If Trump Advocates Legalization of Illegal Aliens, I Won't Vote For Him

Kellyann will have Trump kissing RINO ass so fast your head will spin. Believe me. His ass kissing endeavors will be uuuuge.
Making wild predictions could be entertaining. That's about it.
What I heard him say is that the bad ones get shown the door and the ones not causing problems need to go through a legalization process. It's the realization that deporting 11 million illegals isn't going to happen. Many have kids and some of their kids have had kids.
Ahhh, the same exact plan of Obama's....

Not hardly. Obama has been doing catch and release.
What I heard him say is that the bad ones get shown the door and the ones not causing problems need to go through a legalization process. It's the realization that deporting 11 million illegals isn't going to happen. Many have kids and some of their kids have had kids.
Ahhh, the same exact plan of Obama's....

Bullshit. The Supremes just shot his ass down!
and what about anchor babies?
There is no such thing as an anchor baby. There is no such thing as birthright citizenship. It is a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment.
Perhaps, but the Supreme Court says otherwise. And it's there interpretation that we have to live by, like it or not. I believe the "anchor baby" horse has already been beat to death in another thread.
So you're okay with people being deported who were in this country since they were a kid? Or people who have literally dedicated their lives to working here in America and raising productive members of society?

Yes they should have come into the country through the legal route. But it's not easy for South Americans to get visas here and when you're living in a craphole country you do whatever it takes to leave that place even if it involves being an illegal.
None of those things validates them disrespecting our laws (and therefore us as well), and coming here and inflicting the long list of harms upon the American people that they do. Yes, of course I'm OK with deporting ALL illegal aliens. Anything less would be unfair and an improper imposition on the American people.

So you think Trump's latest plans are an unfair imposition on the American people?
Yes!! Stick to your guns, nutbags! Don't let Trump get away with his amnesty program!
Let's not jump the gun. He hasn't said he wants to go to amnesty. He did say he's not flip-flopping. We will know where this stands within a week or 2.

Sucker! He's going to let them stay and work.......no matter how they got here. He's your worst nightmare!
What I heard him say is that the bad ones get shown the door and the ones not causing problems need to go through a legalization process. It's the realization that deporting 11 million illegals isn't going to happen. Many have kids and some of their kids have had kids.
Ahhh, the same exact plan of Obama's....

Not hardly. Obama has been doing catch and release.
Are you kidding?

the Democratic plan has been and has always been to deport the felons and gang members and drug dealers first, as priority, since there never was enough money allocated by Congress to deport them all, then give the good guys only, a pathway to citizenship if they don't break the law, learn english, pass a test, keep squeeky clean, finish high school if you are young, then put on the list of citizenship, behind the ones trying to come here legally...

Republicans would have NONE OF IT! Refused to pass immigration reform calling for precisely what Trump is calling for now and Ryan and Rubio called for prior to the primary.

did you see the video on Trump saying that Obama has deported an awful lot of illegals and he thinks just following the law like Obama will get rid of a lot of them like Obama did.
What I heard him say is that the bad ones get shown the door and the ones not causing problems need to go through a legalization process. It's the realization that deporting 11 million illegals isn't going to happen. Many have kids and some of their kids have had kids.
Ahhh, the same exact plan of Obama's....

Not hardly. Obama has been doing catch and release.
Are you kidding?

the Democratic plan has been and has always been to deport the felons and gang members and drug dealers first, as priority, since there never was enough money allocated by Congress to deport them all, then give the good guys only, a pathway to citizenship if they don't break the law, learn english, pass a test, keep squeeky clean, finish high school if you are young, then put on the list of citizenship, behind the ones trying to come here legally...

Republicans would have NONE OF IT! Refused to pass immigration reform calling for precisely what Trump is calling for now and Ryan and Rubio called for prior to the primary.

did you see the video on Trump saying that Obama has deported an awful lot of illegals and he thinks just following the law like Obama will get rid of a lot of them like Obama did.
Are you kidding? Dems have sanctuary cities. obama's executive order to protect some 5 million got shot down.

Spin spin spin.
Build the wall!!!!!

He already said the wall was just a suggestion. He's not going to deport 11 million Mexicans, and he's not going to ban Muslims from the country. Every promise he made to get the nomination has been broken. So what reason is there to vote for him now?
well I always said he was moderate.

Do you think he would have gotten the nomination with the stated plans he has now?
What exact harm has an illegal immigrant done to you? You're just spitting out the usual rhetoric about the suppose harm illegals have done to Americans.

Would you ask that question of a resident of England, pertaining to the Vikings. Illegal aliens from Mexico alone extract $24 Billion/year out of the US economy in remittances, which they reinsert into their economy. The Vikings would be envious. In all their pillaging they never even came close to a rip-off of that magnitude.

Here's another question. Would you let your next door neighbor enter your home and take money out of it every day, for decades ? (which they then insert into THEIR household) If not, why would you allow Mexico, China, India , etc to do that to the USA ? And they take much more than just remittances. they also take tens of Billions$$/year in welfare $ payouts to their citizens from our treasuries.

Here's the list >>>

Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (ex. ISIS with "Syrian refugees")
You can't say "legalization" of illegal aliens. The correct phrase would be legalization of illegal immigration. Your title has all kinds of connotations, of white slavery, smuggling and status as a person.
FALSE! The term illegal aliens is 100% correct, and has NO connotations other than 2 things . That the people are aliens (they are), and that they are here illegally (they are). Simple as that.

Take it easy. I only corrected your grammar. :laugh:
Same here I just won't vote. I'll be living in a swing state by then as well and he will need every vote he can get in the swing states. Absolutely ZERO allowing illegals to stay grow a set and so as Ike did and deport them!

Odious dreams of a snow white amerika.

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