If Trump Advocates Legalization of Illegal Aliens, I Won't Vote For Him

He already said the wall was just a suggestion. He's not going to deport 11 million Mexicans, and he's not going to ban Muslims from the country. Every promise he made to get the nomination has been broken. So what reason is there to vote for him now?
The wall is POLICY. If he's elected it will be built and Mexico will pay for it, + a lot more.
Where do you get the idea that Trump won't deport all illegal aliens And the Muslim ban is still quite viable as well.Stop fucking up the thread, with your mindless proselitizing.

You really need to keep up more with your candidate's latest statements.
the Democratic plan has been and has always been to deport the felons and gang members and drug dealers first, as priority, since there never was enough money allocated by Congress to deport them all, then give the good guys only, a pathway to citizenship if they don't break the law, learn english, pass a test, keep squeeky clean, finish high school if you are young, then put on the list of citizenship, behind the ones trying to come here legally...

Republicans would have NONE OF IT! Refused to pass immigration reform calling for precisely what Trump is calling for now and Ryan and Rubio called for prior to the primary.

did you see the video on Trump saying that Obama has deported an awful lot of illegals and he thinks just following the law like Obama will get rid of a lot of them like Obama did.
NOBODY, Republicans or anybody else, should have anything of a legalization plan. I'll call it AMNESTY too. In my book, anything less than deportation is amnesty. No reason why the American people should suffer a long list of harms to accomodate disrespectful lawbreakers.

Obama, and almost all the Democrats have been complicit in trhe invasion of America by the imperialist countries. As such, they are guilty of TREASON.

And what the hell are you talking about when you say "precisely what Trump is calling for now". So far it is in a "to be determined" status, no change, and still is 100% MASS DEPORTATION- OPERATION WETBACK II
You really need to keep up more with your candidate's latest statements.
No I don't. "to be determined" means NOTHING, until it IS determined. And YOU aren't going to make Trump's policy, in this forum, so pleas calm down, and shut up, OK ? Thank you.
it is process to legalization but you would probably have a green card or visa during the change.
They are in a sort road trip trying to reach their destination to be a Legalized America
They should be treated as equal in the country unless they fail and need to be sent back.

Health............ the US no long bars that with HIV, illness that can be contagious. Yes, I know Ebola and if you have certain types symptoms during transport you would be in hospital quarantine.
green card is a probation.
and what about anchor babies?

They should go back home to live with their parents till they reach maturity, then they can decide for themselves.
The child can return to the US and the parents can get a visa or go though proper citizen ship process.
You really need to keep up more with your candidate's latest statements.
No I don't. "to be determined" means NOTHING, until it IS determined. And YOU aren't going to make Trump's policy, in this forum, so pleas calm down, and shut up, OK ? Thank you.

All those people who supported him thought the wall was determined. It's what he said.
Methinks Trump is cunning. He will do as he likes when president. While he soothes the masses he's winking at you.

Whitey must have faith till November.

Either that, or he's full of crap, but why would he bother?
To much use of the future tense in this thread. :biggrin:
He speaks with a FORKED TONGUE protectionist. With the Hispanic Leaders he said one thing, in an interview, he said another thing, and then at a Rally he shouts, We are going to Build that Wall, and the Mexicans are going to pay for it, all within a day or two...that's the three prongs in a Fork...thus he speaks with a forked tongue....be careful, keep your eyes opened and watch him carefully!
Already doing that. Read the title of the OP.
it is process to legalization but you would probably have a green card or visa during the change.
They are in a sort road trip trying to reach their destination to be a Legalized America
They should be treated as equal in the country unless they fail and need to be sent back.

Health............ the US no long bars that with HIV, illness that can be contagious. Yes, I know Ebola and if you have certain types symptoms during transport you would be in hospital quarantine.
green card is a probation.

You mean trump lied to his base to get votes? How can this be.
No, I don't mean that. Do you ?

So, how do you explain him saying exactly the opposite now of what he said before?
He hasn't done that. Do you know what the words "TO BE DETERMINED" mean ? You got an English language deficiency ?

It means that the outcome is questionable. That's not what he said when campaigning for the nomination. He said we WILL build the wall, and we WILL deport those 11 million people. He didn't say it's an idea I'm thinking about.

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