If There Ever Was A More Deserving Person Than Malala Yousafzai I'd Like To Know

The muslim world could care less if she get's the Nobel jew prize or not. .. :cool:

The Nobel peace prize winner is decided by a small committee of has-been Norwegian politicians. A couple of them are neo-communist but not one is a Jew - there are very, very few Jews in Norway.

So 'Sunni Man', explain why you chose to call it a 'Jew prize'.

Because muslims can't win a Nobel, they don't invent anything, well, if you don't count underwear bombs. :lol:
Sunni, why don't muslims ever invent anything, you all too stupid?

Inventions have religions now?? Really?

If inventions came from religion you'd be stuck with the inconveniences of, say, algebra... you know, from Kitab al-Jabr Wa l-Mugabala ("The Book of Reasoning and Balancing)"? Al-Khwarizmi's books on mathematics, algebra and astronomy were used in Europe for the next eight hundred years...

Then you'd have to count the toothbrush... the crank... the concepts of camera obscura (when Europe thought light was emitted from the eye)... a flying machine demonstrated over a thousand years before the Wrights and half a millennium before DaVinci... not to mention the concepts of universities, hospitals and the surgery that goes on in them.

Admirals... algorithms... alcohol... alfalfa... almanacs... we got the lute from al oud which is why a guitar maker is called a luthier...

There's just a few, now I'm going to enjoy my hot cup of French Roast Musliminvention... :coffee:

"Inventions have religions". Sheesh.
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The Nobel peace prize winner is decided by a small committee of has-been Norwegian politicians. A couple of them are neo-communist but not one is a Jew - there are very, very few Jews in Norway.

So 'Sunni Man', explain why you chose to call it a 'Jew prize'.

Because muslims can't win a Nobel, they don't invent anything, well, if you don't count underwear bombs. :lol:
Sunni, why don't muslims ever invent anything, you all too stupid?

Inventions have religions now?? Really?

If inventions came from religion you'd be stuck with the inconveniences of, say, algebra... you know, from Kitab al-Jabr Wa l-Mugabala ("The Book of Reasoning and Balancing)"? Al-Khwarizmi's books on mathematics, algebra and astronomy were used in Europe for the next eight hundred years...

Then you'd have to count the toothbrush... the crank... the concepts of camera obscura (when Europe thought light was emitted from the eye)... a flying machine demonstrated over a thousand years before the Wrights and half a millennium before DaVinci... not to mention the concepts of universities, hospitals and the surgery that goes on in them.

Admirals... algorithms... alcohol... alfalfa... almanacs... we got the lute (from al oud) which is why a guitar maker is called a luthier...

There's just a few, now I'm going to enjoy my hot cup of French Roast Musliminvention... :coffee:

"Inventions have religions". Sheesh.

They certainly have inventors, who come from specific cultures, which include religion.
Every item you mention is probably 400 years old or more.
Where are the Nobel laureates from the Muslim world? Jews make up like 15% of laureates, and account for less than 1% of the world population.
I gave up on the Nobel Prize a long time ago. The credibility is gone. After they gave one to Barack Obama and Al Gore, i was out. I mean, who awards these Prizes? Who are these people? I choose to ignore the prizes now. And i think everyone else should too. They're meaningless. There is no need to expend so much energy discussing them. In fact, i've already expended too much energy doing that. And if the MSM wasn't run by a bunch of Global Elite hacks, it wouldn't even be a story worth reporting on. Just stop giving it so much attention. It's a boring outdated Globalist relic. Nothing more, nothing less.
Because muslims can't win a Nobel, they don't invent anything, well, if you don't count underwear bombs. :lol:
Sunni, why don't muslims ever invent anything, you all too stupid?

Inventions have religions now?? Really?

If inventions came from religion you'd be stuck with the inconveniences of, say, algebra... you know, from Kitab al-Jabr Wa l-Mugabala ("The Book of Reasoning and Balancing)"? Al-Khwarizmi's books on mathematics, algebra and astronomy were used in Europe for the next eight hundred years...

Then you'd have to count the toothbrush... the crank... the concepts of camera obscura (when Europe thought light was emitted from the eye)... a flying machine demonstrated over a thousand years before the Wrights and half a millennium before DaVinci... not to mention the concepts of universities, hospitals and the surgery that goes on in them.

Admirals... algorithms... alcohol... alfalfa... almanacs... we got the lute from al oud which is why a guitar maker is called a luthier...

