If There Ever Was A More Deserving Person Than Malala Yousafzai I'd Like To Know

Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

You forgot to mention he started 2 wars, was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, inspired terrorists around the globe, and increased tensions between the nations of this world. :cool:

I did mention he started 2 wars. OK, he fought two wars. Al Qaeda started one, Saddam the other.
How many people did he save taking down Saddam, who was a supporter of terrorism?
He cemented support for the US in the eastern European countries. Until Obama sold them down the river to the Russians.
He killed terrorists around the globe. His anti terror programs were so good and effective that Obama has essentially copied most of them.
Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

Actually? She does. She's going around the world describing the plight of women in radical Muslim tyrannies that are mistreated...being denied lives.

Hell? The NOW Gang here in this country should be 100% behind her.

That's nice but not Peace Prize material.
Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

Sorry, but I think her heart is in the right place.

She reminds me of Gandhi.

Intentions are not achievements.

They could say the same of Jesus.

Standing up for peace is not easy.

Speaking out for what is right takes courage. Especially since she actually believes what she's saying, unlike Obama.
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Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

Sorry, but I think her heart is in the right place.

She reminds me of Gandhi.

Intentions are not achievements.

She survived DEATH, to speak about her oppressors...quite an achievement if you ask me.
Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

You forgot to mention he started 2 wars, was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, inspired terrorists around the globe, and increased tensions between the nations of this world. :cool:

And all this time I thought the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon was reason enough to go to war in Afghanistan. At least most of the leading Democrats did, and who am I to argue with them.
If that attack had not been responded to, there would have been more attacks in the US to inspire terrorists.
Sorry, but I think her heart is in the right place.

She reminds me of Gandhi.

Intentions are not achievements.

They could say the same of Jesus.

Standing up for peace is not easy.

Speaking out for what is right takes courage. Especially since she actually believes what she's saying, unlike Obama.

I agree with Spock here. Tyranny needs a thumb in the eye at every opportunity. This girl did that, they shot her in the face, and she got up and did it again. If that's not courage, there's no such thing.
Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

You forgot to mention he started 2 wars, was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, inspired terrorists around the globe, and increased tensions between the nations of this world. :cool:

And all this time I thought the attack on the WTC and the Pentagon was reason enough to go to war in Afghanistan. At least most of the leading Democrats did, and who am I to argue with them.
If that attack had not been responded to, there would have been more attacks in the US to inspire terrorists.

It was. But that doesn't explain the second one. That's where we went off the rails. We went into Iraq basically because there was a convenient distraction and because as our sterling SecDef put it, they had "better targets". Much like choosing to buy car X over car Y because "it's a better color".
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Getting shot in the face qualifies you for a Peace Prize? Shit where's mine?

No. Getting shot in the face qualifies you for the emergency room. But to stand right back up again and declare "I will not be intimidated" not only weakens the aggressor's power but inspires others behind her to carry the same attitude.

There need not be a distinction between activist and passive-ist work for peace. In many respects the latter can be more powerful.
The girl has demonstrated qualities of courage and fearlessness not shared by most of humanity.

And cowardly Taliban jihadists want to kill a teenage girl not understanding that her championship and ultimate victory in liberating Muslim women from cultural Islam is unstoppable.
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The girl has more manly qualities of courage and fearlessness than the entirety of Muslim men.
Now aren't you just the cutest thing......... :gay:

The girl has demonstrated qualities of courage and fearlessness not shared by most of humanity.

And cowardly Taliban jihadists want to kill a teenage girl not understanding that her championship and ultimate victory in liberating Muslim women from cultural Islam is unstoppable.
Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

You forgot to mention he started 2 wars, was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, inspired terrorists around the globe, and increased tensions between the nations of this world. :cool:

What would you expect a US president to do when our country was attacked as it was on 9/11? Sit there and say, "Gosh darn I hate when that happens?" and carry on as if nothing happened? Of course he declared war on the terrorist country responsible, he was not responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, but created a coalition of nations to help in the Gulf war where Obama could not get two nations to answer his calls.
Iraq did not attack us.

Afghanistan collapsed with less than 500 Americans on the ground and one death, a contractor.

Yet . . . the neo-cons wanted to show how stupid they were.

They succeeded.

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