If the Left Ever Wins the Presidency...


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
If the Left ever wins the presidency the following will occur.
  1. Economic stagnation
  2. The country will be flooded with unskilled immigrants. As a consequence the Republicans will never again win a national election.
  3. As the USA declines, China will establish itself as the global hegemon.
  4. Pogroms of white people will begin. White conservatives will be targeted, but white liberals more so, after all white liberals will have fought nonwhite socialists in a bitter struggle for control of the Left.
If someone has a realistic alternative scenario please share it.

The future?

The situation could get bad fast. And white people will flee where? Europe will be facing the same problems.
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Considering their recent devolution into diametric opposition to all-things-American and adoption of the historic failure that is socialist policy, I have strong doubts that they will be permitted to gain enough political power to pull the foundation out from under the United States.
We focus to much on the president.
Congress makes the laws, confirms the judges, and ratifies the treaties.
The bureaucracy makes the decisions on implementation and enforcement.
The big money behind the government circus has the real power over it all.
If the Left ever wins the presidency the following will occur.
  1. Economic stagnation
  2. The country will be flooded with unskilled immigrants. As a consequence the Republicans will never again win a national election.
  3. As the USA declines, China will establish itself as the global hegemon.
  4. Pogroms of white people will begin. White conservatives will be targeted, but white liberals more so, after all white liberals will have fought nonwhite socialists in a bitter struggle for control of the Left.
If someone has a realistic alternative scenario please share it.

The future?

The situation could get bad fast. And white people will flee where? Europe will be facing the same problems.

Why do you say ever?

Big Government Trump is in there now. I spent decades listening to how tariffs were the bane of free market capitalism. No go-backsies and pretending they're a conservative thing now.

A Democrat had it two elections ago.

A Democrat got more votes last time.
We focus to much on the president.
Congress makes the laws, confirms the judges, and ratifies the treaties.
The bureaucracy makes the decisions on implementation and enforcement.
The big money behind the government circus has the real power over it all.

90% of the nation's problems are the fault of Congress.

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