If there was something illegal in Trump's tax returns he would have been nailed for it already.


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
Congress cannot stand by while any president violates his oath of office, abuses his power for personal gain and solicits foreign interference in American elections. Even in an administration where the reigning ethical standard is “not technically illegal,” this flagrant misconduct stands out.
Congress cannot stand by while any president violates his oath of office, abuses his power for personal gain and solicits foreign interference in American elections. Even in an administration where the reigning ethical standard is “not technically illegal,” this flagrant misconduct stands out.

But digging into the president's personal tax information in the hope of finding something is not how justice is done. Using other issues as an excuse to look for something embarrassing is not good.
Congress cannot stand by while any president violates his oath of office, abuses his power for personal gain and solicits foreign interference in American elections. Even in an administration where the reigning ethical standard is “not technically illegal,” this flagrant misconduct stands out.

But digging into the president's personal tax information in the hope of finding something is not how justice is done. Using other issues as an excuse to look for something embarrassing is not good.

but suing congress to hide tax returns is good ?

They are not necessarily looking for something illegal, although I'm sure they would love to find that. They want to find some information that is not already known to exploit for political purposes and it does not have to be illegal.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
What is wrong with you, attempting to use logic, reason, intelligence, & common sense with snowflakes?!


I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

The IRS is full of liberal weasels and if Trump had done anything wrong he would have been charged already.
when kids fuck up they hide, or try and hide their fuck up -

same for Goldilocks -
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
They don't care what they find.
They'll just make shit up and claim that it's real.....just like they're doing with this phone call. They will say a bunch of shit is in those returns that isn't in there.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
If there was the IRS who's job it is would have found it. Obviously there's nothing for anyone who's buisness it is not to whine about.
The Democrats are desperate to find something, ANYTHING that they can use to impeach Trump, or at least make him look bad enough to lose in 2020. What they don't seem to get is that in their desperation they are making themselves look very bad indeed. To the point where their Party is losing people who will not vote for the Dem nominee next year, they'll just stay home or vote for a 3rd party person. I suspect that not many will vote for Trump, but a smaller political base is not good and the number of independents that will support them and vote for them is also dwindling, cuz this shot show is turning a lot of people off.
Congress cannot stand by while any president violates his oath of office, abuses his power for personal gain and solicits foreign interference in American elections. Even in an administration where the reigning ethical standard is “not technically illegal,” this flagrant misconduct stands out.

After Clinton, Bush, and Obama you'd think you'd be use to it by now
Congress cannot stand by while any president violates his oath of office, abuses his power for personal gain and solicits foreign interference in American elections. Even in an administration where the reigning ethical standard is “not technically illegal,” this flagrant misconduct stands out.

But digging into the president's personal tax information in the hope of finding something is not how justice is done. Using other issues as an excuse to look for something embarrassing is not good.

but suing congress to hide tax returns is good ?


The one doesn't address the other. In fact, it is those you hate the most who deserve the same protections as everyone else, and paramount among those protections is the presumption of innocence. I mean, you wouldn't want government agencies digging through Hillary's personal emails on the off chance they could find something embarrassing or incriminating because she refused to keep them separate from official correspondence, would you?
Nixon got away with it for a while but when he turned over his returns then then it was all over.

Trump will get away with it unless he is forced to give his returns but why should he willingly do it because history shows that he will lose
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
They don't care what they find.
They'll just make shit up and claim that it's real.....just like they're doing with this phone call. They will say a bunch of shit is in those returns that isn't in there.

He isn't being audited, its all a lie.
They are not necessarily looking for something illegal, although I'm sure they would love to find that. They want to find some information that is not already known to exploit for political purposes and it does not have to be illegal.

True that. They want a line item that their trained seals can all get excited about. They wouldn't understand the item, now, but would instead repeat with gusto and absolute certainty what their favorite hate merchant said about it.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.

None of which proves that Trump evaded scrutiny at all.
Congress cannot stand by while any president violates his oath of office, abuses his power for personal gain and solicits foreign interference in American elections. Even in an administration where the reigning ethical standard is “not technically illegal,” this flagrant misconduct stands out.

So you would rather have corrupt activists by politicians go un reported?

I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

The first President since Ford to not show the voters his tax returns and Trump is fighting tooth and nail to prevent anyone from seeing them.

A billionaire who would cheat on his taxes?

Heck if you can't trust a billionaire who can you trust?

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