If the Republicans win the Presidency, how much more debt will they add?


VIP Member
Jan 7, 2012
Yes, I know that it's up to Congress but, as we've all seen here, the President gets the bulk of the blame for the debt. So...

How much more debt will a Republican president add to our national debt (once Obama is done) during his first term? 1 Trillion? 2? 4? 8?

And if you answer "less than Obama" I'm gonna assume that it's a dollar less than what Obama has added in his first term.
Yes, I know that it's up to Congress but, as we've all seen here, the President gets the bulk of the blame for the debt. So...

How much more debt will a Republican president add to our national debt (once Obama is done) during his first term? 1 Trillion? 2? 4? 8?

And if you answer "less than Obama" I'm gonna assume that it's a dollar less than what Obama has added in his first term.

Und der Katze sagt:

For starters, defense spending will increase. Gotta keep that military-industrial welfare flowing.
If past performance is an indicator of future behavior, then when you combine the unpaid for war in Iran, the tax cuts for corporations and the ultra wealthy, then my target for the deficit increase over 4 years would be 3.8 trillion.

But the war will be kept "off the books" and the tax cuts will be made permanent.

So when the next Dem pres is elected, Repubs can say that it is all the Dems fault. Again.
Well, according to the Tax Policy Center, Reversible Mittens will add 900 Billion by 2015...
If the Republicans win the Presidency, how much more debt will they add?"""

If you believe Ralph Nader ("We are ruled by a two-party dictatorship") nothing is going to change.
It's amusing to watch a gaggle of progressives talk about what you think a conservative MIGHT spend compared to what Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi HAVE spent.
Well, once they start an unnecessary war with Iran, that's $1-2 trillion
Continuing the Bush tax cuts and adding additional cuts will add another $3 trillion
No one has any idea. To pretend they do is laughable. Why don't you ask where we all bought our crystal balls instead.
Well, once they start an unnecessary war with Iran, that's $1-2 trillion
Continuing the Bush tax cuts and adding additional cuts will add another $3 trillion

You're right about a war with Iran being "unnecessary", Winger. If the mullahs had any fear of this Administration they would have backed off on finishing a nuke like the Libyans did. But that won't happen because Barry still thinks that sanctions will save the day and in his usual manner has attempted to kick another problem down the road by offering Israel arms if they don't attack Iran until after the elections. If you were Iran...would YOU be worried about the US? We're led by a man who's reaction to tough decisions is to vote "Present".
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Well, once they start an unnecessary war with Iran, that's $1-2 trillion
Continuing the Bush tax cuts and adding additional cuts will add another $3 trillion

You're right about a war with Iran being "unnecessary", Winger. If the mullahs had any fear of this Administration they would have backed off on finishing a nuke like the Libyans did. But that won't happen because Barry still thinks that sanctions will save the day and in his usual manner has attempted to kick another problem down the road by offering Israel arms if they don't attack Iran until after the elections. If you were Iran...would YOU be worried about the US? We're led by a man who's reaction to tough decisions is to vote "Present".

Yea....just like he voted "present" when he killed bin laden
Well, once they start an unnecessary war with Iran, that's $1-2 trillion
Continuing the Bush tax cuts and adding additional cuts will add another $3 trillion

You're right about a war with Iran being "unnecessary", Winger. If the mullahs had any fear of this Administration they would have backed off on finishing a nuke like the Libyans did. But that won't happen because Barry still thinks that sanctions will save the day and in his usual manner has attempted to kick another problem down the road by offering Israel arms if they don't attack Iran until after the elections. If you were Iran...would YOU be worried about the US? We're led by a man who's reaction to tough decisions is to vote "Present".

Yea....just like he voted "present" when he killed bin laden

Yeah, like that was a "tough" decision to make. Give me a break. Barry loves drone attacks and sending in the SEAL teams because he gets to play Commander in Chief. So what does he do with Iran? Drones aren't going to cut it...and neither are the SEALS. Sanctions are a joke. The only thing that WILL make the Iranians back down is if they truely believe that we will attack and destroy their nuclear facilities. They obviously don't think Barry has the backbone for that.
You're right about a war with Iran being "unnecessary", Winger. If the mullahs had any fear of this Administration they would have backed off on finishing a nuke like the Libyans did. But that won't happen because Barry still thinks that sanctions will save the day and in his usual manner has attempted to kick another problem down the road by offering Israel arms if they don't attack Iran until after the elections. If you were Iran...would YOU be worried about the US? We're led by a man who's reaction to tough decisions is to vote "Present".

