If Trump Advocates Legalization of Illegal Aliens, I Won't Vote For Him

Same here I just won't vote. I'll be living in a swing state by then as well and he will need every vote he can get in the swing states. Absolutely ZERO allowing illegals to stay grow a set and so as Ike did and deport them!

Odious dreams of a snow white amerika.
There are are large number of White European illegal aliens subject to being deported, not just non-whites. And of course, the Great Panderer, Hillary, is supporting (AKA SUCKING UP) to them, just as much as to the Hispanics.

Trump's plan equals 100% Obama's plan!!!

Sounds good to me!
FALSE! Trump's plan is still 100% mass deportation of ALL illegal aliens . That has not changed one iota. IF it does change, THEN we can talk about that.

And why/how would Obama's handling of illegal aliens (amnesty, sanctuary cities, catch & release, etc) be "good' for you ? Are you an illegal alien ? If not, how could the harms listed in Post # 33 be good for you ?
Trump's plan equals 100% Obama's plan!!!

Sounds good to me!
FALSE! Trump's plan is still 100% mass deportation of ALL illegal aliens . That has not changed one iota. IF it does change THEN we can talk about that.
Methinks Trump is cunning. He will do as he likes when president. While he soothes the masses he's winking at you.

Whitey must have faith till November.

Either that, or he's full of crap, but why would he bother?
Trump's plan equals 100% Obama's plan!!!

Sounds good to me!
FALSE! Trump's plan is still 100% mass deportation of ALL illegal aliens . That has not changed one iota. IF it does change THEN we can talk about that.
He speaks with a FORKED TONGUE protectionist. With the Hispanic Leaders he said one thing, in an interview, he said another thing, and then at a Rally he shouts, We are going to Build that Wall, and the Mexicans are going to pay for it, all within a day or two...that's the three prongs in a Fork...thus he speaks with a forked tongue....be careful, keep your eyes opened and watch him carefully!
Trump's plan equals 100% Obama's plan!!!

Sounds good to me!
FALSE! Trump's plan is still 100% mass deportation of ALL illegal aliens . That has not changed one iota. IF it does change THEN we can talk about that.
He speaks with a FORKED TONGUE protectionist. With the Hispanic Leaders he said one thing, in an interview, he said another thing, and then at a Rally he shouts, We are going to Build that Wall, and the Mexicans are going to pay for it, all within a day or two...that's the three prongs in a Fork...thus he speaks with a forked tongue....be careful, keep your eyes opened and watch him carefully!
He's cunning. That's all we know for now.
He already said the wall was just a suggestion. He's not going to deport 11 million Mexicans, and he's not going to ban Muslims from the country. Every promise he made to get the nomination has been broken. So what reason is there to vote for him now?
The wall is POLICY. If he's elected it will be built and Mexico will pay for it, + a lot more.
Where do you get the idea that Trump won't deport all illegal aliens And the Muslim ban is still quite viable as well.Stop fucking up the thread, with your mindless proselitizing.
He already said the wall was just a suggestion. He's not going to deport 11 million Mexicans, and he's not going to ban Muslims from the country. Every promise he made to get the nomination has been broken. So what reason is there to vote for him now?
The wall is POLICY. If he's elected it will be built and Mexico will pay for it, + a lot more.
Where do you get the idea that Trump won't deport all illegal aliens And the Muslim ban is still quite viable as well.Stop fucking up the thread, with your mindless proselitizing.
You are delusional if you actually believe that shit.
Perhaps, but the Supreme Court says otherwise. And it's there interpretation that we have to live by, like it or not. I believe the "anchor baby" horse has already been beat to death in another thread.
When did the Supreme Court say otherwise ? And a new Supreme Court can have their say also.
So you're okay with people being deported who were in this country since they were a kid? Or people who have literally dedicated their lives to working here in America and raising productive members of society?

Yes they should have come into the country through the legal route. But it's not easy for South Americans to get visas here and when you're living in a craphole country you do whatever it takes to leave that place even if it involves being an illegal.
None of those things validates them disrespecting our laws (and therefore us as well), and coming here and inflicting the long list of harms upon the American people that they do. Yes, of course I'm OK with deporting ALL illegal aliens. Anything less would be unfair and an improper imposition on the American people.
Last night on CNN, a Republican congressman from Western New York was interviewed. He represents a heavily rural, farm constiituency. The host asked him what he thought of this possible switch in Trump's stance on illegal immigrants.

This congressman (C. Collins) went on for quite some time articulating HIS stance, saying repeatedly that the farmers, hotels and (something else I can't remember) DEPEND on these illegal immigrants to do the work Americans do not want to do. Dairy farming is hard work, apparently. Cows need milking 3 times a day regardless of the weather, blah blah blah. Collins advocates letting them get their working papers if they meet the requirements to remain and therefore be legal, if not citizens. He emphasized that this is HIS stance, not Trump's.

What really aggravated me was that not once during the whole spiel did Collins or the CNN host bring up what should happen to the (apparently) many, many farmers and hoteliers in Upstate New York who are benefiting from this illegal work force, knowing full well they are illegal, and breaking the law just as seriously as the illegal immigrants themselves. In some ways it's worse what all these employers are doing. And there was not a thing mentioned about THEM taking any responsibility for merrily breaking the law all this time. If it weren't for employers who hire these folks, we would not have a problem.

Republicans kinda suck in their own way.
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What I heard him say is that the bad ones get shown the door and the ones not causing problems need to go through a legalization process. It's the realization that deporting 11 million illegals isn't going to happen. Many have kids and some of their kids have had kids.
Ahhh, the same exact plan of Obama's....

The light dawns....

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