If True This Changes the World... Jong Un might be Dead

His sister attended the Olympics and presented herself as a modern and decent human being. Could be huge!
What wonderful news for the citizens of North Korea!

If the military puts a bullet through her head, she'll lose that respect for sure. I encourage them to do so.

Why would you want that?

End the family dynasty.
A woman dictator in sole possession of a nuclear arsenal... What could go wrong..?

Based on --------- what?
Why don't you fill us in, bitter old fart.
Old? That’s funny shit right there!

It's also unanswered, isn't it.

Have you in fact ever posted anything on any topic aside from snarky childish snipes at other posters?
Do you actually have anything pertinent to any topic anywhere? Lemme know because the Ignore List always welcomes new trolls.
Many. Feel free to add Me at anytime, as I’m not ever gonna be a friend to your safe space. I’ll face rape it, and make you watch...
What wonderful news for the citizens of North Korea!

If the military puts a bullet through her head, she'll lose that respect for sure. I encourage them to do so.

Why would you want that?

End the family dynasty.

---------- and in its place, what?

Gotta think ahead, m'boy. See, this is about what's good for the people of North Korea, not what's good for the Kimmers.
A woman dictator in sole possession of a nuclear arsenal... What could go wrong..?

Based on --------- what?
Why don't you fill us in, bitter old fart.
Old? That’s funny shit right there!

It's also unanswered, isn't it.

Have you in fact ever posted anything on any topic aside from snarky childish snipes at other posters?
Do you actually have anything pertinent to any topic anywhere? Lemme know because the Ignore List always welcomes new trolls.
Many. Feel free to add Me at anytime, as I’m not ever gonna be a friend to your safe space. I’ll face rape it, and make you watch...

Oh wait. You're that asshat who capitalizes every self-referential pronoun as if you're some kind of god, aren't you.

Whelp, my mistake for letting you out of your cage in the first place. Back you go. Needless to say it hasn't been cleaned, so bon appetit, dumbfuck.
Thanks, Mindful. He doesn't look very dead. I hope he gets well, buries the hatchet with South Korea and the USA and works toward uniting people with the rest of his life. He's young, and when he gets well, he will have come through a hard time in his life and may be ready for a change that benefits both his country and South Korea, and all those who pray for him. Let us pray he decides to lay down his pistols and trades them in on brotherhood for all people.
What wonderful news for the citizens of North Korea!

If the military puts a bullet through her head, she'll lose that respect for sure. I encourage them to do so.

Why would you want that?

End the family dynasty.

---------- and in its place, what?

Gotta think ahead, m'boy. See, this is about what's good for the people of North Korea, not what's good for the Kimmers.

You think status quo is best for the NKs?

Kill the dynasty, and you kill the cult of personality that has ruled NK since 1948.
What wonderful news for the citizens of North Korea!

If the military puts a bullet through her head, she'll lose that respect for sure. I encourage them to do so.

Why would you want that?

End the family dynasty.

---------- and in its place, what?

Gotta think ahead, m'boy. See, this is about what's good for the people of North Korea, not what's good for the Kimmers.

You think status quo is best for the NKs?

Kill the dynasty, and you kill the cult of personality that has ruled NK since 1948.

And the question stands untouched. "In its place ---- what?"

Not apparently anything positive, since you just wished for said military to take power via murder/assassination. So I don't know if status quo is best or not but I sure don't think that approach would be. At least with Kim Yo-Jong they have a chance.

Not to even mention, with said Cult of Personality already entrenched it would be not only unrealistic but suicidal for the military to start offing the family OF that cult. That would spur chaos all by itself.
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this is horrible One of Trumps best friends,along with Putin gone? Wonder if it was a clorox cocktail
Thanks, Mindful. He doesn't look very dead. I hope he gets well, buries the hatchet with South Korea and the USA and works toward uniting people with the rest of his life. He's young, and when he gets well, he will have come through a hard time in his life and may be ready for a change that benefits both his country and South Korea, and all those who pray for him. Let us pray he decides to lay down his pistols and trades them in on brotherhood for all people.

That picture's a photoshop Becki. :)

Check the IV. It's an American cleaning product.
What wonderful news for the citizens of North Korea!

If the military puts a bullet through her head, she'll lose that respect for sure. I encourage them to do so.

Why would you want that?

End the family dynasty.

---------- and in its place, what?

Gotta think ahead, m'boy. See, this is about what's good for the people of North Korea, not what's good for the Kimmers.

As I wrote in my previous comment. Until we are absolutely sure Kim Jung Un is dead it's all conjecture. Personally, I'd like to see the North Korean gov't in complete chaos and would stand back to watch the bloodbath committed by those that would seek ascension to the power. AS I previously claimed if his death is in fact true, the Leaders in China would step in to make sure that the next leader is a puppet of their choice.
What wonderful news for the citizens of North Korea!

