If the Justice Dept and our institutions weren’t corrupted and hijacked by the Democrats

You tRumplings have been working long hours for the last 6 or 8 years trying to make folks believe that, but it still isn't true.
Maybe you should have a discussion with those voices in your head that tell you it isn’t true, because as you can see, objective and / or biased sources from sides of the political spectrum say most Americans have lost trust in our institutions.
Maybe you should have a discussion with those voices in your head that tell you it isn’t true, because as you can see, objective and / or biased sources from sides of the political spectrum say most Americans have lost trust in our institutions.
Lol, not really no.
Sixth, you should tell that to the govt. attorneys currently prosecuting Hunter, that are using the laptop as irrefutable evidence.

Seventh, you are a joke.

The government has the power to subpoena that laptop and search it. The shop owner and the other MAGGOTS do not.
Well you Leftist morons sure believed that bullshit about the laptop being Russian propaganda. are you 5?

I didn't say it was Russian propaganda, idiot.

I said that neither the shop owner or anyone else has the right to copy data from the laptop.

Learn to read, dipshit!
Well you Leftist morons sure believed that bullshit about the laptop being Russian propaganda. are you 5?

I didn't say it was Russian propaganda, idiot.

I said that neither the shop owner or anyone else has the right to copy data from the laptop.

Learn to read, dipshit!
Is that why Hunter the white privileged spoiled brat criminal got 3 million from the mayor of Moscow’s wife?

Your tin foil hat must be getting worn!

More QAnon disinformation perhaps?

They would charge those 51 intelligence officers (and whoever involved) that said the Hunter lap top was Russian propaganda with conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 US elections. This is far worse than the stupid hush money bullshit they just did against Trump, which in essence was another election interference attempt by the Democrats. I wonder how many of these treasonous election operations the Left will conduct in order to save Biden’s ass.
How about that guy who got sent to prison for a meme? They claimed he interfered with the election.
But but but we were told by you guys the lap top was a fake?

First, I never said it was a fake. I said that the story by the Shop owner was Bullshit and that it was illegal for him to copy data from it.

Learn to read.

BTW - What evidence do you have that the data that is being used in the current case against Biden is from the same laptop that was supposedly abandoned by Biden?

Did you know that it's possible for a person to own more than one laptop?

Did you check the CPU serial numbers?
They would charge those 51 intelligence officers (and whoever involved) that said the Hunter lap top was Russian propaganda with conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 US elections.
Gosh, moronic posts come naturally to you. No need to force it.

You don't even know what the letter signed by 51 intel officers said do you?

It is for all these reasons that we write to say that the arrival on the US political scene of emails
purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time
serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a
Russian information operation.

We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by
President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have
evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the
Russian government played a significant role in this case.

If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we
believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.

The Jordan-Turner letter connects this to social media companies blocking or limiting the sharing of the story, saying of the Oct. 19 statement, “Social media companies simultaneously restricted access to the [New York] Post story.”

But the letter appears to have omitted key context, including whether Blinken actually pushed for such a statement.

On Friday afternoon, House Democrats released an excerpt from Morell’s interview in which Morell actually addressed that. Asked whether Blinken had directed, suggested or insinuated that he should write such a statement, Morell said, “My memory is that he did not.”

“Mr. Morell testified that Mr. Blinken did not hint that the Biden campaign ‘could use some help on this’ or suggest that Mr. Morell should ‘cook up something’ that the campaign should use,” the House Judiciary Democrats said.

Apparently, you know nothing about copyright law, dipshit!

I posted the government website that shows how to get a copyright.
You posted that you felt everything you did or said is magically copyrighted.

If you have any evidence to backup your feelings, post it.

Judiciary Committee Democrats Respond to Baseless Claims about Secretary Blinken

From a Judiciary Committee Spokesman:

"In an effort to smear Secretary Blinken and sensationalize a three-year-old tabloid story, Jim Jordan has released cherry-picked excerpts of a transcribed interview. To be clear, no part of that interview demonstrates that Tony Blinken or any other Biden campaign official asked Mike Morell to write a letter about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

"Mr. Morell is a former CIA Deputy Director and a highly decorated veteran of the intelligence community. For years, he has advised leaders of both parties—including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who awarded Mr. Morell a Director’s Award for distinguished service.