There's just a few, now I'm going to enjoy my hot cup of French Roast Musliminvention... :coffee:

"Inventions have religions". Sheesh.
No Muslim has invented anything of note in the past 400 years or probably more. They got dumber as time went on.

So first you want to qualify inventions by the religion of their inventor (which would vary wildly from one inventor to the next)... and now you want to put temporal qualifications on it.


Uh-- inventions by definition need a legacy of time to BE legitimate inventions.

Soap (while Europe was developing Bubonic plague)... shampoo.. soup... the paycheck... the windmill... vaccination... the fountain pen... distilling (Jabir ibn Hayyan who bridged alchemy into Chemistry)... the game of Chess... the idea that the earth is a sphere and the idea of a garden as a place of meditation...

Not to mention these guys...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0...

Refresh me -- how many of the above and the previous are we still using today?

Time tells the tale. Trust me, nobody's going to care in 400 or even 100 years that Mark Zuckerberg invented a medium to tell people you're about to take a shower.

Using soap and shampoo, of course... :rolleyes:

Quick now -- run off and look up the religions of other inventors like, oh, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla. Because science is all about the religion of the scientist. :thup:
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The muslim world could care less if she get's the Nobel jew prize or not. .. :cool:

The Nobel peace prize winner is decided by a small committee of has-been Norwegian politicians. A couple of them are neo-communist but not one is a Jew - there are very, very few Jews in Norway.

So 'Sunni Man', explain why you chose to call it a 'Jew prize'.

Because muslims can't win a Nobel, they don't invent anything, well, if you don't count underwear bombs. :lol:
Sunni, why don't muslims ever invent anything, you all too stupid?

You do realize that malala is muslim dont you?
No Muslim has invented anything of note in the past 400 years or probably more. They got dumber as time went on.

So first you want to qualify inventions by the religion of their inventor (which would vary wildly from one inventor to the next)... and now you want to put temporal qualifications on it.


Uh-- inventions by definition need a legacy of time to BE legitimate inventions.

Soap (while Europe was developing Bubonic plague)... shampoo.. soup... the paycheck... the windmill... vaccination... the fountain pen... distilling (Jabir ibn Hayyan who bridged alchemy into Chemistry)... the game of Chess... the idea that the earth is a sphere and the idea of a garden as a place of meditation...

Not to mention these guys...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0...

Refresh me -- how many of the above and the previous are we still using today?

Time tells the tale. Trust me, nobody's going to care in 400 or even 100 years that Mark Zuckerberg invented a medium to tell people you're about to take a shower.

Using soap and shampoo, of course... :rolleyes:

Quick now -- run off and look up the religions of other inventors like, oh, Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison and Nicola Tesla. Because science is all about the religion of the scientist. :thup:

While people of other religions have been inventing stuff in the past 400 years, Muslims haven't invented anything. Why is that?

::::::: wwwhoooooossssshhh ::::::::​

Henry Ford? Eli Whitney? Ben Franklin? Anybody?

How 'bout Einstein: "Jewish" ?
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George W Bush should win the Peace Prize. He helped defeat al Qaeda, set in motion the machinery to take out bin Laden, eliminated Saddam Hussein, eliminated Moamar Ghaddafi, and helped Africa with its AIDS problem.

:lol: :cuckoo:
While people of other religions have been inventing stuff in the past 400 years, Muslims haven't invented anything. Why is that?
Thanks for letting the board know that you are a racist.

btw When is your next Klan meeting? .. :cool:

I'm racist because Muslims haven't invented anything in over 400 years? Fuck are you an idiot. So tell us, why can't Muslims invent anything? They too stupid?

I wouldn't know if you're racist or not, but if you still think religions "invent" things you're damn dense. :cuckoo:
The girl has more brains and balls than all of her enemies combined.

She CLEARLY deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Just as clearly, Obama never had any viable claim to it.

It is tarnished beyond redemption.
I'm racist because Muslims haven't invented anything in over 400 years? Fuck are you an idiot. So tell us, why can't Muslims invent anything? They too stupid?

I wouldn't know if you're racist or not, but if you still think religions "invent" things you're damn dense. :cuckoo:

Where did I say that religions invent anything? I said Muslims, not Islam.

ummm.... what do you think "Muslim" means then? :confused:

Do we know if Turhan Alçelik (non-glare headlight, 2006) or Jawed Karim (PayPal security algorithms, 2000) or even Ibrahim Efendi (submarine, 1720) were practicing, or casual, or serious, Muslims? Do we care? Did it make an iota of difference to their inventions?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
The girl has more brains and balls than all of her enemies combined.

