😁
I said I don't take them seriously, not that they were terrorists. That you think they are terrorists is why I don't take you seriously.

You mean you don't care other than alluding to being terrorized by social justice warriors. 😄

Good. At least we can agree on simple facts and people like you are certainly politically useful. 😁
1) a terrorist is someone that uses unlaw violence in pursuit of political aims....I certainly thinking defacing monuments, ripping them down etc, is unlawful violence.

2) You even admitted they are so violent they got wrapped up and didn't even realize they were taking down monuments of folks like Lincoln.....hard to take you seriously when you call them "social justice" warriors....Douglass was a social justice warrior.

3) I just wish you'd stop supporting terrorism
First, of course I'm okay with teaching children that black people sold other black people, including children into slavery.You're the one who doesn't want children to be taught history, remember?

As for your civil war argument, are you saying that the noble white Northerners fought the deplorable white Southerners on behalf of poor enslaved blacks? I'm also okay with teaching all white children this. 😄

Yes if I force Americans, even ones that tend to agree with conservatives to repudiate the legacy and culture of deplorable white Southern Confederates, I do indeed win. 😁

Most people do understand that the Nazis were deplorable but for some reason when it comes to slaving Confederates and slaving Founders a lot of Southerners don't make that same connection. It's important to remind them just as it's important to remind people of the Nazis.

Some Southern states still celebrate Confederates day, doesn't seem they got the memo about those deplorable American Nazis. How would you feel if entire States decided to celebrate Hitler day as they just did Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis day?

And you're an easily debated mental midget. 😄
You lie. Maybe 1% believe what you claim and you make it seems as though its a majority. You are such a race baiting defect. Why?
1) a terrorist is someone that uses unlaw violence in pursuit of political aims....I certainly thinking defacing monuments, ripping them down etc, is unlawful violence.
Violence against statues? 😄 I'll agree it's unlawful, but it doesn't rise to the level of terrorism. But hey, if you felt terrorized I'm more than willing to acknowledge your pain. And then laugh at it. 😄
2) You even admitted they are so violent they got wrapped up and didn't even realize they were taking down monuments of folks like Lincoln.....hard to take you seriously when you call them "social justice" warriors....Douglass was a social justice warrior.
I was using the term social justice warriors prejoratively against you because righties tend to mock them as ignorant college kids and clowns who don't know much about the things they're talking about and in the case of mistaken statue toppling I'm largely inclined to believe them which brings me back around to why I'm amused at you for admitting to having been terrorized by them.
3) I just wish you'd stop supporting terrorism
And I so wish you continue to admit to being terrorized by social justice statue topplers. 🤣
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You lie. Maybe 1% believe what you claim and you make it seems as though its a majority. You are such a race baiting defect. Why?
You obviously pulled that number out of your ass. You have a source of that that doesn't smell like complete bullshit?
Violence against statues? 😄 I'll agree it's unlawful, but it doesn't rise to the level of terrorism. But hey, if you felt terrorized I'm more than willing to acknowledge your pain. And then laugh at it. 😄

I was using the term social justice warriors prejoratively against you because righties tend to mock them as ignorant college kids and clowns who don't know much about the things they're talking about and in the case of mistaken statue toppling I'm largely inclined to believe them which brings me back around to why I'm amused at you for admitting to having been terrorized by them.

And I so wish you continue to admit to being terrorized by social justice statue topplers. 🤣
yes, violence against them…it’s a very violent act toppling over someone’s property …and unlawful…
Do you have a source that says otherwise? Defect. You claim all Republicans are racist. Got that source? Idiot
It's my opinion that Republicans are either stupid or racist or both. Do you not know the difference between opinion and fact you fucking moron? 😄 Do you think opinions have proof? 😄

What's a fact is that the people largely protecting the idolatry of Confederate monuments and flags are the Southern Conservative people led by conservative Republican governors. You want proof of Republican governors protecting Confederate statues and holidays?

Mississippi Governor Declares April Confederate Heritage Month
It's my opinion that Republicans are either stupid or racist or both. Do you not know the difference between opinion and fact you fucking moron? 😄 Do you think opinions have proof? 😄

What's a fact is that the people largely protecting the idolatry of Confederate monuments and flags are the Southern Conservative people led by conservative Republican governors. You want proof of Republican governors protecting Confederate statues and holidays?

Mississippi Governor Declares April Confederate Heritage Month
In my opinion fewer than 1% believe what you state 99% believe. See how that goes, defect?

I do wish you and I meet face to face one day.

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