If Trump Advocates Legalization of Illegal Aliens, I Won't Vote For Him

Same here I just won't vote. I'll be living in a swing state by then as well and he will need every vote he can get in the swing states. Absolutely ZERO allowing illegals to stay grow a set and so as Ike did and deport them!

Odious dreams of a snow white amerika.

Multi-cultural, equality, plurality, tolerance, opportunity for those who love this country and live by our laws

When people take the pledge, they should want and willing to assimilate as a true american, defend and protect their new homeland.
I never thought it was practical to send millions back home, but a President Trump would at least put a stop to the incoming illegals from south of the border. More important, he would put a stop to the muslim refugee program at once. Then of course, bill and hillary would push the TPP through also, with the help of all republicans, and too many demorats. It'll either be the Donald or the clintons in the white house in January so staying home is not an option, patriots.
Same here I just won't vote. I'll be living in a swing state by then as well and he will need every vote he can get in the swing states. Absolutely ZERO allowing illegals to stay grow a set and so as Ike did and deport them!

Odious dreams of a snow white amerika.

Multi-cultural, equality, plurality, tolerance, opportunity for those who love this country and live by our laws

When people take the pledge, they should want and willing to assimilate as a true american, defend and protect their new homeland.

That's not Odious' position. As for the pledge, fuck it.
1.Illegals do jobs that Americans don't want. Americans don't want to pick fruit for a living or clean someone's house.

2. Wage reduction has more to do with greedy cooperation and ha a little do with illegals.

3 &4 and 5 I think these have more to do with the sucky economy that Bush left. There are a lot more Americans who winded up on welfar when they economy tanked.

6. The increased crime has more to do with society deteriorating . Blaming illegals for that is overreaching. In fact many illegals try and stay out of trouble because they don't want to get caught.

7,8,9 , 10 and 11 you can't be serious?

12. I don't where you live but I live in Philly which is a pretty big city and they've actually had to close a lot public schools because there weren't enough kids to fill classes. People are actually having less children.

13. See point 3

14. What cultural erosion? Americans really do not have a culture. Immigrants are at least bringing some flavor to our cultural.

15. Americans use to much natural resources period. Deporting illegals isn't going to solve the issue. As long as we have folks denying global warming in this country, people will continue to overuse things like oil and gas.

16. What diseases? I know whopping cough is making a come back but that's because you got people thinking vaccines are bad.

17. We have yet to have a Syrian refugee or any Arab immigrant for a that matter attack us. Orlando and San Bernadino terrorist attacks were committed by citizens of this country. Even the attacks in Europe have been committed by citizens and not refugees.

1. The standard liberal line. it was squashed 12 years ago, and repeatedly since then, by CIS, who did a study that showed Of 472 civilian occupations, only six are majority immigrant (legal and illegal). These six occupations account for 1 percent of the total U.S. workforce. Moreover, native-born Americans still comprise 46 percent of workers even in these occupations.

Many jobs often thought to be overwhelmingly immigrant (legal and illegal) are in fact majority native-born:
  • Maids and housekeepers: 51 percent native-born
  • Taxi drivers and chauffeurs: 58 percent native-born
  • Butchers and meat processors: 63 percent native-born
  • Grounds maintenance workers: 64 percent native-born
  • Construction laborers: 66 percent native-born
  • Porters, bellhops, and concierges: 72 percent native-born
  • Janitors: 73 percent native-born
Not only that the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs are done by Americans (about 100%) (Ex. Coal miners, firefighters, troops in Iraq & Afghanistan)

2. FALSE! low wages are one of the reasons why illegals are here. They boost profits for greedy corporations.

3. 3, 4, & 5 have nothing to do with Bush. There's just less tax$ coming in because of the low wages & off books work. Doesn't matter who's president. Remittance $$ loss occurs no matter who is president or was. We've been having it since Kennedy was president. Welfare drain same things - nothing to do with Bush.

6. You're talking ridiculous. Any time you ADD more people to your population, some % of the ADDITION is criminal, and you get ADDITIONAL crime. Simple as that. And every illegal crossing the border EWI has committed a crime, just doing that.

7-11. Why wouldn't I be serious ? Any time you ADD more people to your population, you get more crime, pollution, traffic congestion, schoolkids, hospital patients, etc.

12. Maybe in Philly people are LEAVING. Here in Florida, classrooms are so packed kids are going to classed in TRAILERS brought in to fill up the overflow.

13. Again not Bush. A large % of illegals come her not for jobs, but for welfare. Young women come here in the 8th month of pregnancy, have the kid on the American side of the border, and then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits$$$$$ courtesy of the American taxpayer (the anchor baby racket)

14. HA HA HA. Typical liberal response. Liberals have no sense of American culture. Total ignorance. Ever hear of Rock n Roll ? (AKA Rock music) the Blues? Bluegrass Music ? Jazz ? Poets > Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, Bob Dylan, Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Longfellow, Ezra Pound, TS Eliot, Carl Sandberg, WH Auden, Langston Hughes. etc. Then there's graphic arts, filmmaking-movies, TV shows, etc etc.
And there is the American English language. The "flavor" as you call it is foreign languages which is harmful not helpful. ever try to tak a can with a can-biies who speaks no English.

