If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?

that break the law? Roe v wade ruled the State had no interest in the fetus, until it was viable, I thought? 6 weeks, is not even close to viable????
Only 5 unelected demigods on the high court can answer that question for you
If the cost of investment is a complete write-off, and the increased profits are taxed, it's a wash.

A wash? LOL!

If I can choose to invest and keep 80% of profit or invest and keep 65%, which will I do?

False numbers. Whatever you invest becomes a writeoff. If you assume a return on investment you're talking about merely shifting profits into the future at worst, and creating hugely increased profits after taxes.
You give someone with 20 million dollars another 5 million they don't have a reason to spend that. They already have enough to buy what they want.

Who gave that guy another $5 million? How?


I see you're unable to explain.

This has been discussed many times, and including in this thread already.

I just joined the thread, where was it explained? Post #?

Quit being a lazy ass and read the thread before jumping in.
well kiddo, I just did a search in the thread for all of your posts in here

Post#3, nope
Post #17 nope
Post #18 nope
Poat #24 nope
Post #25 nope
Post #29 nope
Post #30 nope
Post #37 nope
Post #38 nope
Post #46 nope
Post #50 nope
Post #52 nope
Post #87 nope
Post #91 nope
Post #92 nope
Post #113 nope
Post #114 nope
Post #123 nope
Post #132 nope
Post #151 nope
Post #165 nope

Not once do you explain who gave the person with 20 million 5 million more. so you've lied. I took the time to share your lie.
You give someone with 20 million dollars another 5 million they don't have a reason to spend that. They already have enough to buy what they want.

Who gave that guy another $5 million? How?


I see you're unable to explain.

This has been discussed many times, and including in this thread already.

I just joined the thread, where was it explained? Post #?

Quit being a lazy ass and read the thread before jumping in.
well kiddo, I just did a search in the thread for all of your posts in here

Post#3, nope
Post #17 nope
Post #18 nope
Poat #24 nope
Post #25 nope
Post #29 nope
Post #30 nope
Post #37 nope
Post #38 nope
Post #46 nope
Post #50 nope
Post #52 nope
Post #87 nope
Post #91 nope
Post #92 nope
Post #113 nope
Post #114 nope
Post #123 nope
Post #132 nope
Post #151 nope
Post #165 nope

Not once do you explain who gave the person with 20 million 5 million more. so you've lied. I took the time to share your lie.

Q.E was specifically addressed. If you do not understand the program do some learning.
Q.E was specifically addressed. If you do not understand the program do some learning.
you lied, I delivered your lie. dude, when one does a search the material of the post is there. so no, you never posted what you say. And now we've added your newest post #184 and still nope. It seems you ain't happy being caught.
If the cost of investment is a complete write-off, and the increased profits are taxed, it's a wash.

A wash? LOL!

If I can choose to invest and keep 80% of profit or invest and keep 65%, which will I do?

False numbers. Whatever you invest becomes a writeoff. If you assume a return on investment you're talking about merely shifting profits into the future at worst, and creating hugely increased profits after taxes.

Whatever you invest becomes a writeoff.

Whatever I invest is for the eventual after-tax profit.
The lower the tax rate, the higher the after-tax profit the larger my incentive.
that break the law? Roe v wade ruled the State had no interest in the fetus, until it was viable, I thought? 6 weeks, is not even close to viable????
Only 5 unelected demigods on the high court can answer that question for you
Not certain if any are still alive.... it was a Republican majority supreme court and a republican supreme court justice, who presided over Roe v Wade and their decision that the woman, had a right to keep her own private life, private from govt reach...etc....unless another human being entity is viable.... is my understanding of it...but I could be wrong? I read the ruling over 25years ago....So I may have lost some of my understanding of it?
Economic stimulis is giving money to people or businesses who qualify for it by a predetermined set of standards.
to do what?
Pay bills, stay open, buy a flatscreen tv. The point is they get the money. They aren't told to hope for the money because their employer will feel he has enough money and is willing to share.
Economic stimulis is giving money to people or businesses who qualify for it by a predetermined set of standards.
to do what?
Pay bills, stay open, buy a flatscreen tv. The point is they get the money. They aren't told to hope for the money because their employer will feel he has enough money and is willing to share.
it's called trickle down. oopssssssssssssie
Whatever you invest becomes a writeoff.

Whatever I invest is for the eventual after-tax profit.
The lower the tax rate, the higher the after-tax profit the larger my incentive.
Think about it. If the tax rate were ZERO. Every dollar of investment would be money directly out of your pocket. And you would have no incentive to invest.

If the tax rate was 100% you would have every incentive to invest, since that money would either go into the company or go to the government.

Hence it shows if at the limits higher taxes force investment and lower tax rates remove that incentive.
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
I'll give it a go.

You are conflating 2 different things.

Economic stimulis is giving money to people or businesses who qualify for it by a predetermined set of standards.

Trickle down economics is the idea that as profit increases so do wages of those employed.

The first is predictable and easily quantified in its outcome. The second is a philosophy that is neither.

As to your first paragraph.

Yes, we want more entitlements. The reason being that unlike trickledown economics the available funds are guaranteed to help the employed and... yes also the unemployed and other people in need. It doesn't "starve" a country as countless Western countries have proved. It leads to a higher standard of living and more happiness of the populace on the whole.
I have only one question...

Isn't the Trickle Down used to justify tax cuts... Tax Cuts might increase after tax profit but not before tax..

Any business man will tell you that taxes (unless specifically targeted) have very little influence over your day to day decisions in a company... This is explained in the Laffer curve... Wealth US could be paying 10% more tax tomorrow and they wouldn't change the way they conduct business... They just think I have to make more to keep making the same.

Businesses don't say that we are taking 10% of profit so we won't do that... NO! they say we will take as much profit as possible...

Trickle Down doesn't hold in theory and is a joke in reality...

As for the OP... He has just shown us that he is too ill informed on the topic to have a worthwhile opinion...

Trickle down has worked every time it’s been implemented. Sorry, the numbers don’t lie.
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Lower tax rates discourages reinvestment in to the company expansion....the opposite of higher taxes.... They buy back stock, instead.
show me where a company paying higher taxes has development growths. You got it backwards, but hey, you are a demofk.
The biggest growth and expansion of businesses eras in the USA occurred during times of higher tax rates....near double in tax rates than we have now for corporations.
Economic stimulis is giving money to people or businesses who qualify for it by a predetermined set of standards.
to do what?
Pay bills, stay open, buy a flatscreen tv. The point is they get the money. They aren't told to hope for the money because their employer will feel he has enough money and is willing to share.
it's called trickle down. oopssssssssssssie
Unlike conservatives trickle down this money actually reaches the people it's intended to reach. But hey if you want to endorse it you'll get no argument for me.
Unlike conservatives trickle down this money actually reaches the people it's intended to reach. But hey if you want to endorse it you'll get no argument for me.
not true, but you remain stupid.
The Top have decided to take more profits

Those bastards!
Burying the profits in the backyard. Hiding it under the mattress.

Just awful!
Huh? Who said anything about that Captain Random??
During the previous tax cuts where the middle class got $1,000 and the rich got $100,000, someone looked to see where that money was spent. Saying the middle class guy would go to his local repair shop and put that $1,000 into fixing up his car.
While the rich guy would just buy another car with it. And that car would most likely be an import, like a Mercedes, or a BMW, and Audi, a Jaguar, Lexus etc.

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