If Trump Advocates Legalization of Illegal Aliens, I Won't Vote For Him

his acts are criminal, but heals should get his day in court
Now if he killed someone in my family and was trying to reach for another, .......I would hope my hand steady enough for the bullet to rip through the head, or a throwing knife to the artery.

death and still danger to others in my home................... legal
So you wouldn't try to stop him from stealing your property from inside your home ? You'd treat him as an "equal" in your home ?
We put up gates ad fences. We put up steal and concrete wall, not we have doorbell and cameras to if someone in outside your home or at the door, so you can speak and make them think you are at home. We have security agencies and security products to protect us.

Why is a wall so objective? Let them stand in line at legal entry point.
So you'd let them in legally ? (before answering, read Post # 33)
All those people who supported him thought the wall was determined. It's what he said.
You are confusing 2 separate sub-issues. The wall is border security (keeping the invaders from coming in). Mass deportation is enforcement (getting the invaders out). I haven't heard anything about the wall. Last I heard, it goes up. Mexico pays for it.

We put up gates ad fences. We put up steal and concrete wall, not we have doorbell and cameras to if someone in outside your home or at the door, so you can speak and make them think you are at home. We have security agencies and security products to protect us.

Why is a wall so objective? Let them stand in line at legal entry point.

Because it's expensive and it won't work.
All those people who supported him thought the wall was determined. It's what he said.
You are confusing 2 separate sub-issues. The wall is border security (keeping the invaders from coming in). Mass deportation is enforcement (getting the invaders out). I haven't heard anything about the wall. Last I heard, it goes up. Mexico pays for it.

We put up gates ad fences. We put up steal and concrete wall, not we have doorbell and cameras to if someone in outside your home or at the door, so you can speak and make them think you are at home. We have security agencies and security products to protect us.

Why is a wall so objective? Let them stand in line at legal entry point.

Because it's expensive and it won't work.

Yes it will. Stop being so dumb! You know democrats lie to you don't you?
I never thought it was practical to send millions back home, but a President Trump would at least put a stop to the incoming illegals from south of the border. More important, he would put a stop to the muslim refugee program at once. Then of course, bill and hillary would push the TPP through also, with the help of all republicans, and too many demorats. It'll either be the Donald or the clintons in the white house in January so staying home is not an option, patriots.

Do you have any idea if he wants to deploy the military on the border to stop wetbacks from coming in?
Same here I just won't vote. I'll be living in a swing state by then as well and he will need every vote he can get in the swing states. Absolutely ZERO allowing illegals to stay grow a set and so as Ike did and deport them!

If you believe 12 million people are going to be deported out of this country then you are living in the same fantasy world you were living in when you thought Trump was a credible candidate
You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the business owner and their illegal hiring of undocumented workers and the fact that Trump and the GOP are ignoring them while going after the illegal worker.

If the GOP along with Trump would actually enforce the laws this country has and force employers to stop hiring illegals then the illegal immigrant would stop coming here ( well would slow it considerably ) but as usual the GOP and Trump do not want to offend their voting bloc and prefer to look at one part of the problem and not the entire problem...
You just made a mistake. You said the problem is NON-ENFORCEMENT (of IRCA). That's correct. That IS part of the problem. But your mistake is blaming the Republicans. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know that enforcement of immigration law is in the hands of the EXECUTIVE branch of govt. For the last 7.5 years, that has been in the control of DEMOCRATS, not Republicans. It is run by ICE, headed by Sarah Saldana, who answers to Jeh Johnson, head of DHS, which is part of Obama's cabinet. ALL DEMOCRATS.

Click the links to see what a pro-illegal alien job they've been doing.

And not only have they not been enforcing IRCA, by arresting illegal employers, they have been releasing illegal aliens (even ones who committed crimes) back on to the streets.

