If there was something illegal in Trump's tax returns he would have been nailed for it already.

I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
They don't care what they find.
They'll just make shit up and claim that it's real.....just like they're doing with this phone call. They will say a bunch of shit is in those returns that isn't in there.

He isn't being audited, its all a lie.

You're not very bright. Too easy to fact check. In fact you're either stupid or without a link that proves otherwise you're nothing but another left tarded bald faced liar.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
They don't care what they find.
They'll just make shit up and claim that it's real.....just like they're doing with this phone call. They will say a bunch of shit is in those returns that isn't in there.

He isn't being audited, its all a lie.

You're not very bright. Too easy to fact check. In fact you're either stupid or without a link that proves otherwise you're nothing but another left tarded bald faced liar.

When one has over 300 LLC's you think they have the man power?? Really. There is only one reason for so many LLC's, you are evading taxes.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.

None of which proves that Trump evaded scrutiny at all.

JC, read why don't you. I am getting sick of you cultist being so darn ignorant.
To be among the top 1 percent of U.S. earners, a family needs an income of $421,926, a new report from the Economic Policy Institute finds.

However, the threshold varies significantly among states. In Connecticut, for example, you need an annual income of $700,800 to be in the 1 percent. In New Mexico, you need $255,429.

Keep in mind that these numbers just represent the threshold — the average income of the top 1 percent nationwide is $1.32 million. The bottom 99 percent, on the other hand, earn an average of $50,107 a year.
Here's how much you have to earn to be in the top 1% in every US state
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Congress cannot stand by while any president violates his oath of office, abuses his power for personal gain and solicits foreign interference in American elections. Even in an administration where the reigning ethical standard is “not technically illegal,” this flagrant misconduct stands out.

But digging into the president's personal tax information in the hope of finding something is not how justice is done. Using other issues as an excuse to look for something embarrassing is not good.

but suing congress to hide tax returns is good ?


When your party's platform is essentially, a class warfare. . . this DEFINITELY appeals to ones base!

The DNC is making it a crime to be wealthy. . . . unless you are, of course, a Democrat.


This was an interesting piece . . . .

We Are All Socialists Now
By Jon Meacham On 2/6/09 at 7:00 PM EST
We Are All Socialists Now

". . . Sean Hannity was coming to the end of a segment with Indiana Congressman Mike Pence, the chair of the House Republican Conference and a vociferous foe of President Obama's nearly $1 trillion stimulus bill. . .. .


All of this is unfolding in an economy that can no longer be understood, even in passing, as the Great Society vs. the Gipper. Whether we like it or not—or even whether many people have thought much about it or not—the numbers clearly suggest that we are headed in a more European direction. A decade ago U.S. government spending was 34.3 percent of GDP, compared with 48.2 percent in the euro zone—a roughly 14-point gap, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In 2010 U.S. spending is expected to be 39.9 percent of GDP, compared with 47.1 percent in the euro zone—a gap of less than 8 points. As entitlement spending rises over the next decade, we will become even more French.

This is not to say that berets will be all the rage this spring, or that Obama has promised a croissant in every toaster oven. But the simple fact of the matter is that the political conversation, which shifts from time to time, has shifted anew, and for the foreseeable future Americans will be more engaged with questions about how to manage a mixed economy than about whether we should have one.

The architect of this new era of big government? History has a sense of humor, for the man who laid the foundations for the world Obama now rules is George W. Bush, who moved to bail out the financial sector last autumn with $700 billion. . . . "
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Being OWNED by Russian Oligarchs isn't illegal by regular IRS standards, but it IS illegal by Presidential standards.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.

Obama had Trump audited every year
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Being OWNED by Russian Oligarchs isn't illegal by regular IRS standards, but it IS illegal by Presidential standards.
What about being owned by British Oligarchs?

Or Saudi Oligarchs?

Or Canadian Oligarchs?

Or Israeli Oligarchs?

Or. . . .

The IRS doesn't look for money laundering.

They don't look for financial entanglements with foreign individuals either.

All Presidents routinely are audited and all since Nixon showed the results...until the Orange Criminal

What's he hiding and why is he fighting so hard to hide it?
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
Treasury Officials Pressured I.R.S. on Trump Tax Audit, Whistle-Blower Alleges

The whistle-blower came forward to Congress in July with the complaint, which accuses political appointees in the Treasury Department of improperly involving themselves in the audit and putting pressure of some kind on senior officials in the I.R.S.
8 Years of Trump Tax Returns Are Subpoenaed by Manhattan D.A.

The subpoena was issued by the Manhattan district attorney’s office late last month, soon after it opened a criminal investigation into the role that the president and his family business played in hush-money payments made in the run-up to the election.

Both Mr. Trump and his company reimbursed Michael D. Cohen, the president’s former lawyer and fixer, for money Mr. Cohen paid to buy the silence of Stormy Daniels, a pornographic film actress who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump.
If there was something illegal in Trump's tax returns he would have been nailed for it already.

You are missing the point of why federal and state authorities want to see his tax returns. You apparently didn't read the Mueller report.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.

Obama had Trump audited every year

Nervous Nancy Trump is having Russia audit every Democratic candidate........looking for corruption of course.......
Thing confusing about that is presidents have been turning over their tax returns for quite a while, if no problems with them why fight so hard to keep them hidden, come on Trump badgered Obama so long & so hard he had to show his long form birth certificate, its kinda that people in glass houses should not throw rocks deal.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.

Obama had Trump audited every year

Nervous Nancy Trump is having Russia audit every Democratic candidate........looking for corruption of course.......

They won't have to look very far, especially when Biden is on tape bragging about it. Trump should have the FBI spy on Biden, right?
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.

None of which proves that Trump evaded scrutiny at all.

JC, read why don't you. I am getting sick of you cultist being so darn ignorant.
To be among the top 1 percent of U.S. earners, a family needs an income of $421,926, a new report from the Economic Policy Institute finds.

However, the threshold varies significantly among states. In Connecticut, for example, you need an annual income of $700,800 to be in the 1 percent. In New Mexico, you need $255,429.

Keep in mind that these numbers just represent the threshold — the average income of the top 1 percent nationwide is $1.32 million. The bottom 99 percent, on the other hand, earn an average of $50,107 a year.
Here's how much you have to earn to be in the top 1% in every US state

Present evidence that Trump actually got away with tax fraud.
The man promised me ( and you ) that he would release them. He has broken that promise. You don't care. That's because you're a fucking idiot patsy.

I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.

Obama had Trump audited every year

Nervous Nancy Trump is having Russia audit every Democratic candidate........looking for corruption of course.......

They won't have to look very far, especially when Biden is on tape bragging about it. Trump should have the FBI spy on Biden, right?

Biden bragged about something that was absolutely legal and transparent and had nothing to do with his son. You have been duped. Willingly.
The man promised me ( and you ) that he would release them. He has broken that promise. You don't care. That's because you're a fucking idiot patsy.


If you're going to get upset every time a politician breaks a promise, you'll never be happy. Name one who kept all their promises.
No matter what is in them, since the motive is purely political, the details will be twisted into something nefarious or criminal.

I find the President continuing to block the Dems gaining access is hilarious. Like Road Runner evading Wile E Coyote.

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