"At no point during his interview did Mr. Morell testify that Secretary Blinken directed or asked him to write any letters. Instead, Mr. Morell testified that Mr. Blinken sought his advice, as many others have. In response to questions posed by Chairman Jordan’s own lawyers, he testified that Mr. Blinken did not “direct, suggest, or insinuate in any way” that he should write a letter about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Nor did Mr. Blinken—then a private citizen—try to get at the letter indirectly. Mr. Morell testified that Mr. Blinken did not hint that the Biden campaign “could use some help on this” or suggest that Mr. Morell should “cook up something” that the campaign should use.

I posted the government website that shows how to get a copyright.
You posted that you felt everything you did or said is magically copyrighted.

If you have any evidence to backup your feelings, post it.

Here ya go, dipshit!

"While many people believe that you must register your work with the U.S. Copyright Office before you can claim a copyright, no registration or other action in the Copyright Office is required to secure a copyright. A copyright is secured automatically when the work is created, as long as the work contains a sufficient degree of originality, and a work comes into being when it is fixed in a “copy or a phonorecord for the first time.” This is consistent with the Berne Convention, which states that the “enjoyment and exercise” of copyright “shall not be subject to any formality.”"

Here ya go, dipshit!

"While many people believe that you must register your work with the U.S. Copyright Office before you can claim a copyright, no registration or other action in the Copyright Office is required to secure a copyright. A copyright is secured automatically when the work is created, as long as the work contains a sufficient degree of originality, and a work comes into being when it is fixed in a “copy or a phonorecord for the first time.” This is consistent with the Berne Convention, which states that the “enjoyment and exercise” of copyright “shall not be subject to any formality.”"


Now all Hunter has to do is sue for copyright infringement anyone who copied his laptop.
He'll have to prove he owned it. And that it was original work.
Is he going to do that with all the emails admitting to selling access to Pedo Peter?
Or just the photos and videos of drug use and hooker banging?
They would charge those 51 intelligence officers (and whoever involved) that said the Hunter lap top was Russian propaganda with conspiracy to interfere with the 2020 US elections. This is far worse than the stupid hush money bullshit they just did against Trump, which in essence was another election interference attempt by the Democrats. I wonder how many of these treasonous election operations the Left will conduct in order to save Biden’s ass.
We are indeed living in a banana republic.

Now all Hunter has to do is sue for copyright infringement anyone who copied his laptop.
He'll have to prove he owned it. And that it was original work.
Is he going to do that with all the emails admitting to selling access to Pedo Peter?
Or just the photos and videos of drug use and hooker banging?

If Hunter created so much as one email on the laptop, then it's an original work.

Ever wonder why these issues with Hunter's laptop suddenly dropped from the news?

Because Hinter's lawyers made it clear that everyone who had anything copied would be subject to a multimillion dollar law suit.

No, idiot, you can't copy other people data.
How about that guy who got sent to prison for a meme? They claimed he interfered with the election.
During a trial last spring, prosecutors presented evidence that the man, Douglass Mackey, had joined private Twitter groups where participants reveled in using lies and deceit on behalf of Donald J. Trump, carrying out what one participant termed “the deep psyops of meme war.”

Much of that activity was protected by the First Amendment, prosecutors said. But they argued that Mr. Mackey committed a crime days before the election when, using the name Ricky Vaughn, he posted images targeting Black and Latino voters that claimed it was possible to vote by text message. The idea, prosecutors said, was to suppress votes for Mrs. Clinton.

One of the images showed a Black woman and another one had a message in Spanish. Both included logos resembling the Clinton campaign’s and fine print attributing them to “Hillary for President.

Man Who Spread Misinformation on Trump’s Behalf Sentenced to 7 Months

Better be careful of what lies and deceits you use on behalf of Benedict Donald.
I posted the government website that shows how to get a copyright.
You posted that you felt everything you did or said is magically copyrighted.

If you have any evidence to backup your feelings, post it.

But peole do have a right to privacy. Especially under California law, under which Hunter is suing Giuliani and the store owner.

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