Yea....just like he voted "present" when he killed bin laden

Yeah, like that was a "tough" decision to make. Give me a break. Barry loves drone attacks and sending in the SEAL teams because he gets to play Commander in Chief. So what does he do with Iran? Drones aren't going to cut it...and neither are the SEALS. Sanctions are a joke. The only thing that WILL make the Iranians back down is if they truely believe that we will attack and destroy their nuclear facilities. They obviously don't think Barry has the backbone for that.

You bet your ass it was a tough decision. It was fifty fifty if bin Laden was even there. If he sent the SEALS in and bin Laden wasn't there and the SEALS were slaughtered, Republicans would have treated it like the Bay of Pigs.

The safe response was a drone attack on the compound. Obama rolled the dice and won
Bush and O are the standard bearers. They blew it out so bad that 3 trillion below their mark is still beyond pathetic.
3 of 4 GOP candidates would add to deficits - Feb. 23, 2012

There is an answer. Now cutting taxes might help raise revenues but starting a war with Iran/Cuba would out pace the tax cut created revenues.

You have to cut some taxes while cutting spending, there is no way around it.

Obama runs the country 100% the same as Mitt/Santorum/Newt would and Obama runs the country 110% the same as Bush did because Obama expanded most of Bush’s evil policies.
Yea....just like he voted "present" when he killed bin laden

Yeah, like that was a "tough" decision to make. Give me a break. Barry loves drone attacks and sending in the SEAL teams because he gets to play Commander in Chief. So what does he do with Iran? Drones aren't going to cut it...and neither are the SEALS. Sanctions are a joke. The only thing that WILL make the Iranians back down is if they truely believe that we will attack and destroy their nuclear facilities. They obviously don't think Barry has the backbone for that.

You bet your ass it was a tough decision. It was fifty fifty if bin Laden was even there. If he sent the SEALS in and bin Laden wasn't there and the SEALS were slaughtered, Republicans would have treated it like the Bay of Pigs.

The safe response was a drone attack on the compound. Obama rolled the dice and won

Gee, Winger...what do you figure the odds were that Seal Team 6 was going to be "slaughtered"? Short of a crash that "conflict" was about as preordained as you could get. Let's see a team of the best trained killing force on the planet, with the element of surprise...against a couple poorly armed body guards, some women and an old man...I'm gonna take Seal Team 6 kicking the living tar out of that scenario 999,999 out of a million. Yeah, real ballsy move by the President!

So tell me what you think of the prospects for success with Barry's sanctions against Iran? I bet the mullahs are just shaking in their sheets over what Barack Obama might do. (Eye-roll)
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Newt Gingrich's economic plan would do a lot of things. But reducing the debt and balancing the federal budget aren't among them.

Same goes for Rick Santorum's and Mitt Romney's economic plans.

Print CommentIndeed, a preliminary analysis by the independent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget released Thursday estimates that the three candidates' plans could add between $250 billion and $7 trillion of debt over the next nine years.

By contrast, the proposals of Ron Paul could reduce the debt by $2.2 trillion, the group estimated.

For the link... http://money.cnn.com/2012/02/23/news/economy/gop_candidates_deficits/index.htm
Plus they will tank the economy worse than they did last time.

Given the disaster that is the Obama economy... you know, $16,000,000,000,000 debt, $1,500,000,000,000 deficits, 10% inflation, housing markets down 40%, 40,000,000 unemployed, stagnant growth, declining US $, etc.... I don't see the voters embracing four more years of the Boy King. I guess this is why the Democrats are so focused on horse shit like DADT, gay marriage & free rubbers.
Plus they will tank the economy worse than they did last time.

Given the disaster that is the Obama economy... you know, $16,000,000,000,000 debt, $1,500,000,000,000 deficits, 10% inflation, housing markets down 40%, 40,000,000 unemployed, stagnant growth, declining US $, etc.... I don't see the voters embracing four more years of the Boy King. I guess this is why the Democrats are so focused on horse shit like DADT, gay marriage & free rubbers.


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