If the Justice Dept and our institutions weren’t corrupted and hijacked by the Democrats

If Hunter created so much as one email on the laptop, then it's an original work.

Ever wonder why these issues with Hunter's laptop suddenly dropped from the news?

Because Hinter's lawyers made it clear that everyone who had anything copied would be subject to a multimillion dollar law suit.

No, idiot, you can't copy other people data.

Ever wonder why these issues with Hunter's laptop suddenly dropped from the news?

Because the news didn't want to hurt Joe before the election?
During a trial last spring, prosecutors presented evidence that the man, Douglass Mackey, had joined private Twitter groups where participants reveled in using lies and deceit on behalf of Donald J. Trump, carrying out what one participant termed “the deep psyops of meme war.”

Much of that activity was protected by the First Amendment, prosecutors said. But they argued that Mr. Mackey committed a crime days before the election when, using the name Ricky Vaughn, he posted images targeting Black and Latino voters that claimed it was possible to vote by text message. The idea, prosecutors said, was to suppress votes for Mrs. Clinton.

One of the images showed a Black woman and another one had a message in Spanish. Both included logos resembling the Clinton campaign’s and fine print attributing them to “Hillary for President.

Man Who Spread Misinformation on Trump’s Behalf Sentenced to 7 Months

Better be careful of what lies and deceits you use on behalf of Benedict Donald.
Which gets back to the OP.
Why aren’t those people in prison for lies about the laptop during the election?
Which gets back to the OP.
Why aren’t those people in prison for lies about the laptop during the election?
How did their letter break electioneering laws? Did they attempt to misdirect voters from actually voting like that dumbfuck tried to do? Btw, what ballot was Hunter on? How come he is even on trial if the DOJ was hijacked and corrupted? Wouldn't a corrupt DOJ start an investigation into the investigators?
They would charge those 51 intelligence officers (and whoever involved) that said the Hunter lap top was Russian propaganda with conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 US elections. This is far worse than the stupid hush money bullshit they just did against Trump, which in essence was another election interference attempt by the Democrats. I wonder how many of these treasonous election operations the Left will conduct in order to save Biden’s ass.
A Democrat here called me a traitor last night. I was raised in a loyal military family and I love this country. It's as though the badmouthing was so desperate he had to call a conservative a traitor to create votes or something. When I was growing up, the army recruited my father, the WWII veteran to use him for whatever purpose living in Alaska for a year. All my parents told me was that if you are recruited to serve again, you just go.So at Fort Richardson, my older brother and I saw snow on the ground for the first time. We were proud of our parents ever since, because subtropical Houston was all we ever knew before Dad drove us all the way to Seattle, where we spent a few days before the Army flew us to Anchorage. We spen time on the base elementary school where we learned army games during recess. It was fun. They had a big building for families to gather on Saturday nights and watch a movie too. Dad never discussed why he was called to duty there. So I am not buying accusations of bullies here who call you a traitor over supporting conservative politics, when our family supported our Dad and his job the military said they needed him to do. He just did it because he loved his country, may he rest in peace,, as he passed in 1991 at age 75. He was a very special man, and I was very proud of him for his willingness to serve the USA whenever he was needed to do whatever needed to be done with his extreme strength and mental reasoning capacity.
How did their letter break electioneering laws? Did they attempt to misdirect voters from actually voting like that dumbfuck tried to do? Btw, what ballot was Hunter on? How come he is even on trial if the DOJ was hijacked and corrupted? Wouldn't a corrupt DOJ start an investigation into the investigators?
Hunter had charges dropped.

The public outrage forced them to reverse their decision.


And yes, government employees intentionally lying to the public about a campaign issue is the same.
Hunter had charges dropped.

The public outrage forced them to reverse their decision.


And yes, government employees intentionally lying to the public about a campaign issue is the same.
In 2018, Mr. Weiss was quietly assigned the Hunter Biden investigation and then kept on by Justice Department officials in the Biden administration to complete the job.

Mr. Weiss cast a wide net from the start, examining a range of Mr. Biden’s business dealings, his finances and personal conduct. But the inquiry eventually narrowed.

By late 2022, Mr. Weiss — who relied on the work of I.R.S. investigators, the F.B.I. and lawyers in the Justice Department’s tax division — had found some evidence but determined that he did not have sufficient grounds to indict Mr. Biden for major felonies, according to several people familiar with the situation.

Mr. Weiss told an associate that he preferred not to bring any charges, even misdemeanors, against Mr. Biden because the average American would not be prosecuted for similar offenses.

It was Neo-GOP Lawfare......Outrageous I tells ya!

The copy of the HD Rudy had is suspect.

Those patriots expressing their opinion is a free speech right. Misdirecting opposition voters by deception is not.
Highjacked by Democrats? Nutbag it was Trump and Bill Barr that ran the DOJ in 2020. All of them are Republicans last I've checked.

Aside from that, Trump was charged with Falsifying Bussiness Records under NY state law. What law do you propose to charge the intelligence officers under? "Public statements"?

You don't just get to make up laws and then be all upset that someone wasn't charged with them.
So are you saying you believe some how Trump with all he has been rail roaded since his collusion with Russia till today is justice. You democRats sure are fucked up.
They didn’t lie and their statements didn’t break any laws.

You can’t prosecute people for saying things Trump doesn’t like.

They didn’t lie and their statements didn’t break any laws.

Hiding negative info from the voters before the election isn't a crime?
Shitforbrains thinks Hunters laptop is a Russian plant.
I'm still not convinced it wasn't.

The official story doesn't really track. He dropped off his computer to a Wingnut shop owner who didn't keep video records or who was coming into this store, and then forgot about it, and the Wingnut decided to check out his files to find anything incriminating?

Come on.
So are you saying you believe some how Trump with all he has been rail roaded since his collusion with Russia till today is justice. You democRats sure are fucked up.
What the hell is this word salad?

Are you on drugs son?

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