if they outlaw guns or ammo, we dont have to fight cops or troops.


May 28, 2018
all it will take, to get that law rescinded in one week, is for 300 of us to go to DC and say hello, and GOODBYE to one antigun politician (each) They can't stop us, there aint that many of them, and the rest WILL get the effing MESSAGE, believe it!
all it will take, to get that law rescinded in one week, is for 300 of us to go to DC and say hello, and GOODBYE to one antigun politician (each) They can't stop us, there aint that many of them, and the rest WILL get the effing MESSAGE, believe it!

Dear abrere People are going to keep with their beliefs about guns, either for or against.
The challenge we face is how do we organize institutions and policies per location or district
so that each group can implement and enforce the policy of their choice?

Can the districts that want gun free zones and schools set up and run those programs effectively that way?
While the communities that support proper use of guns for law enforcement continue to
run operations under those policies?

We have separate private schools for organizations that want to teach God and religion in schools.
Why can't we have separate programs for organizations that don't want God or guns in schools?

How hard is it to set up enough schools to serve all districts, where everyone can have equal free choice
of whatever policy they believe in paying for and enforcing?
Wouldn't that solve several problems at once?

And why stop with just God and Guns. We also don't all agree on funding or defunding
abortion, health care, drug use or consequences, sex changes, LGBT accommodations, etc. etc.

To make things simple, if people are already organized by beliefs through their parties,
why not allocate taxes and tax deductions by party in order to pay for schools, health care benefits, etc.

Why not use the parties like political religions so people can pay for what they believe in and defund what they don't?
Why try to establish one parties' "belief system" for the whole nation to comply with (when that's unconstitutional anyway).
Wouldn't it be easier just to allow all parties to fund their own platforms, let their members vote on the terms of payments
and benefits, and keep these issues and conflicts over beliefs OUT of govt so they aren't imposed on any other people or groups who disagree?

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