15. Nice dodge, the simplefact is there are finite amounts of natural resources (oil, fresh water, etc) The mor epeople you have, the less resource you have per capita.

16. Ebola for one. Then there's the Entero Virus 68 brought in by Central American kids. Dengue fever, leprosy. and many others. This is the stuff liberal media OMITS routinely, to keep you ignorant.

17. The 9-11 killers were all here on visas (most from Saudi Arabia). Hesham Mohamed Hadayet, the LAX shooter was an immigrant from Egypt. There are many more. I have a list in this forum somewhere. I'll try to dig it out. More info liberal media OMITTED. That's why you don't know.
I never thought it was practical to send millions back home, but a President Trump would at least put a stop to the incoming illegals from south of the border. More important, he would put a stop to the muslim refugee program at once. Then of course, bill and hillary would push the TPP through also, with the help of all republicans, and too many demorats. It'll either be the Donald or the clintons in the white house in January so staying home is not an option, patriots.

Do you have any idea if he wants to deploy the military on the border to stop wetbacks from coming in?
Last night on CNN, a Republican congressman from Western New York was interviewed. He represents a heavily rural, farm constiituency. The host asked him what he thought of this possible switch in Trump's stance on illegal immigrants.

This congressman (C. Collins) went on for quite some time articulating HIS stance, saying repeatedly that the farmers, hotels and (something else I can't remember) DEPEND on these illegal immigrants to do the work Americans do not want to do. Dairy farming is hard work, apparently. Cows need milking 3 times a day regardless of the weather, blah blah blah. Collins advocates letting them get their working papers if they meet the requirements to remain and therefore be legal, if not citizens. He emphasized that this is HIS stance, not Trump's.

What really aggravated me was that not once during the whole spiel did Collins or the CNN host bring up what should happen to the (apparently) many, many farmers and hoteliers in Upstate New York who are benefiting from this illegal work force, knowing full well they are illegal, and breaking the law just as seriously as the illegal immigrants themselves. In some ways it's worse what all these employers are doing. And there was not a thing mentioned about THEM taking any responsibility for merrily breaking the law all this time. If it weren't for employers who hire these folks, we would not have a problem.

Republicans kinda suck in their own way.
This dopey idea was already refuted soundly, in an earlier post. Try reading the thread.
They should be treated as equal in the country unless they fail and need to be sent back.
Would you treat a burglar who enters your home, and takes your property, as an "equal" in your home ?

Yes, that what illegal aliens are doing >> $123 Billion/year ripped out of our economy (and that's just the remittances part)
So you're okay with people being deported who were in this country since they were a kid? Or people who have literally dedicated their lives to working here in America and raising productive members of society?

Yes they should have come into the country through the legal route. But it's not easy for South Americans to get visas here and when you're living in a craphole country you do whatever it takes to leave that place even if it involves being an illegal.
None of those things validates them disrespecting our laws (and therefore us as well), and coming here and inflicting the long list of harms upon the American people that they do. Yes, of course I'm OK with deporting ALL illegal aliens. Anything less would be unfair and an improper imposition on the American people.
Last night on CNN, a Republican congressman from Western New York was interviewed. He represents a heavily rural, farm constiituency. The host asked him what he thought of this possible switch in Trump's stance on illegal immigrants.

This congressman (C. Collins) went on for quite some time articulating HIS stance, saying repeatedly that the farmers, hotels and (something else I can't remember) DEPEND on these illegal immigrants to do the work Americans do not want to do. Dairy farming is hard work, apparently. Cows need milking 3 times a day regardless of the weather, blah blah blah. Collins advocates letting them get their working papers if they meet the requirements to remain and therefore be legal, if not citizens. He emphasized that this is HIS stance, not Trump's.

What really aggravated me was that not once during the whole spiel did Collins or the CNN host bring up what should happen to the (apparently) many, many farmers and hoteliers in Upstate New York who are benefiting from this illegal work force, knowing full well they are illegal, and breaking the law just as seriously as the illegal immigrants themselves. In some ways it's worse what all these employers are doing. And there was not a thing mentioned about THEM taking any responsibility for merrily breaking the law all this time. If it weren't for employers who hire these folks, we would not have a problem.

Republicans kinda suck in their own way.

You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the business owner and their illegal hiring of undocumented workers and the fact that Trump and the GOP are ignoring them while going after the illegal worker.

