If the roles were reversed...

What attack ?

Stop being disingenuous you scumbag. You didn't answer my question. Nobody did.
Its a bullshit question. Stop whining.

You won't answer because it'd reveal your two-faced hypocrisy and awareness that the MSM is biased.
If you know the answer why ask the question you thick fucker ?
Why so aggressive Mr. Tainted? Young in heart, recalling the good old times when igniting (did I say igniting?) hatred against certain people vacationing in Wales?
I've seen MSM hardly ever headline or even publish, anti-white racism
if they do, it's never for as long as anti-black/etc
I read the news everyday, many sites....one time ABC had 4 out of seven headlines that were about the poor minorities and/or anti-black/muslim racism

"I've seen MSM hardly ever headline or even publish, anti-white racism"

That is not an accident either, it's deliberate, it's a deliberately incorrect narrative of the MSM that ONLY White people can EVER be racist, that Blacks and Muslims are NEVER racist, as we know it's horsecrap.

Blacks and Muslims are racist toward Whites.

EG. How is "Kill ALL Whites" NOT racist toward Whites?
I watched the vid, but they never said why they were yelling at him and the vid has no description..just partial. So, does someone want to clue me in?
Watch it again. At the very beginning when the bearded bald guy is holding him down he says; "This guy is alt-right". Rerun it and put in your hearing aid (just kidding, good to see you)

The thing is most of that mindless mob probably do not even know what Alt-Right even is. Alt-Right is just a term they have heard mentioned in the MSM, if asked they wouldn't be able to tell people WTF Alt-Right is.

This is also illustrated in the ridiculous connecting of the Alt-Right with the clowns in the KKK etc.
I didn't have to get past the thread title to know what this was about.
Democrats have zero consistency and zero credibility. They are chock-full of dichotomies. They pander to highspanics and black churches who oppose homos and abortion while they pander to homos and abortion, etc.
If not for double standards, democrats would have no standards.
I watched the vid, but they never said why they were yelling at him and the vid has no description..just partial. So, does someone want to clue me in?
Watch it again. At the very beginning when the bearded bald guy is holding him down he says; "This guy is alt-right". Rerun it and put in your hearing aid (just kidding, good to see you)

The thing is most of that mindless mob probably do not even know what Alt-Right even is. Alt-Right is just a term they have heard mentioned in the MSM, if asked they wouldn't be able to tell people WTF Alt-Right is.

This is also illustrated in the ridiculous connecting of the Alt-Right with the clowns in the KKK etc.
I'm still trying to get someone to show me the Unite the Right manifesto
I found it once, but can't find it now
a lot of these white ''nationalists'' organizations are no different from the black/latino/asian/ etc organizations ...
Just mindless mob action. MOST of them will eventually get sickened by their own actions..

Not as long people in positions of authority spread the message that they're justified...

They'll eventually resent being used as tools. As soon as they see the violence that their "leadership" spurned on..

The situation is that they are considered Useful Idiots and if it got to a point like it did say in the Soviet Union in the late 1920s and very early 1930s under Stalin, once the Useful Idiots have served their purpose they no longer will be needed and so they'll be the first who'll be extinguished.

The Useful Idiots are not that important beyond a certain point, they are 100% expendable.
I watched the vid, but they never said why they were yelling at him and the vid has no description..just partial. So, does someone want to clue me in?
Watch it again. At the very beginning when the bearded bald guy is holding him down he says; "This guy is alt-right". Rerun it and put in your hearing aid (just kidding, good to see you)

The thing is most of that mindless mob probably do not even know what Alt-Right even is. Alt-Right is just a term they have heard mentioned in the MSM, if asked they wouldn't be able to tell people WTF Alt-Right is.

This is also illustrated in the ridiculous connecting of the Alt-Right with the clowns in the KKK etc.
I'm still trying to get someone to show me the Unite the Right manifesto
I found it once, but can't find it now
a lot of these white ''nationalists'' organizations are no different from the black/latino/asian/ etc organizations ...

The alt-right is common sense conservatism divorced from BS multiculturalism and crony capitalism. Google the manifesto...see for yourself.
Just mindless mob action. MOST of them will eventually get sickened by their own actions..

Not as long people in positions of authority spread the message that they're justified...

They'll eventually resent being used as tools. As soon as they see the violence that their "leadership" spurned on..

The situation is that they are considered Useful Idiots and if it got to a point like it did say in the Soviet Union in the late 1920s and very early 1930s under Stalin, once the Useful Idiots have served their purpose they no longer will be needed and so they'll be the first who'll be extinguished.

The Useful Idiots are not that important beyond a certain point, they are 100% expendable.

Exactly. When it gets to the boiling point, all that military level police gear rolls against them. That either ignites it over the edge, or makes them think about what they have to gain by continuing to be a brainless, aimless mob of fascists. With the rug pulled out from under them.

You saw glimmers of that when a few Dem leaders spoke out against them following protests in Cali. Noticeably "San Fran Nancy" who actually PROVOKED one of those confrontations directly herself.
Just mindless mob action. MOST of them will eventually get sickened by their own actions..

Not as long people in positions of authority spread the message that they're justified...

They'll eventually resent being used as tools. As soon as they see the violence that their "leadership" spurned on..

The situation is that they are considered Useful Idiots and if it got to a point like it did say in the Soviet Union in the late 1920s and very early 1930s under Stalin, once the Useful Idiots have served their purpose they no longer will be needed and so they'll be the first who'll be extinguished.

The Useful Idiots are not that important beyond a certain point, they are 100% expendable.