If the military puts a bullet through her head, she'll lose that respect for sure. I encourage them to do so.

Why would you want that?

End the family dynasty.

---------- and in its place, what?

Gotta think ahead, m'boy. See, this is about what's good for the people of North Korea, not what's good for the Kimmers.

As I wrote in my previous comment. Until we are absolutely sure Kim Jung Un is dead it's all conjecture. Personally, I'd like to see the North Korean gov't in complete chaos and would stand back to watch the bloodbath committed by those that would seek ascension to the power. AS I previously claimed if his death is in fact true, the Leaders in China would step in to make sure that the next leader is a puppet of their choice.
his sister will take over imo
What wonderful news for the citizens of North Korea!

If the military puts a bullet through her head, she'll lose that respect for sure. I encourage them to do so.

Why would you want that?

End the family dynasty.

---------- and in its place, what?

Gotta think ahead, m'boy. See, this is about what's good for the people of North Korea, not what's good for the Kimmers.

As I wrote in my previous comment. Until we are absolutely sure Kim Jung Un is dead it's all conjecture. Personally, I'd like to see the North Korean gov't in complete chaos and would stand back to watch the bloodbath committed by those that would seek ascension to the power. AS I previously claimed if his death is in fact true, the Leaders in China would step in to make sure that the next leader is a puppet of their choice.

Nothing good comes of chaos.
Thanks, Mindful. He doesn't look very dead. I hope he gets well, buries the hatchet with South Korea and the USA and works toward uniting people with the rest of his life. He's young, and when he gets well, he will have come through a hard time in his life and may be ready for a change that benefits both his country and South Korea, and all those who pray for him. Let us pray he decides to lay down his pistols and trades them in on brotherhood for all people.
Thanks, Mindful. He doesn't look very dead. I hope he gets well, buries the hatchet with South Korea and the USA and works toward uniting people with the rest of his life. He's young, and when he gets well, he will have come through a hard time in his life and may be ready for a change that benefits both his country and South Korea, and all those who pray for him. Let us pray he decides to lay down his pistols and trades them in on brotherhood for all people.

That picture's a photoshop Becki. :)

Check the IV. It's an American cleaning product.
Sorry for the misunderstanding, Pogo. I was thinking of a photo in an article I had linked in another post in which there was a picture of him looking almost well enough to be getting up and around again. I don't like linking pictures from the news sources because their photographers usually have copyrighted those of celebrities and leaders that they furnish to an exclusive article.
I've seen this story he is in a "Vegetative State"

Again, have to be cautious here, because a lot of stories about Kim, like how he executed his Mistress or had his uncle fed to dogs (A dog eating a Korean! What a twist!) turned out to be untrue.

I did see some news that they had asked Chinese medical experts to come and try to save him.

It also mentioned his younger sister would be next in line. We could see the fall of one of the last "Communist" countries in the world.
The “last communist” country?

You people have no shame in covering for China.

Can you read? My post says "one of the last." You are either illiterate or you tried to misquote my post just to make an attack.
LOL, okay, “one of the last” communist countries?

Vietnam, Laos, Cuba all communist as well.
Then many more “socialist” countries (communist-lite) ruled by communists like Venezuela, Congo, Uruguay, Algeria, Zambia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Ethiopia and several more.

Then of course our very own communist party, the Democrat Party who’s ideals are aligned 100% with the Bolsheviks of Stalin.
So, let’s stop pretending communism isn’t a threat to humanity or that it wouldn’t be if North Korea fell.

Carry on, dipshit.
I've seen this story he is in a "Vegetative State"

Again, have to be cautious here, because a lot of stories about Kim, like how he executed his Mistress or had his uncle fed to dogs (A dog eating a Korean! What a twist!) turned out to be untrue.

I did see some news that they had asked Chinese medical experts to come and try to save him.

It also mentioned his younger sister would be next in line. We could see the fall of one of the last "Communist" countries in the world.
The “last communist” country?

You people have no shame in covering for China.

Can you read? My post says "one of the last." You are either illiterate or you tried to misquote my post just to make an attack.
LOL, okay, “one of the last” communist countries?

Vietnam, Laos, Cuba all communist as well.
Then many more “socialist” countries (communist-lite) ruled by communists like Venezuela, Congo, Uruguay, Algeria, Zambia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Ethiopia and several more.

Then of course our very own communist party, the Democrat Party who’s ideals are aligned 100% with the Bolsheviks of Stalin.
So, let’s stop pretending communism isn’t a threat to humanity or that it wouldn’t be if North Korea fell.

Carry on, dipshit.

Aww a nice,"I'm sorry" would have sufficed, but I doubt many on this forum would ever think you would admit to making a mistake or even apologizing after being caught being dishonest.

Do carry on.

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