If the president is not safe, no one is safe.

President Trump can’t protect his own family. Why trust him to protect yours? Vote Biden / Harris for President.

Oh so you think Biden/Harris can protect you from the virus?? If you do your one dumb fuck. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Nothing controls it.
This ain’t the 18th century, jack. We understand how to manage, prevent and treat infectious diseases.

OMG You could prevent the virus? You could stop the pandemic? Hell you should sign up. They would pay you a fortune for your knowledge.

I guess you are better than the CDC. LOL
Just about every other country on Earth has done a better job than Trump at mitigating the spread of the disease.

Trump is a total failure. A disaster. A disgrace. He has the blood of 200,000 Americans (and climbing) on his hands.
President Trump can’t protect his own family. Why trust him to protect yours? Vote Biden / Harris for President.

Oh so you think Biden/Harris can protect you from the virus?? If you do your one dumb fuck. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Nothing controls it.

I think any politician with an ounce of experience would have done a better job. Why? Because they are career politicians and know how government works.
Not a reality TV show host who doesn't know the first thing about government...or care about it. Cruz, Rubio, Clinton, Bush, Biden, Pee-Wee Herman....all would have done a better job.
As I said Trump breaks state and local laws all the time, he uses federal jurisdiction and exclusions to bypass them. From running red lights, to not wearing masks.

You mean when DumBama visited cities, his motorcade stopped at all red lights? How about when Clinton visited cities? I don't recall ever seeing that.
The president and first lady have tested positive for Covid-19; there is little doubt that no one is safe. We are in a state of attack from a foe that comes disguised like a Trojan Horse. It makes every friend an enemy. It hides in apparently innocuous places and delivers itself covertly via the overt tendencies of its targets to gather in groups. It is the ultimate superweapon and it appears to have the footprint of human engineering. It has an unnerving unnatural aspect to it. Did someone open a Pandora’s box?

Wouldn’t that be the real story? Why is the 600-pound gorilla in the room ignored? Does anyone have any idea what gain-of-function research is? Pathogens exist in nature, but the majority are random and fail to reach pandemic proportions because they lack the necessary connections to attach themselves to the mechanisms of cellular structure that are in place to defeat them with immune responses. What if bioresearch could use DNA technology to weave and combine special connecting abilities from other viruses into new viruses so they could circumvent nature?

What would happen if a Frankenstein scenario like this got out of hand? No need to wonder; it is happening right before our eyes. When the President of the United States is not safe, no one is safe. We are playing with fire on this issue because this is an election year in our country and partisans are using the intended or unintended release of crafted bioweapon research for political advantage while the economic destruction of our country unfolds like a slow rumbling wrecking ball.

Whether someone wears a mask or not has very little relevance in the way of protection because there is no effective physical barrier to contact or airborne plague that is on the march 24 hours a day in every corner of society. There are too many variables in the mix and the poison just lurks waiting for any lapse in human judgement which is inevitable.

Can we turn to science to save us? First we have to realize that science is what has attacked us. This is not just a national threat, it is a global threat and if the human species is going to survive there are certain ethical protocols that must be followed and this business about we have to do it because others are doing it will take us down.

It's a matter of time now until they start trying to remove him because he's unfit for office.
"Slow the testing down, please."

President Trump can’t protect his own family. Why trust him to protect yours? Vote Biden / Harris for President.

Oh so you think Biden/Harris can protect you from the virus?? If you do your one dumb fuck. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Nothing controls it.
This ain’t the 18th century, jack. We understand how to manage, prevent and treat infectious diseases.
the fact you believe that is hilarious. dude. wow. Then why do we have this virus?
In no small part due to people who refuse to follow CDC guidelines.
I guess I’m going to side with the medical professionals at the CDC over you.
then how did Trump get it? he's fking working with them. he still got it.

Because Trump doesn't listen to the original team.

He just put a radiologist in charge of the coronavirus task force, that advocates NOT wearing masks.
listen how? He stands on a stage tens of feet away from anyone. how is it he isn't following? social distancing right? promoted on every fking commercial ad on tv today. he has, he wears masks. he's done everything they instructed. He isn't sick, he has no symptom. big fking deal.

He should have stayed at home and hid under his bed rather than running the country.

Thats what a coward liberal like Biden did.
Anyone who relies on someone in DC to protect them is a blithering idiot.
The IRONIC post of the day. Since Trump relies on his white house (DC) staff to keep him safe.

So yes..... Trump is a blithering idiot.
Once again you demonstrate your remedial reading comprehension skills prohibits you from following a conversation.
President Trump can’t protect his own family. Why trust him to protect yours? Vote Biden / Harris for President.

Oh so you think Biden/Harris can protect you from the virus?? If you do your one dumb fuck. Its a pandemic shit for brains. Nothing controls it.
This ain’t the 18th century, jack. We understand how to manage, prevent and treat infectious diseases.

OMG You could prevent the virus? You could stop the pandemic? Hell you should sign up. They would pay you a fortune for your knowledge.

I guess you are better than the CDC. LOL
Can’t do it by myself. We need everyone to work together.
Actually there are state and city laws about wearing masks at Trump rally locations. But Trump either overrides the laws with federal jurisdiction, or by narrow exclusions.
Over rides their laws? Can you provide evidence to your phony claim?

Yes I can. Every time a presidential motorcade goes through red lights, or exceeds the speed limit, or fails to yield the right of way.
What does that have to do with this virus? The President cannot tell a state or city he's not going to listen to their laws, nor his followers.
As I said Trump breaks state and local laws all the time, he uses federal jurisdiction and exclusions to bypass them. From running red lights, to not wearing masks.
funny that didn't come up during the impeachment in January. hmmmmmmmm

And Trump didn't tell them to nor did he ever say by federal authority your law doesn't apply.
Actually Trumps spokeswoman said that.

I'm still waiting for the link I asked for earlier on that.
I already posted a link proving my claims correct. I don't care WTF you post, it has nothing to do with the claims I made and proved.
We went through this last time. All you did is claim you posted something, and told people they look for it themselves, without any help.

And when they found your post, it didn't say what you claimed. And your answer was they must not have found the post you were talking about and to keep looking.

Well, either post it, or STFU. We won't chase our tails trying to find a post that doesn't say what you claim.

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