If There Ever Was A More Deserving Person Than Malala Yousafzai I'd Like To Know

According to Gunnar Berge (Nobel Committee Chairman), Booooosh was also the reason Jimmy Carter got the Nobel Prize. I'm beginning to think Boooosh is responsible for more people getting the Nobel Prize than Alfred Nobel.:lol:
Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, and Obama all got the Nobel because they weren't George W Bush.

I would argue that Jimmy Carter was recongized for his work as an election observer and the work he's done for peace and even his habitat for humanity work. Although he was an awful president... until Bush came along.

Al Gore, Obama. You are right. This was the Nobel committeee throwing a hissy that Bush ignored them.

He would have been awared the prize for the Israel-Egypt accords. The fact that they didnt do it until 2002 is suggestive that the committee wanted to show up Bush.
While people of other religions have been inventing stuff in the past 400 years, Muslims haven't invented anything. Why is that?
Thanks for letting the board know that you are a racist.

btw When is your next Klan meeting? .. :cool:

I'm racist because Muslims haven't invented anything in over 400 years? Fuck are you an idiot. So tell us, why can't Muslims invent anything? They too stupid?

and what have you invented?

or are you stupid?
Thanks for letting the board know that you are a racist.

btw When is your next Klan meeting? .. :cool:

I'm racist because Muslims haven't invented anything in over 400 years? Fuck are you an idiot. So tell us, why can't Muslims invent anything? They too stupid?

and what have you invented?

or are you stupid?
She didnt invent anything. She's not up for the Nobel either.
I'd neg rep you except your avatar is hot.
Where did I say that religions invent anything? I said Muslims, not Islam.

ummm.... what do you think "Muslim" means then? :confused:

Do we know if Turhan Alçelik (non-glare headlight, 2006) or Jawed Karim (PayPal security algorithms, 2000) or even Ibrahim Efendi (submarine, 1720) were practicing, or casual, or serious, Muslims? Do we care? Did it make an iota of difference to their inventions?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I ddint know any of them won a Nobel Prize.

Actually the question was "why can't Muslims invent anything?"

So I listed a litany of building-block-of-civilisation inventions and the question morphed into
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years?"

So I list some recent inventions and the question morphs into
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it?"

What's next then?
ummm.... what do you think "Muslim" means then? :confused:

Do we know if Turhan Alçelik (non-glare headlight, 2006) or Jawed Karim (PayPal security algorithms, 2000) or even Ibrahim Efendi (submarine, 1720) were practicing, or casual, or serious, Muslims? Do we care? Did it make an iota of difference to their inventions?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I ddint know any of them won a Nobel Prize.

Actually the question was "why can't Muslims invent anything?"

So I listed a litany of building-block-of-civilisation inventions and the question morphed into
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years?"

So I list some recent inventions and the question morphs into
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it?"

What's next then?

If that's the best 1B Muslims can do then it really says something uncomplimentary about their civilzation.
PogoIf not tarnished said:
essential [/I]to peace.

Obama was given the Peace prize by the international community as a direct rebuke of the Bush years and George W. Bush himself.

The girl says she was too young? Someone send her a biography of Joan D'Arc.

Fakey says that Obambam got it as an international rebuke to Booooosh. So, it appears that it IS generally agreed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been devalued.

It is not given for doing anything substantive for peace or for taking actual risks for peace.

It is a cheesy political statement by folks, like Fakey, who didn't like Boooooosh.

and the whinemeister eats his cheese :eusa_boohoo:

no one generally agrees "that the Nobel Peace Prize has been devalued" but America does overwhelmingly devalue the far right
Actually the question was "why can't Muslims invent anything?"

So I listed a litany of building-block-of-civilisation inventions and the question morphed into
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years?"

So I list some recent inventions and the question morphs into
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it?"

What's next then?

If that's the best 1B Muslims can do then it really says something uncomplimentary about their civilzation.

I was talking about major inventions, not some meaningless algorithm from a guy who maybe didn't live in a muslim country, certainly wasn't schooled there, and had possibly questionable muslim sentiment. C'mon, in the last 400 years, what are the 3 biggest/best/most important inventions or discoveries made by a muslim in a muslim country, who grew up there and was schooled there? Shoe bombs don't count.:popcorn:

Yeah there isn't. It's a shame. In the Middle Ages the Muslim world preserved Greek and Roman learning. They had the foremost mathematicians and philosophers. But over the last 200 years they've been reduced to dependence on the West for any kind of technology or medicine. Bernard Lewis even has abook on this topic: What Went Wrong.
If that's the best 1B Muslims can do then it really says something uncomplimentary about their civilzation.

