If There Ever Was A More Deserving Person Than Malala Yousafzai I'd Like To Know

The girl has more manly qualities of courage and fearlessness than the entirety of Muslim men.
Now aren't you just the cutest thing......... :gay:

The girl has demonstrated qualities of courage and fearlessness not shared by most of humanity.

And cowardly Taliban jihadists want to kill a teenage girl not understanding that her championship and ultimate victory in liberating Muslim women from cultural Islam is unstoppable.
Yea, that's the spirit Jakie boy!! ....... :dance:
Now aren't you just the cutest thing......... :gay:

The girl has demonstrated qualities of courage and fearlessness not shared by most of humanity.

And cowardly Taliban jihadists want to kill a teenage girl not understanding that her championship and ultimate victory in liberating Muslim women from cultural Islam is unstoppable.
Yea, that's the spirit Jakie boy!! ....... :dance:

Your attitude clearly defines the distance between the Muslim East and modern civilization.

Malala is the face of future Islam, not you or your buddies. :cool:
The girl has demonstrated qualities of courage and fearlessness not shared by most of humanity.

And cowardly Taliban jihadists want to kill a teenage girl not understanding that her championship and ultimate victory in liberating Muslim women from cultural Islam is unstoppable.
Yea, that's the spirit Jakie boy!! ....... :dance:

Your attitude clearly defines the distance between the Muslim East and modern civilization.

Malala is the face of future Islam, not you or your buddies. :cool:
No doubt...... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
The thing that most people don't understand about Islam is that the whole purpose of it is to maintain control, as most Arab/Islamic men fully know & understand that under normal circumstances, females would have nothing to do with them, as in the United States they see women from Muslim families just don't like the irritating attitudes & small dick syndrome of their men.
If women obtained equal rights in Muslim countries, they would just leave, bringing an end to their culture & Islam itself ......... the only thing left to fuck would be a goat, if you think about this conclusion, that would suck ........... these silly sandniggers are just protecting their rights to have sex with a female of the same species.
The Profit Mohamed knew this to be true, thus women under Islamic rule shall only have the same rights as a toilet ....... or happy sock.
Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

You forgot to mention he started 2 wars, was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, inspired terrorists around the globe, and increased tensions between the nations of this world. :cool:

What would you expect a US president to do when our country was attacked as it was on 9/11? Sit there and say, "Gosh darn I hate when that happens?" and carry on as if nothing happened? Of course he declared war on the terrorist country responsible, he was not responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, but created a coalition of nations to help in the Gulf war where Obama could not get two nations to answer his calls.

There was no such thing. We weren't attacked by a country. And even if you went by the nationality of most (but not all) of the terrorists, you'd end up attacking Saudi Arabia. And you know that's not going to happen.
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She is just a rebellious teenager who caused trouble and got shot for her effort.

Hardly a hero......... :doubt:

Tsk Tsk Sunni Dude...I applaud her. She should have gotten it.
I have no doubt that she is a super hero in the West and will be given many accolades.

But in the Islamic world.........not so much. . :cool:

I imagine not.

The Islamic world is still in the 18th century in some people's minds.
Iraq did not attack us.

Afghanistan collapsed with less than 500 Americans on the ground and one death, a contractor.

Yet . . . the neo-cons wanted to show how stupid they were.

They succeeded.

Iraq not only attacked us on several occasions but attack our allies as well as provided aide to those who attacked our allies.

I know to the left being an ally doesn't mean much these days, but there you have it.
Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

Sorry, but I think her heart is in the right place.

She reminds me of Gandhi.

If she insulted the misogyny of Christianity instead of Islam, I don't think you would be quite so understanding.
Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

Sorry, but I think her heart is in the right place.

She reminds me of Gandhi.

If she insulted the misogyny of Christianity instead of Islam, I don't think you would be quite so understanding.

Problem is Chrisians aren't living in the 18th Century anymore.

So your point is moot.
I think it's possible that the Nobel Committee is afraid of being shot in the face by muslim extremists.

Or they realize that a group whose efforts saved thousands of lives in a warzone is a bit higher on the "Peace" thing than someone who just survived a crime.

Course being shot in the face for freedom is just a crime to you. Probably a just a misdemeanor. You understand the Taliban more than you understand women under the Taliban. The left doesn't love freedom like the rest of us do.
Sorry, but I think her heart is in the right place.

She reminds me of Gandhi.

If she insulted the misogyny of Christianity instead of Islam, I don't think you would be quite so understanding.

Problem is Chrisians aren't living in the 18th Century anymore.

So your point is moot.

No, the point is that Christians now have to live in secular societies that won't put up with their BULLSHIT.