Ramzpaul, a prominent alt-right figure...one of the founders of the movement gives his take on useful idiots:

I watched the vid, but they never said why they were yelling at him and the vid has no description..just partial. So, does someone want to clue me in?
Watch it again. At the very beginning when the bearded bald guy is holding him down he says; "This guy is alt-right". Rerun it and put in your hearing aid (just kidding, good to see you)

The thing is most of that mindless mob probably do not even know what Alt-Right even is. Alt-Right is just a term they have heard mentioned in the MSM, if asked they wouldn't be able to tell people WTF Alt-Right is.

This is also illustrated in the ridiculous connecting of the Alt-Right with the clowns in the KKK etc.
I'm still trying to get someone to show me the Unite the Right manifesto
I found it once, but can't find it now
a lot of these white ''nationalists'' organizations are no different from the black/latino/asian/ etc organizations ...

The alt-right is common sense conservatism divorced from BS multiculturalism and crony capitalism. Google the manifesto...see for yourself.
The Alt-right red state conservatives will not be relevant in the 21st century, your numbers are dwindling along with your low birth rates and immortality.
Just mindless mob action. MOST of them will eventually get sickened by their own actions..

Not as long people in positions of authority spread the message that they're justified...

They'll eventually resent being used as tools. As soon as they see the violence that their "leadership" spurned on..

The situation is that they are considered Useful Idiots and if it got to a point like it did say in the Soviet Union in the late 1920s and very early 1930s under Stalin, once the Useful Idiots have served their purpose they no longer will be needed and so they'll be the first who'll be extinguished.

The Useful Idiots are not that important beyond a certain point, they are 100% expendable.

Exactly. When it gets to the boiling point, all that military level police gear rolls against them. That either ignites it over the edge, or makes them think about what they have to gain by continuing to be a brainless, aimless mob of fascists. With the rug pulled out from under them.

You saw glimmers of that when a few Dem leaders spoke out against them following protests in Cali. Noticeably "San Fran Nancy" who actually PROVOKED one of those confrontations directly herself.

We can all see this, why can't they?

They all cannot be that completely stupid that they are oblivious to the reality of the end game, an end game that has an outcome that they won't be rewarded with what they seem to think they'll be rewarded with, which is a seat at the Big Table.
Just mindless mob action. MOST of them will eventually get sickened by their own actions..

Not as long people in positions of authority spread the message that they're justified...

They'll eventually resent being used as tools. As soon as they see the violence that their "leadership" spurned on..

The situation is that they are considered Useful Idiots and if it got to a point like it did say in the Soviet Union in the late 1920s and very early 1930s under Stalin, once the Useful Idiots have served their purpose they no longer will be needed and so they'll be the first who'll be extinguished.

The Useful Idiots are not that important beyond a certain point, they are 100% expendable.

Exactly. When it gets to the boiling point, all that military level police gear rolls against them. That either ignites it over the edge, or makes them think about what they have to gain by continuing to be a brainless, aimless mob of fascists. With the rug pulled out from under them.

You saw glimmers of that when a few Dem leaders spoke out against them following protests in Cali. Noticeably "San Fran Nancy" who actually PROVOKED one of those confrontations directly herself.

We can all see this, why can't they?

They all cannot be that completely stupid that they are oblivious to the reality of the end game, an end game that has an outcome that they won't be rewarded with what they seem to think they'll be rewarded with, which is a seat at the Big Table.

They have a vision in their tiny anarcho-fascist brains that they OWN the streets. WHO'S STREET -- OUR STREET. WHO'S PARK -- OUR PARK.. They've been constantly crapped on by the "rule of law" and the political process and the last election sent them over the edge. So they are NOT vested in any real "process" that normal people recognize.

I've spent 2 decades keeping this morons from grabbing hold of the Libertarian Party and turning it into a mindless "social justice league".. I've debated them, opposed them, and know them well. And they don't like being mocked for their arrogance and disdain for open and free discussion..
They have a vision in their tiny anarcho-fascist brains that they OWN the streets. WHO'S STREET -- OUR STREET. WHO'S PARK -- OUR PARK.. They've been constantly crapped on by the "rule of law" and the political process and the last election sent them over the edge. So they are NOT vested in any real "process" that normal people recognize.

I've spent 2 decades keeping this morons from grabbing hold of the Libertarian Party and turning it into a mindless "social justice league".. I've debated them, opposed them, and know them well. And they don't like being mocked for their arrogance and disdain for open and free discussion..

They think they have us outnumbered...but if you were forced to choose between siding with alt-right weirdos like me vs the side that literally craves the extermination of the white race and the destruction of western civilization...
The Alt-right red state conservatives will not be relevant in the 21st century, your numbers are dwindling along with your low birth rates and immortality.
Of course, that's why we are flooded with third world scum. Eradicate white Europeans over there and white European descendants over here. You don't even hide your intentions anymore either. You and your ilk are the most despicable evil creatures there are.
Of course, that's why we are flooded with third world scum. Eradicate white Europeans over there and white European descendants over here. You don't even hide your intentions anymore either. You and your ilk are the most despicable evil creatures there are.

White people today are treated like Hitler's jews. Pushed out of our lands, demonized and abused. A cornered beast with nothing left to lose...
Of course, that's why we are flooded with third world scum. Eradicate white Europeans over there and white European descendants over here. You don't even hide your intentions anymore either. You and your ilk are the most despicable evil creatures there are.

White people today are treated like Hitler's jews. Pushed out of our lands, demonized and abused. A cornered beast with nothing left to lose...
morituri te salutant

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