I was talking about major inventions, not some meaningless algorithm from a guy who maybe didn't live in a muslim country, certainly wasn't schooled there, and had possibly questionable muslim sentiment. C'mon, in the last 400 years, what are the 3 biggest/best/most important inventions or discoveries made by a muslim in a muslim country, who grew up there and was schooled there? Shoe bombs don't count.:popcorn:

Yeah there isn't. It's a shame. In the Middle Ages the Muslim world preserved Greek and Roman learning. They had the foremost mathematicians and philosophers. But over the last 200 years they've been reduced to dependence on the West for any kind of technology or medicine. Bernard Lewis even has abook on this topic: What Went Wrong.

Bangladesh doesn't count as a Muslim country now? Do tell.

So now the question morphs into:
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it and Bangladeshis don't count?"

Once again -- what in the blue fuck do religious "sentiments" have to do with freaking inventions? Why do you think I listed Edison, Tesla, Franklin, Whitney et al?? Are they to be counted as "Christian" inventors on the basis that they lived in a Christian country -- even though they didn't practice it? Fact is, religion doesn't have a god damned thing to do with invention; if anything it gets in the way. That's your red herring and I fed it for amusement to show you that it wouldn't work even if it had been a legitimate basis. Invention is literally the brainchild of imagination, and imagination is simply human.

Moreover, if you want "major" inventions you're back to the test of time, and then we're back to algebra and coffee and toothbrushes and submarines. And we did all that already, so you're talking in circles that go nowhere.

Your argument is empty and it was from the beginning. Thanks for playin' - it's been vaguely amusing. Next time be prepared to take it somewhere other than endless circles.

Now that that's dispensed with, we're back to the topic at hand -- waiting for Mudwhistle to give us these details on when Iraq attacked the U.S.

I suspect that might take 400 years too. :eusa_whistle:
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I was talking about major inventions, not some meaningless algorithm from a guy who maybe didn't live in a muslim country, certainly wasn't schooled there, and had possibly questionable muslim sentiment. C'mon, in the last 400 years, what are the 3 biggest/best/most important inventions or discoveries made by a muslim in a muslim country, who grew up there and was schooled there? Shoe bombs don't count.:popcorn:

Yeah there isn't. It's a shame. In the Middle Ages the Muslim world preserved Greek and Roman learning. They had the foremost mathematicians and philosophers. But over the last 200 years they've been reduced to dependence on the West for any kind of technology or medicine. Bernard Lewis even has abook on this topic: What Went Wrong.

Bangladesh doesn't count as a Muslim country now? Do tell.

So now the question morphs into:
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it and Bangladeshis don't count?"

Once again -- what in the blue fuck do religious "sentiments" have to do with freaking inventions? Why do you think I listed Edison, Tesla, Franklin, Whitney et al?? Are they to be counted as "Christian" inventors on the basis that they lived in a Christian country -- even though they didn't practice it?

Religion doesn't have a god damned thing to do with invention; if anything it gets in the way. That's your red herring and I fed it for amusement to show you that it wouldn't work, even if it had been a legitimate basis.

Moreover, if you want "major" inventions you're back to the test of time, and then we're back to algebra and coffee and toothbrushes and submarines. And we did all that already, so you're talking in circles that go nowhere.

Your argument is empty and it was from the beginning. Thanks for playin' - it's been vaguely amusing. Next time be prepared to take it somewhere other than endless circles.

How many Nobel Prizes have Bangladeshis won?

You really don't understand any of this, do you?
Yeah there isn't. It's a shame. In the Middle Ages the Muslim world preserved Greek and Roman learning. They had the foremost mathematicians and philosophers. But over the last 200 years they've been reduced to dependence on the West for any kind of technology or medicine. Bernard Lewis even has abook on this topic: What Went Wrong.

Bangladesh doesn't count as a Muslim country now? Do tell.

So now the question morphs into:
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it and Bangladeshis don't count?"

Once again -- what in the blue fuck do religious "sentiments" have to do with freaking inventions? Why do you think I listed Edison, Tesla, Franklin, Whitney et al?? Are they to be counted as "Christian" inventors on the basis that they lived in a Christian country -- even though they didn't practice it?

Religion doesn't have a god damned thing to do with invention; if anything it gets in the way. That's your red herring and I fed it for amusement to show you that it wouldn't work, even if it had been a legitimate basis.

Moreover, if you want "major" inventions you're back to the test of time, and then we're back to algebra and coffee and toothbrushes and submarines. And we did all that already, so you're talking in circles that go nowhere.

Your argument is empty and it was from the beginning. Thanks for playin' - it's been vaguely amusing. Next time be prepared to take it somewhere other than endless circles.

How many Nobel Prizes have Bangladeshis won?