If the GOP along with Trump would actually enforce the laws this country has and force employers to stop hiring illegals then the illegal immigrant would stop coming here ( well would slow it considerably ) but as usual the GOP and Trump do not want to offend their voting bloc and prefer to look at one part of the problem and not the entire problem...
What are you talking about? You need a SS number to be hired and taxes are withheld. If you are talking about paying them under the table there are laws against it. What usually happens though is some guy that can't speak English shows up to take care of your lawn and the HO asks no questions, just goes for the bottom dollar deal.
So you're okay with people being deported who were in this country since they were a kid? Or people who have literally dedicated their lives to working here in America and raising productive members of society?

Yes they should have come into the country through the legal route. But it's not easy for South Americans to get visas here and when you're living in a craphole country you do whatever it takes to leave that place even if it involves being an illegal.
None of those things validates them disrespecting our laws (and therefore us as well), and coming here and inflicting the long list of harms upon the American people that they do. Yes, of course I'm OK with deporting ALL illegal aliens. Anything less would be unfair and an improper imposition on the American people.
Last night on CNN, a Republican congressman from Western New York was interviewed. He represents a heavily rural, farm constiituency. The host asked him what he thought of this possible switch in Trump's stance on illegal immigrants.

This congressman (C. Collins) went on for quite some time articulating HIS stance, saying repeatedly that the farmers, hotels and (something else I can't remember) DEPEND on these illegal immigrants to do the work Americans do not want to do. Dairy farming is hard work, apparently. Cows need milking 3 times a day regardless of the weather, blah blah blah. Collins advocates letting them get their working papers if they meet the requirements to remain and therefore be legal, if not citizens. He emphasized that this is HIS stance, not Trump's.

What really aggravated me was that not once during the whole spiel did Collins or the CNN host bring up what should happen to the (apparently) many, many farmers and hoteliers in Upstate New York who are benefiting from this illegal work force, knowing full well they are illegal, and breaking the law just as seriously as the illegal immigrants themselves. In some ways it's worse what all these employers are doing. And there was not a thing mentioned about THEM taking any responsibility for merrily breaking the law all this time. If it weren't for employers who hire these folks, we would not have a problem.

Republicans kinda suck in their own way.
LOL, like democrats won't hire an illegal. You live in a little hate bubble.
All those people who supported him thought the wall was determined. It's what he said.
You are confusing 2 separate sub-issues. The wall is border security (keeping the invaders from coming in). Mass deportation is enforcement (getting the invaders out). I haven't heard anything about the wall. Last I heard, it goes up. Mexico pays for it.

We put up gates ad fences. We put up steal and concrete wall, not we have doorbell and cameras to if someone in outside your home or at the door, so you can speak and make them think you are at home. We have security agencies and security products to protect us.

Why is a wall so objective? Let them stand in line at legal entry point.
So you're okay with people being deported who were in this country since they were a kid? Or people who have literally dedicated their lives to working here in America and raising productive members of society?

Yes they should have come into the country through the legal route. But it's not easy for South Americans to get visas here and when you're living in a craphole country you do whatever it takes to leave that place even if it involves being an illegal.
None of those things validates them disrespecting our laws (and therefore us as well), and coming here and inflicting the long list of harms upon the American people that they do. Yes, of course I'm OK with deporting ALL illegal aliens. Anything less would be unfair and an improper imposition on the American people.

What exact harm has an illegal immigrant done to you? You're just spitting out the usual rhetoric about the suppose harm illegals have done to Americans.
Have you noticed that wages are going down? Jobs hard to find? The middle class has lost about 4 grand a year from their pay checks? The debt is growing? Illegals cost 20B a year to e taxpayer? Any of this ring your bells?

There are two people that are ill and need the last syringe to cure for "X" disease, one is your daughter.
Who do you give the drug to?? Why?
So you're okay with people being deported who were in this country since they were a kid? Or people who have literally dedicated their lives to working here in America and raising productive members of society?

Yes they should have come into the country through the legal route. But it's not easy for South Americans to get visas here and when you're living in a craphole country you do whatever it takes to leave that place even if it involves being an illegal.
None of those things validates them disrespecting our laws (and therefore us as well), and coming here and inflicting the long list of harms upon the American people that they do. Yes, of course I'm OK with deporting ALL illegal aliens. Anything less would be unfair and an improper imposition on the American people.

What exact harm has an illegal immigrant done to you? You're just spitting out the usual rhetoric about the suppose harm illegals have done to Americans.
Have you noticed that wages are going down? Jobs hard to find? The middle class has lost about 4 grand a year from their pay checks? The debt is growing? Illegals cost 20B a year to e taxpayer? Any of this ring your bells?

Wages are not going down.

Why lie?
They should be treated as equal in the country unless they fail and need to be sent back.
Would you treat a burglar who enters your home, and takes your property, as an "equal" in your home ?

Yes, that what illegal aliens are doing >> $123 Billion/year ripped out of our economy (and that's just the remittances part)

his acts are criminal, but heals should get his day in court
Now if he killed someone in my family and was trying to reach for another, .......I would hope my hand steady enough for the bullet to rip through the head, or a throwing knife to the artery.

death and still danger to others in my home................... legal

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