If True This Changes the World... Jong Un might be Dead

Saw this report from a verified source.

View attachment 327849

If true, the Chinese leaders will not allow a free society in North Korea and will probably insert one of their chosen Koreans to lead that country. Lil Kim Jung Un is/was ruthless and killed any threat to his power including his own relatives.

Well given the only reason they agreed to stop the Korean War was if they could keep the Communist North as a buffer, they will do whatever it takes to keep a Communist dictator in power there.

I was thinking that and seeing Kim was talking to Trump and China hate the U.S. it seem this might have been coup if reports are correct and he is dead...

The Sister is more of a hardliner and will make a great puppet for China...

--- and there it is again, with no link or background at all. Mythologies-R-us.

His sister probably wants to rule that shit hole----She is worse than he is from what I heard she wants to lead a new world order dictatorship

And there it is yet AGAIN ---- the rumor mill with zero evidence behind it.

What the fuck is it with you people? Frustrated fiction writers?

Word is Yo Jong is worse than her brother.

And AGAIN again for the Nth time --- "word is". Don't have any kind of link or background but "word is".
Yeah "word is" I'm a brain surgeon too.
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Well if so, I wonder who will replace him? It's been shown that there are only two people worse than him. The one they had before him and the one they're gonna get!

If this is correct and Kim Jong-un is actually dead because of a fuck up in his heart surgery, I would be thinking that fuck up was deliberate, that the order from someone perhaps a high up in the North Korean military gave the order to fuck it up so he would die. I am thinking this because I do not think the high up's in the North Korean military were happy when he agreed to meet The Donald and explore with him a potential way to deescalate a potential military situation between North Korea and South Korea.

So what do we know about the sister Kim Yo-jong? Well she did go to the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea and seemed to get along okay with the South Korean President and gave him a letter written by her brother Kim Jong-un for him. This would then suggest that the sister might also be open to exploring a potential way to deescalate a potential military situation, which then could suggest that the high up's in the North Korean military would consider her NOT to be the follow on as leader from her brother IF he is dead. This then leaves the only alternative which would be one of the high up's in the North Korean military taking over which then that would mean this would be a military Coup d'état which would be a VERY ominous prospect for South Korea and also probably Japan.

So the candidates in that situation would be the main high up's in the North Korean military.

General Kim Su-gil, Director of The General Political Bureau. He is 70 years in age. So probably it won't be him:

View attachment 328100

General No Kwang-chol, Minister of the Armed Forces. He is 64 years in age on the right of the below picture:

View attachment 328101

General Pak Jong-chon, Chief of the General Staff, cannot find his age but he seems younger than the above two:

View attachment 328102

I agree about the characterization of Kim Yo-Jong, to the limited extent we know her, but the rest of your post seems to suggest that "the higher-ups in the NK military" are the powers behind the throne, rather than the Kim family. I'm not sure there's a basis for this speculation.

IF said rumours develop to be true and Dim Dong the witch is dead, then he either will or will not have mapped out who his successor should be, and considering past health issues it's likely that he did. If he did not, then chaos ensues and the higher-ups in the NK military certainly enter the picture, but to suggest they actually engineered the botched heart surgery as an initial step to set it all up, seems to take a leap beyond credulity.

It could be the sister's husband who would take over, he seems to be a Mystery Man who works or worked in some mysterious thing named Room 39 which is this unit that maintains the not-that-secret Slush Fund of all different Non-North Korean currency thatfunds all the top North Korean politicians and generals luxury lifestyles while the ordinary North Koreans get zero.

Room 39 the official name for the whole operation is:

Central Committee Bureau 39 of the Workers' Party of Korea

The estimates are that Room 39 creates between in US Dollars 600 millions to 1 billions every year that is then divided up among the top North Korean politicians and the generals.

View attachment 328114

Below is the sister Kim Yo-jong's Official Father-in-Law or perhaps now ex-Father-in-Law because she was all of a sudden having a baby two months after they got married but the father of the baby was NOT named as Choe Ryong-hae's son and his name was to remain a mystery and then they had this rumour that the father of her baby was a friend of her brother's Kim Jong-un and that he works or worked at the mysterious Room 39.

The Father-in-Law or perhaps now ex-Father-in-Law:

Again --- pivoting to "the husband of" seems to suggest the Kim dynasty would suddenly veer out of its own family, which would be unprecedented, and also seems to assume that the sister would not succeed to the throne simply because she's female, and I don't see a basis for either of these conclusions.
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I read that the North Koreans generally prefer to avoid women leaders.

This too sounds equally vague. Is there anything on which to base it? A link to something?