Damned if I know. That wasn't the question either.
What kind of game is it that every time you get an answer you change the question?

So now the question morphs from:
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it and Bangladeshis don't count?" to:

"How many Nobel Prizes have Bangladeshis won?"

What's next?
ummm.... what do you think "Muslim" means then? :confused:

Do we know if Turhan Alçelik (non-glare headlight, 2006) or Jawed Karim (PayPal security algorithms, 2000) or even Ibrahim Efendi (submarine, 1720) were practicing, or casual, or serious, Muslims? Do we care? Did it make an iota of difference to their inventions?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I ddint know any of them won a Nobel Prize.

Actually the question was "why can't Muslims invent anything?"

So I listed a litany of building-block-of-civilisation inventions and the question morphed into
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years?"

So I list some recent inventions and the question morphs into
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it?"

What's next then?

Sorry, getting shot and surviving are not adequate accomplishments for the Peace Prize.

George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

Sorry, but I think her heart is in the right place.

She reminds me of Gandhi.

Little Afghan-Hillary? :rofl:
Bangladesh doesn't count as a Muslim country now? Do tell.

So now the question morphs into:
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it and Bangladeshis don't count?"

Once again -- what in the blue fuck do religious "sentiments" have to do with freaking inventions? Why do you think I listed Edison, Tesla, Franklin, Whitney et al?? Are they to be counted as "Christian" inventors on the basis that they lived in a Christian country -- even though they didn't practice it?

Religion doesn't have a god damned thing to do with invention; if anything it gets in the way. That's your red herring and I fed it for amusement to show you that it wouldn't work, even if it had been a legitimate basis.

Moreover, if you want "major" inventions you're back to the test of time, and then we're back to algebra and coffee and toothbrushes and submarines. And we did all that already, so you're talking in circles that go nowhere.

Your argument is empty and it was from the beginning. Thanks for playin' - it's been vaguely amusing. Next time be prepared to take it somewhere other than endless circles.

How many Nobel Prizes have Bangladeshis won?

Damned if I know. That wasn't the question either.
What kind of game is it that every time you get an answer you change the question?

So now the question morphs from:
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it and Bangladeshis don't count?" to:

"How many Nobel Prizes have Bangladeshis won?"

What's next?

Given this thread is about the Nobel it seems a reasonable question.
So far your answers have gone like this:
Us: There have been hardly any Arab/Muslim Nobel Prize winners.
You: Do you think inventions come from religion?
Us: Then please tell us what inventions Arabs/Muslims have made.
You: How about algebra and astronomy?
Us: That was hundreds of years ago. What about in the last 100?
You: Some Muslim immigrant to America created the algorithm for Google.
Us: That hardly rises to the level of major achievemnt.
You: You keep changing the terms! Wahh!
The criteria for the Prize has changed. It is no longer accomplishments. It is the perceived intentions that now get the Peace Prize. Al Gore got it for intending to stop global warming. obama got it for the intention to bring peace the world. This organization got it because of the perceived intention to rid the world of chemical weapons.

Malama has worked to bring education to women. She did something. She doesn't intend to do great things, by doing great things she has eliminated herself from the competition.
Here, I'll make it easier for you noobs to understand: name me 3 inventions/discoveries in the past 400 years by ANY FUCKING ARAB WHO GREW UP IN AN ARAB AND/OR MUSLIM COUNTRY AND WAS SCHOOLED THERE.

I agree that muslims/arabs have invented a lot of shit, but since the advent of Islam, it's been getting less and less, and pretty much nada in the past 400 years. Fuck are you a noob.

So now we're on to "Arabs"? You don't understand the difference between Arabs and Muslims?

Bagladeshis aren't Arab. Turks aren't Arab. Is that why you want to eliminate them?
What's your quest here? Muslims or Arabs? Do you even have a clue what you're talking about?

So the latest form is:
"why can't Muslims invent anything in the last 400 years and win a Nobel prize for it, and Bangladeshis don't count, plus they have to be FUCKING ARAB and be 'schooled there'?"

Are you sure that's it? They don't have to be ambidextrous midgets born under Pisces on a Tuesday?

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The criteria for the Prize has changed. It is no longer accomplishments. It is the perceived intentions that now get the Peace Prize. Al Gore got it for intending to stop global warming. obama got it for the intention to bring peace the world. This organization got it because of the perceived intention to rid the world of chemical weapons.

Malama has worked to bring education to women. She did something. She doesn't intend to do great things, by doing great things she has eliminated herself from the competition.

That's pretty accurate, until the last part... how do you eliminate yourself from competition by "doing great things"?

Again I'd note that what Malama did was spiritual, in the sense of providing an inspirational example. That kind of defiance emasculates the oppressor. And more power to her, Nobel or not.

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