Otherwise, they'd be burning heretics and witches like they did in the other 18 out of 20 centuries of our history.
I think it's possible that the Nobel Committee is afraid of being shot in the face by muslim extremists.

Or they realize that a group whose efforts saved thousands of lives in a warzone is a bit higher on the "Peace" thing than someone who just survived a crime.

Course being shot in the face for freedom is just a crime to you. Probably a just a misdemeanor. You understand the Taliban more than you understand women under the Taliban. The left doesn't love freedom like the rest of us do.

No, what I understand is that we are sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and getting stung.

Hey, you know what, the Communists were perfectly fine with teaching girls to read in Afghanistan. And giving them the right to vote. And even giving them equal rights to men.

And then some ASSHOLE named Ronnie Ray-gun decided to give a bunch of "Freedom Fighters" (you know, assholes with too much religion) guns and stinger missiles and those nasty communists were driven out.

And when girls want to read, they shoot them in the face.

But they ain't Communists, dammit, and that was the important thing. And the ONLY reason why you and the other wingnuts give a fuck is because a couple of these assholes that WE ARMED flew some planes into buildings in this country.

Good job, everyone. We should all be proud.
If she insulted the misogyny of Christianity instead of Islam, I don't think you would be quite so understanding.

Problem is Chrisians aren't living in the 18th Century anymore.

So your point is moot.

No, the point is that Christians now have to live in secular societies that won't put up with their BULLSHIT.

Otherwise, they'd be burning heretics and witches like they did in the other 18 out of 20 centuries of our history.

If you say so.

I think eventually you'll run out of witches.

However the left never runs out of targets.
Or they realize that a group whose efforts saved thousands of lives in a warzone is a bit higher on the "Peace" thing than someone who just survived a crime.

Course being shot in the face for freedom is just a crime to you. Probably a just a misdemeanor. You understand the Taliban more than you understand women under the Taliban. The left doesn't love freedom like the rest of us do.

No, what I understand is that we are sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and getting stung.

Hey, you know what, the Communists were perfectly fine with teaching girls to read in Afghanistan. And giving them the right to vote. And even giving them equal rights to men.

And then some ASSHOLE named Ronnie Ray-gun decided to give a bunch of "Freedom Fighters" (you know, assholes with too much religion) guns and stinger missiles and those nasty communists were driven out.

And when girls want to read, they shoot them in the face.

But they ain't Communists, dammit, and that was the important thing. And the ONLY reason why you and the other wingnuts give a fuck is because a couple of these assholes that WE ARMED flew some planes into buildings in this country.

Good job, everyone. We should all be proud.

We armed them with box-cutters and 757s.

You are so cliche'.
Course being shot in the face for freedom is just a crime to you. Probably a just a misdemeanor. You understand the Taliban more than you understand women under the Taliban. The left doesn't love freedom like the rest of us do.

No, what I understand is that we are sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and getting stung.

Hey, you know what, the Communists were perfectly fine with teaching girls to read in Afghanistan. And giving them the right to vote. And even giving them equal rights to men.

And then some ASSHOLE named Ronnie Ray-gun decided to give a bunch of "Freedom Fighters" (you know, assholes with too much religion) guns and stinger missiles and those nasty communists were driven out.

And when girls want to read, they shoot them in the face.

But they ain't Communists, dammit, and that was the important thing. And the ONLY reason why you and the other wingnuts give a fuck is because a couple of these assholes that WE ARMED flew some planes into buildings in this country.

Good job, everyone. We should all be proud.

We armed them with box-cutters and 757s.

You are so cliche'.

Nice avoiding the point.

Point is, Afghanistan could have been a roach motel for Jihadists instead of a breeding swamp, if Ray-gun hadn't armed the assholes.

The thing is, we can get out. Women like what's her name can't.
No, what I understand is that we are sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and getting stung.

Hey, you know what, the Communists were perfectly fine with teaching girls to read in Afghanistan. And giving them the right to vote. And even giving them equal rights to men.

And then some ASSHOLE named Ronnie Ray-gun decided to give a bunch of "Freedom Fighters" (you know, assholes with too much religion) guns and stinger missiles and those nasty communists were driven out.

And when girls want to read, they shoot them in the face.

But they ain't Communists, dammit, and that was the important thing. And the ONLY reason why you and the other wingnuts give a fuck is because a couple of these assholes that WE ARMED flew some planes into buildings in this country.

Good job, everyone. We should all be proud.

We armed them with box-cutters and 757s.

You are so cliche'.

Nice avoiding the point.

Point is, Afghanistan could have been a roach motel for Jihadists instead of a breeding swamp, if Ray-gun hadn't armed the assholes.

The thing is, we can get out. Women like what's her name can't.

I didn't avoid anything. I was simply being a realist.

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