If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?

There is no point is discussing impregnated ovum in the womb as being any more significant than un-impregnated ovum in the ovaries, just waiting for their chance to become impregnated.
There you go with that ovum bs again

Once a human man and a human woman conceive, a third human being is created

And the new Texas law prevent lib women from killing their unborn child once a heartbeat is detected
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Why would anyone invest MORE in their business if the final payoff is less?
down means if a rich guy has money, he might be able to give you a job...if the government takes all his money via taxes...he will have to lay you off cause big brother has the money instead of him
And the laid off worker will then be beholden to the government to supply his daily bread
More women are choosing not to have kids. This drives abortions down and is a huge positive for the nation.
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
trickle down means if a rich guy has money, he might be able to give you a job...if the government takes all his money via taxes...he will have to lay you off cause big brother has the money instead of him
It doesn't really work that way...

The worker's pay and benefits are a 100% tax write off.

Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Lower tax rates discourages reinvestment in to the company expansion....the opposite of higher taxes.... They buy back stock, instead.
It's somewhere in between taxes too low, where they just take the profits and run, and taxes too high, that cripples... which is the happy medium.
Once a human man and a human woman conceive, a third human being is created
Actually most times fertilization results in failure.

Two-thirds of all human embryos fail to develop successfully.

Typically, it goes something like this: 10 eggs, 8 mature eggs, 6 fertilized embryos, 4 eight cell embryos, 2 to 3 blastocysts.
And the new Texas law prevent lib women from killing their unborn child once a heartbeat is detected
A heartbeat doesn't make them human. It's the human mind that sets them apart from creatures we freely kill every day.
And how do you measure merit.
The usual ways

Medical doctors are worth more to society than an illiterate peasant

entrepreneurs like Musk who create multi billion dollar companies are worth more than the illegal alien day laborer taking away services at the hospital emergency room where his illegal alien girl friend is having her baby delivered for free
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Why would anyone invest MORE in their business if the final payoff is less?
Did you fail math?
If the cost of investment is a complete write-off, and the increased profits are taxed, it's a wash. If the company continues to pour profits into R&D, they aren't taxed on those profits until they stop investing.
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.
how does that work?

so according to you corporations pay more money out to government, and because they deplete their investments, they have plenty to expand because they just paid more taxes? dude, can you hear yourself. you're as about as stupid as any person I have met.
heartbeat doesn't make them human.

Their DNA created at conception makes them human

The heartbeat standard is a compromise between lib woman who want to kill the child in the womb at any time and conservative women who value innocent human life
Lower tax rates discourages reinvestment in to the company expansion....the opposite of higher taxes.... They buy back stock, instead.

You only buy stock if you think the company will be worth more in the future.
Lower taxes make companies more valuable? Sweet!!!

As far as reinvestment, I'm more likely to reinvest (or just invest)
if the company keeps 80% of every dollar in earnings than if they only keep 65%.
If the cost of investment is a complete write-off, and the increased profits are taxed, it's a wash. If the company continues to pour profits into R&D, they aren't taxed on those profits until they stop investing.

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