If Trickle Down Economics doesn't work, then how do you explain the love for Stimulus?

You give someone with 20 million dollars another 5 million they don't have a reason to spend that. They already have enough to buy what they want.

Who gave that guy another $5 million? How?


I see you're unable to explain.

This has been discussed many times, and including in this thread already.

I just joined the thread, where was it explained? Post #?
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Lower tax rates discourages reinvestment in to the company....the opposite of higher taxes.... They buy back stock, instead.

I think this is a load of crap. Taxes are an expense, that goes into how much a company has to pay to produce or supply something. And when a company does a cost/benefit analysis to help them make a decision for whether or not to expand an existing business or start-up a new one, the costs of supply are weighed against the perceived revenue that is based on whatever price the company can charge to make an acceptable profit. The problem is that the increase in supply costs (higher taxes among other things) means a higher price is necessary and they do analyses on how high their price can go before people will not buy their product or service. People will buy a cheaper alternative or in some cases go without if the product or service is not essential.

Therefore, contrary to your statement, higher taxes NEVER encourage businesses to invest in expansion or start-up an enterprise, and I would like to see an opinion from an economist that believes that. Higher taxes are in fact counter-productive to economic growth, and that has been born out time and again in country after country. Where do you think investment capital comes from? It comes from profits; less profits means less investments. And THAT means less economic growth.
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Lower tax rates discourages reinvestment in to the company expansion....the opposite of higher taxes.... They buy back stock, instead.
show me where a company paying higher taxes has development growths. You got it backwards, but hey, you are a demofk.
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Lower tax rates discourages reinvestment in to the company....the opposite of higher taxes.... They buy back stock, instead.

I think this is a load of crap. Taxes are an expense, that goes into how much a company has to pay to produce or supply something. And when a company does a cost/benefit analysis to help them make a decision for whether or not to expand an existing business or start-up a new one, the costs of supply are weighed against the perceived revenue that is based on whatever price the company can charge to make an acceptable profit. The problem is that the increase in supply costs (higher taxes among other things) means a higher price is necessary and they do analyses on how high their price can go before people will not buy their product or service. People will buy a cheaper alternative or in some cases go without if the product or service is not essential.

Therefore, contrary to your statement, higher taxes NEVER encourage businesses to invest in expansion or start-up an enterprise, and I would like to see an opinion from an economist that believes that. Higher taxes are in fact counter-productive to economic growth, and that has been born out time and again in country after country. Where do you think investment capital comes from? It comes from profits; less profits means less investments. And THAT means less economic growth.
there's no helping that dudes kind of stupid.
You give someone with 20 million dollars another 5 million they don't have a reason to spend that. They already have enough to buy what they want.

Who gave that guy another $5 million? How?


I see you're unable to explain.

This has been discussed many times, and including in this thread already.

I just joined the thread, where was it explained? Post #?

Quit being a lazy ass and read the thread before jumping in.
Higher taxes on corporations or big businesses generally encourage businesses to invest in their business to grow their business, more employees hired, instead of handing their money made in profit, over in taxes.

Why would anyone invest MORE in their business if the final payoff is less?
Did you fail math?
If the cost of investment is a complete write-off, and the increased profits are taxed, it's a wash. If the company continues to pour profits into R&D, they aren't taxed on those profits until they stop investing.

If the cost of investment is a complete write-off, and the increased profits are taxed, it's a wash.

A wash? LOL!

If I can choose to invest and keep 80% of profit or invest and keep 65%, which will I do?

If the company continues to pour profits into R&D, they aren't taxed on those profits until they stop investing.

You were just whining about Amazon doing that.......now it's okay?
Two-thirds of all human embryos fail to develop successfully
Yes and some that do develop die of other causes before they reach expected life span

But if they are 68 and someone crushes their head and throws them into a dumpster even libs call that murder

Unless the child is not born yet

Then they dont mind
You give someone with 20 million dollars another 5 million they don't have a reason to spend that. They already have enough to buy what they want.

Who gave that guy another $5 million? How?


I see you're unable to explain.

This has been discussed many times, and including in this thread already.

I just joined the thread, where was it explained? Post #?

Quit being a lazy ass and read the thread before jumping in.

I understand your reluctance to repeat your earlier errors.
heartbeat doesn't make them human.

Their DNA created at conception makes them human

The heartbeat standard is a compromise between lib woman who want to kill the child in the womb at any time and conservative women who value innocent human life
Why not make the cut off, when human cognizance can be detected.

Crucially, the co-ordinated brain activity required for consciousness does not occur until 24-25 weeks of pregnancy.
And the new Texas law prevent lib women from killing their unborn child once a heartbeat is detected
Doesn't that break the law? Roe v wade ruled the State had no interest in the fetus, until it was viable, I thought? 6 weeks, is not even close to viable????
You only buy stock if you think the company will be worth more in the future.
Lower taxes make companies more valuable? Sweet!!!

As far as reinvestment, I'm more likely to reinvest (or just invest)
if the company keeps 80% of every dollar in earnings than if they only keep 65%.
Actually you just pointed out the result of corporate tax cuts. It pushes the stock market up, and benefits the investor class.

Of course you'll say that anybody (rich or poor) can be members of the investor class, but that is not reality. And just shows the effect is redistribution of wealth upward.
The left loves stimulus, so long as it's driven by dementia instead of the orange man.

But the left hates trickle down. In their minds the more you take from employers the more likely employees are to get a raise. Let's call it what it is instead, they desire govt. entitlements, because that's the only other direction, and that starves a country under socialism. But the PROGS talk anyway, they do that a lot. In PROG, the less money you make the better car you drive, debt & bad decisions are personal too.

Trickle down economics is just a term. For those who think rationally it's really up & down, an exchange of money ongoing. If that shit don't work, then explain why economic stimulus is different, go!
Whether you give the money to the top or you give it to the bottom it all ends up in the same place... in the accounts of the top earners. The Top have decided to take more profits instead of raising wages that what the numbers show. Do you disagree?
show me where a company paying higher taxes has development growths. You got it backwards, but hey, you are a demofk.
The oil industry. Their 100% to 200% deduction of exploration costs, caused them to develop twice as fast as they would have without higher tax rates.
show me where a company paying higher taxes has development growths. You got it backwards, but hey, you are a demofk.
The oil industry. Their 100% to 200% deduction of exploration costs, caused them to develop twice as fast as they would have without higher tax rates.

The oil industry. Their 100% to 200% deduction of exploration costs,

200% deduction? When did that happen?
show me where a company paying higher taxes has development growths. You got it backwards, but hey, you are a demofk.
The oil industry. Their 100% to 200% deduction of exploration costs, caused them to develop twice as fast as they would have without higher tax rates.
twice as fast with tax cuts. just what I say. not what your nonsense is all about.
Why not make the cut off, when human cognizance can be detected.

Crucially, the co-ordinated brain activity required for consciousness does not occur until 24-25 weeks of pregnancy.
the baby grows right? hmmmmmmmm it moves and kicks its legs and throws punches, brain activity is well established when the limbs are all present while the baby grows. You're a very confused baby killer.
Why not make the cut off, when human cognizance can be detected.

Crucially, the co-ordinated brain activity required for consciousness does not occur until 24-25 weeks of pregnancy.
No thanks

The unborn child may not understand that it is human but we do know

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