She CLEARLY deserved to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Just as clearly, Obama never had any viable claim to it.

It is tarnished beyond redemption.

If not tarnished, certainly deflated. The NPP has of late become little more than an international "person of the year" award. It has little meaning left.

But based on the old definition as a real Peace prize, it's hard to top Malala Yousafzai standing up to tyranny, getting shot in the face and then standing up again refusing to be intimidated. Seems to me such a determined undermining of heavyhanded oppression is essential to peace.
PogoIf not tarnished said:
essential [/I]to peace.

Obama was given the Peace prize by the international community as a direct rebuke of the Bush years and George W. Bush himself.

The girl says she was too young? Someone send her a biography of Joan D'Arc.
PogoIf not tarnished said:
essential [/I]to peace.

Obama was given the Peace prize by the international community as a direct rebuke of the Bush years and George W. Bush himself.

The girl says she was too young? Someone send her a biography of Joan D'Arc.

Fakey says that Obambam got it as an international rebuke to Booooosh. So, it appears that it IS generally agreed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been devalued.

It is not given for doing anything substantive for peace or for taking actual risks for peace.

It is a cheesy political statement by folks, like Fakey, who didn't like Boooooosh.
PogoIf not tarnished said:
essential [/I]to peace.

Obama was given the Peace prize by the international community as a direct rebuke of the Bush years and George W. Bush himself.

The girl says she was too young? Someone send her a biography of Joan D'Arc.

Fakey says that Obambam got it as an international rebuke to Booooosh. So, it appears that it IS generally agreed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been devalued.

It is not given for doing anything substantive for peace or for taking actual risks for peace.

It is a cheesy political statement by folks, like Fakey, who didn't like Boooooosh.

According to Gunnar Berge (Nobel Committee Chairman), Booooosh was also the reason Jimmy Carter got the Nobel Prize. I'm beginning to think Boooosh is responsible for more people getting the Nobel Prize than Alfred Nobel.:lol:
Obama was given the Peace prize by the international community as a direct rebuke of the Bush years and George W. Bush himself.

The girl says she was too young? Someone send her a biography of Joan D'Arc.

Fakey says that Obambam got it as an international rebuke to Booooosh. So, it appears that it IS generally agreed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been devalued.

It is not given for doing anything substantive for peace or for taking actual risks for peace.

It is a cheesy political statement by folks, like Fakey, who didn't like Boooooosh.

According to Gunnar Berge (Nobel Committee Chairman), Booooosh was also the reason Jimmy Carter got the Nobel Prize. I'm beginning to think Boooosh is responsible for more people getting the Nobel Prize than Alfred Nobel.:lol:
Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, and Obama all got the Nobel because they weren't George W Bush.
I wouldn't know if you're racist or not, but if you still think religions "invent" things you're damn dense. :cuckoo:

Where did I say that religions invent anything? I said Muslims, not Islam.

ummm.... what do you think "Muslim" means then? :confused:

Do we know if Turhan Alçelik (non-glare headlight, 2006) or Jawed Karim (PayPal security algorithms, 2000) or even Ibrahim Efendi (submarine, 1720) were practicing, or casual, or serious, Muslims? Do we care? Did it make an iota of difference to their inventions?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

I ddint know any of them won a Nobel Prize.
Fakey says that Obambam got it as an international rebuke to Booooosh. So, it appears that it IS generally agreed that the Nobel Peace Prize has been devalued.

It is not given for doing anything substantive for peace or for taking actual risks for peace.

It is a cheesy political statement by folks, like Fakey, who didn't like Boooooosh.

According to Gunnar Berge (Nobel Committee Chairman), Booooosh was also the reason Jimmy Carter got the Nobel Prize. I'm beginning to think Boooosh is responsible for more people getting the Nobel Prize than Alfred Nobel.:lol:
Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, and Obama all got the Nobel because they weren't George W Bush.

I would argue that Jimmy Carter was recongized for his work as an election observer and the work he's done for peace and even his habitat for humanity work. Although he was an awful president... until Bush came along.

Al Gore, Obama. You are right. This was the Nobel committeee throwing a hissy that Bush ignored them.

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