If there was something illegal in Trump's tax returns he would have been nailed for it already.

The man promised me ( and you ) that he would release them. He has broken that promise. You don't care. That's because you're a fucking idiot patsy.


If you're going to get upset every time a politician breaks a promise, you'll never be happy. Name one who kept all their promises.

Idiot. That is a promise that is 100% within Trump's power to keep or to break. It isn't a policy promise which depends on legislation or consensus to keep.

Normal humans understand the difference.

The man lied to you to your face. When politicians do that they normally face consequences and lose the support of voters. But you are a Trombie. You stand with him. Period.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
There are things that would not be illegal for a private taxpayer that would be illegal for a President

A private taxpayer can receive payments from the Russians if it is reported
For a President, that is a conflict of interest
Trump has been audited both personally and professionally for decades. If there was anything to find the IRS would have found it long ago.

Another big nothing burger for the lefty fucking loons.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
Prosecutors believe Trump's tax returns will provide important evidence of crimes he is connected to.
The IRS doesn't look for money laundering.

They don't look for financial entanglements with foreign individuals either.

All Presidents routinely are audited and all since Nixon showed the results...until the Orange Criminal

What's he hiding and why is he fighting so hard to hide it?
So there's that
They are not attacking Trump, they are attacking the American people for daring to elect a candidate who was not hand picked by the DC establishment.
Lets just tell this like it is: the dems want Trump's returns, which are probably hundreds of pages, so they can pull out one page, make up lies about what it says, and dominate the news cycles for weeks with bullshit and lies.

thats all this has ever been about. If he was cheating on his taxes the obama IRS would have brought it up in the 2016 campaign.

This is just more left wing desperation because they know that not one of their clowns has a chance in 2020.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

The first President since Ford to not show the voters his tax returns and Trump is fighting tooth and nail to prevent anyone from seeing them.

A billionaire who would cheat on his taxes?

Heck if you can't trust a billionaire who can you trust?

He is correct to not disclose them, because the dems, their media buddies, and fools like you would make up lies about them and he would have to waste valuable time refuting your bullshit.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.
Nah trump owns Russian stocks like I do as well. Not illegal but this is what they want
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Not at all, since the IRS has been cut with income for the last decade or more, due to the republicans, they seldom audit the rich taxes, it takes too much man hour and not enough men/women.

It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1% — ProPublica
Every year, the IRS, starved of funds after years of budget cuts, loses hundreds more agents to retirement. And every year, the news gets better for the rich — especially those prone to go bold on their taxes. According to data released by the IRS last week, millionaires in 2018 were about 80% less likely to be audited than they were in 2011.

Obama had Trump audited every year

No he didn't.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

The first President since Ford to not show the voters his tax returns and Trump is fighting tooth and nail to prevent anyone from seeing them.

A billionaire who would cheat on his taxes?

Heck if you can't trust a billionaire who can you trust?

Wrong. Link me to Obama's tax returns for all 8 years in office. They aren't released. Why? Because he doesn't want anyone to know how he went from being worth practically nothing when he took office to over 20 million dollars in 2015.
The man promised me ( and you ) that he would release them. He has broken that promise. You don't care. That's because you're a fucking idiot patsy.


If you're going to get upset every time a politician breaks a promise, you'll never be happy. Name one who kept all their promises.

Idiot. That is a promise that is 100% within Trump's power to keep or to break. It isn't a policy promise which depends on legislation or consensus to keep.

Normal humans understand the difference.

The man lied to you to your face. When politicians do that they normally face consequences and lose the support of voters. But you are a Trombie. You stand with him. Period.

Aww, look at you trying to insult me. I told you that if you got hung up on a politician not keeping his/her promises you wouldn't be happy, and you're not. Tell you what, vote against Trump next time.
Lets just tell this like it is: the dems want Trump's returns, which are probably hundreds of pages, so they can pull out one page, make up lies about what it says, and dominate the news cycles for weeks with bullshit and lies.

thats all this has ever been about. If he was cheating on his taxes the obama IRS would have brought it up in the 2016 campaign.

This is just more left wing desperation because they know that not one of their clowns has a chance in 2020.

It is true that they are looking for something they can act outraged about, even if they wouldn't have a clue about understanding it. As long as they have something their favorite hate merchant said about it, they'll repeat it.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Have you asked yourself what prosecutors in New York hope to find, instead of anonymous strangers on the internet? Wait, you dont have to ask, you can find info in the public domain to find out:

He is being investigated for making false business filings in the State of New York.

Did you not know that?
False filings would be illegal no? Inflating real estate values to obtain loans?

The IRS would NOT be looking at that type of thing.. would they.

If y'all don't think Donald John Trump's tax returns have been gone through with a fine tooth comb by half the IRS agents in America you're nuts.
I can't believe how much noise the left is still making about tax returns. You people must be getting really fucking desperate for ammunition. What do you think you'll find? You think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers doesn't have his taxes square? Get real. Y'all just want something, anything that will help push Trump around and build a narrative you're pleased with. That's all it's about.

Have you asked yourself what prosecutors in New York hope to find, instead of anonymous strangers on the internet? Wait, you dont have to ask, you can find info in the public domain to find out:

He is being investigated for making false business filings in the State of New York.

Did you not know that?

Do you think they might get some kind of meaningful conviction over taxes that were done by people that get paid millions to do taxes, or are you just hoping for some shit to smear on him in 2020? Maybe this or that can be used to make him look like more of a greedy asshole or something, because that angle hasn't been exhausted yet I guess.
Prosecutors believe Trump's tax returns will provide important evidence of crimes he is connected to.

Mueller would have had access to Trump's tax returns during the investigation. If there had been an avenue to charge and convict the president Mueller would have taken it. There isn't enough to get him. You're wasting your time.
Lets just tell this like it is: the dems want Trump's returns, which are probably hundreds of pages, so they can pull out one page, make up lies about what it says, and dominate the news cycles for weeks with bullshit and lies.

thats all this has ever been about. If he was cheating on his taxes the obama IRS would have brought it up in the 2016 campaign.

This is just more left wing desperation because they know that not one of their clowns has a chance in 2020.
Every other President released their returns without scandal

Trump is hiding what is in his returns because he knows it will not go over well with the public

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