If Tom Cotton wants war with Iraq so bad...


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2015
Why doesn't he buy a plane ticket and go? I'd donate to that cause...

Calling a combat veteran a chicken hawk? It doesn't get much dumber than that. Do you loons give any thought at all before posting this BS and then wonder why you're laughed at?
Like I said - if he wants war, he should be the first to volunteer. Period.
Why doesn't he buy a plane ticket and go? I'd donate to that cause...


You obviously don't realize the man went through RANGER school.....became an officer and served at least 2 tours overseas in combat zones.........

Yeah....you should watch Making the Cut on Netflix...they have a documentary on RANGER school........
Calling a combat veteran a chicken hawk? It doesn't get much dumber than that. Do you loons give any thought at all before posting this BS and then wonder why you're laughed at?

LOL, didn't meet the definition in his own post. Liberals are so stupid, you just have to laugh at them
Chicken hawk? Pulease.....

Cotton received a bachelor's degree from Harvard College where he served as a columnist for the Harvard Crimson, graduating magna cum laude.

On January 11, 2005, Cotton joined the United States Army and entered Officer Candidate School in March 2005. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army on June 30, 2005. Cotton later attended both the U.S. Army Airborne School and Ranger School.[8] In June 2006, Cotton gained public attention after he wrote an open letter to The New York Times criticizing the paper's publication of an article detailing a Bush administration secret program monitoring terrorists' finances.[9] In 2008, he volunteered to return to combat duty, was promoted to Captain on August 1, 2008, and deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom on October 15, 2008. In Afghanistan, Cotton was assigned to Laghman Province, just north of Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan. He was assigned duty as the operations officer of a Provincial Reconstruction Team, where he planned and resourced daily counter-insurgency and reconstruction operations for an 83-member joint and interagency team.

Cotton returned from Afghanistan on July 20, 2009. For his second tour in Afghanistan he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and various campaign/service medals. He was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army on September 26, 2009 at Fort Myer, Virginia

Tom Cotton - Ballotpedia
Chicken hawk? Pulease.....

Cotton received a bachelor's degree from Harvard College where he served as a columnist for the Harvard Crimson, graduating magna cum laude.

On January 11, 2005, Cotton joined the United States Army and entered Officer Candidate School in March 2005. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army on June 30, 2005. Cotton later attended both the U.S. Army Airborne School and Ranger School.[8] In June 2006, Cotton gained public attention after he wrote an open letter to The New York Times criticizing the paper's publication of an article detailing a Bush administration secret program monitoring terrorists' finances.[9] In 2008, he volunteered to return to combat duty, was promoted to Captain on August 1, 2008, and deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom on October 15, 2008. In Afghanistan, Cotton was assigned to Laghman Province, just north of Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan. He was assigned duty as the operations officer of a Provincial Reconstruction Team, where he planned and resourced daily counter-insurgency and reconstruction operations for an 83-member joint and interagency team.

Cotton returned from Afghanistan on July 20, 2009. For his second tour in Afghanistan he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and various campaign/service medals. He was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army on September 26, 2009 at Fort Myer, Virginia

Tom Cotton - Ballotpedia

You should volunteer as well. It's east talking crap on a message forum. Put your money where your mouth is.
Like I said - if he wants war, he should be the first to volunteer. Period.

So FDR and Truman should have fought in WWII? Woodrow Wilson should have fought in WWII? Clinton should have fought in Iraq, The Sudan, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Haiti and Bosnia? Obama should have fought in Libya and been ready to fight in Syria if he got his war there and Afghanistan and Iraq? Is that really your standard.

I'm going out on the limb here and saying it's not, you are a liar
Like I said - if he wants war, he should be the first to volunteer. Period.

You also posted a definition of a chicken hawk that the person you said that about didn't meet. Wow, that was stupid
Like I said - if he wants war, he should be the first to volunteer. Period.

You also posted a definition of a chicken hawk that the person you said that about didn't meet. Wow, that was stupid

You going to volunteer as well?

No, I'm against invading Iran. That doesn't make starting a thread with your own choice of chicken hawk definition that a 30 second search would have told you didn't apply to the guy you were criticizing with it.

And so are you criticizing Obama for not fighting in Syria? What about it?
Chicken hawk? Pulease.....

Cotton received a bachelor's degree from Harvard College where he served as a columnist for the Harvard Crimson, graduating magna cum laude.

On January 11, 2005, Cotton joined the United States Army and entered Officer Candidate School in March 2005. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army on June 30, 2005. Cotton later attended both the U.S. Army Airborne School and Ranger School.[8] In June 2006, Cotton gained public attention after he wrote an open letter to The New York Times criticizing the paper's publication of an article detailing a Bush administration secret program monitoring terrorists' finances.[9] In 2008, he volunteered to return to combat duty, was promoted to Captain on August 1, 2008, and deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom on October 15, 2008. In Afghanistan, Cotton was assigned to Laghman Province, just north of Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan. He was assigned duty as the operations officer of a Provincial Reconstruction Team, where he planned and resourced daily counter-insurgency and reconstruction operations for an 83-member joint and interagency team.

Cotton returned from Afghanistan on July 20, 2009. For his second tour in Afghanistan he was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and various campaign/service medals. He was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army on September 26, 2009 at Fort Myer, Virginia

Tom Cotton - Ballotpedia

You should volunteer as well. It's east talking crap on a message forum. Put your money where your mouth is.

Awww look the little cuddly avatar dude got his rear handed to him and now he's trying to recover. Fail. Go curl up in the fetal position and think before you post an obvious stupid thread next time
He also doesn't want the greatest state sponsor of terrorism around the world, who has stated they will use a nuclear weapon to destroy Israel and will not reject those comments or give up support for terrorism...to get a nuclear weapon....which this stupid deal allows.....
You should volunteer as well. It's east talking crap on a message forum. Put your money where your mouth is.

I wouldn't suggest that you volunteer for anything other than jock strap sniffer ... Because that is probably as close as you will ever get to a pair of balls.


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