Seems to me if such were the case Dim Dong wouldn't have sent his sister to represent him at the Olympics, he would have sent a man or gone himself. It was a high-profile event especially meeting with the SK President.
I've seen this story he is in a "Vegetative State"

Again, have to be cautious here, because a lot of stories about Kim, like how he executed his Mistress or had his uncle fed to dogs (A dog eating a Korean! What a twist!) turned out to be untrue.
He did have his uncle killed, whether by dogs, we can’t say for sure, a nd the story about his mistress they denied but a defector confirmed it.
Communist Americans will always give the NK dictator a break
All that rich food as his people ate grass
It was being reported as fact by media outlets in China and Japan that the 36-year-old dictator was dead. Other sources said he was on his death bed in a vegetative state with no hope of resuscitation after botched heart surgery

I read that the North Koreans generally prefer to avoid women leaders.

This too sounds equally vague. Is there anything on which to base it? A link to something?

Seems to me if such were the case Dim Dong wouldn't have sent his sister to represent him at the Olympics, he would have sent a man or gone himself. It was a high-profile event especially meeting with the SK President.
A woman can be an emissary sent by her brother.... Its a very different thing to be the dictator... Sending his sister was a slap in the face to the South Korean president given the historical significance of women being second class citizens in Asian cultures.
What wonderful news for the citizens of North Korea!

If the military puts a bullet through her head, she'll lose that respect for sure. I encourage them to do so.

Why would you want that?
This guy dying doesn’t change the world. He’s a two bit wannabe dictator who has no money no weapons and no world power. If Trump hadn’t kissed this guy on the lips we would barely talk about him.
I read that the North Koreans generally prefer to avoid women leaders.

This too sounds equally vague. Is there anything on which to base it? A link to something?

Seems to me if such were the case Dim Dong wouldn't have sent his sister to represent him at the Olympics, he would have sent a man or gone himself. It was a high-profile event especially meeting with the SK President.
A woman can be an emissary sent by her brother.... Its a very different thing to be the dictator... Sending his sister was a slap in the face to the South Korean president given the historical significance of women being second class citizens in Asian cultures.

This is (once AGAIN) ---- based on what?

How do you explain Indira Ghandi, Benazier Bhutto, Corazon Aquino, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Megawati Sukarnoputri, Yingluck Shinawatra or Park Geun Hy, if there's this "historical women being second-class citizens in Asian cultures"?

And secondly, has there ever been any head of state anywhere of either gender with a name more powerful than "Megawati"?

Finally, it's ironic beyond measure that you'd come up with such a canard from one of the few countries remaining which has never had a female head of state, given the historical significance of women being second class citizens in Western cultures.
This guy dying doesn’t change the world. He’s a two bit wannabe dictator who has no money no weapons and no world power. If Trump hadn’t kissed this guy on the lips we would barely talk about him.

A comment like that shows you have no idea about the history of the region or how global politics work.
I've seen this story he is in a "Vegetative State"

Again, have to be cautious here, because a lot of stories about Kim, like how he executed his Mistress or had his uncle fed to dogs (A dog eating a Korean! What a twist!) turned out to be untrue.

I did see some news that they had asked Chinese medical experts to come and try to save him.

It also mentioned his younger sister would be next in line. We could see the fall of one of the last "Communist" countries in the world.
The “last communist” country?

You people have no shame in covering for China.

Can you read? My post says "one of the last." You are either illiterate or you tried to misquote my post just to make an attack.

Typical. They can't deal with what's on the page so they just change it to what they wish it had been.
I read that the North Koreans generally prefer to avoid women leaders.

This too sounds equally vague. Is there anything on which to base it? A link to something?

Seems to me if such were the case Dim Dong wouldn't have sent his sister to represent him at the Olympics, he would have sent a man or gone himself. It was a high-profile event especially meeting with the SK President.
A woman can be an emissary sent by her brother.... Its a very different thing to be the dictator... Sending his sister was a slap in the face to the South Korean president given the historical significance of women being second class citizens in Asian cultures.

This is (once AGAIN) ---- based on what?

How do you explain Indira Ghandi, Benazier Bhutto, Corazon Aquino, Sirimavo Bandaranaike, Megawati Sukarnoputri, Yingluck Shinawatra or Park Geun Hy, if there's this "historical women being second-class citizens in Asian cultures"?

And secondly, has there ever been any head of state anywhere of either gender with a name more powerful than "Megawati"?

Finally, it's ironic beyond measure that you'd come up with such a canard from one of the few countries remaining which has never had a female head of state, given the historical significance of women being second class citizens in Western cultures.
A woman dictator in sole possession of a nuclear arsenal... What could go wrong..?

Based on --------- what?
Why don't you fill us in, bitter old fart.
Old? That’s funny shit right there!

It's also unanswered, isn't it.

Have you in fact ever posted anything on any topic aside from snarky childish snipes at other posters?
Do you actually have anything pertinent to any topic anywhere? Lemme know because the Ignore List always welcomes new trolls.

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