Illegal immigrant criminals released into U.S. despite thousands of vacant detention beds

Obama amnesty to be tested by immigration service nominee

Obama immigration chief: Deportations plummeting; sanctuary cities, influx of kids to blame

DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets
Donald Trump just met with a large group of Hispanics. After the meeting, when campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, was asked by Dana Bash of CNN, if he still proposes mass deportation, she answered by saying "to be determined"

Huh ? The fundamental policy of the Trump campaign from the beginning, which got Trump steamrolled over such amnesyites as Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, and Marco Rubio, was mass deportation of illegal aliens. It was what millions of Republicans admired and voted for in the primaries. It is the right thing to do, and it would be a travesty of justice against American workers and ALL Americans to grant amnesty to illegals - which I define as anything less than mass deportation of EVERY illegal alien, and that includes white, European illegal aliens as well as Hispanics or Blacks.

So where in hell did "to be determined" come from ? This is something that was ALREADY determined. It was determined at the beginning of this campaign, and all through it, that decades of lawbreakers would finally be brought to justice and get kicked out of the country as the law provides. What a huge disappointment if Trump flip-flops on this. Stay the course, Donald, and explain to American Hispanic voters why this mass deportation is good for THEM as well as anybody else.
Admit it fool, you and the rest of your kind all have been duped by Trump. He played you stupid white mf's and used you fools like the GOP always does with ignorant whites. Another example of white people and why your entire race need to be taken down a peg or two in a few more years of brown majority coming.
You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the business owner and their illegal hiring of undocumented workers and the fact that Trump and the GOP are ignoring them while going after the illegal worker.

If the GOP along with Trump would actually enforce the laws this country has and force employers to stop hiring illegals then the illegal immigrant would stop coming here ( well would slow it considerably ) but as usual the GOP and Trump do not want to offend their voting bloc and prefer to look at one part of the problem and not the entire problem...
You just made a mistake. You said the problem is NON-ENFORCEMENT (of IRCA). That's correct. That IS part of the problem. But your mistake is blaming the Republicans. If you knew what you were talking about, you'd know that enforcement of immigration law is in the hands of the EXECUTIVE branch of govt. For the last 7.5 years, that has been in the control of DEMOCRATS, not Republicans. It is run by ICE, headed by Sarah Saldana, who answers to Jeh Johnson, head of DHS, which is part of Obama's cabinet. ALL DEMOCRATS.

Click the links to see what a pro-illegal alien job they've been doing.

And not only have they not been enforcing IRCA, by arresting illegal employers, they have been releasing illegal aliens (even ones who committed crimes) back on to the streets.

Illegal immigrant criminals released into U.S. despite thousands of vacant detention beds

Obama amnesty to be tested by immigration service nominee

Obama immigration chief: Deportations plummeting; sanctuary cities, influx of kids to blame

DHS released another 30,000 criminal aliens onto streets
Uh, if you've watch the real news, fool....you'd see that Trump himself, your fuhrer gave kudos to Obama and his deportation policies...which is by far the best idea....something Trump himself is now advocating and stealing as his idea.
Build the wall!!!!!

He already said the wall was just a suggestion. He's not going to deport 11 million Mexicans, and he's not going to ban Muslims from the country. Every promise he made to get the nomination has been broken. So what reason is there to vote for him now?
Trump is a brilliant showman and he played the GOP to the hilt. Amazing how easy it is for any candidate on the right to get political creds from supporters by simply playing the race card and scaring whity.....its perhaps the most gullable party in US history.
What exact harm has an illegal immigrant done to you? You're just spitting out the usual rhetoric about the suppose harm illegals have done to Americans.

Would you ask that question of a resident of England, pertaining to the Vikings. Illegal aliens from Mexico alone extract $24 Billion/year out of the US economy in remittances, which they reinsert into their economy. The Vikings would be envious. In all their pillaging they never even came close to a rip-off of that magnitude.

Here's another question. Would you let your next door neighbor enter your home and take money out of it every day, for decades ? (which they then insert into THEIR household) If not, why would you allow Mexico, China, India , etc to do that to the USA ? And they take much more than just remittances. they also take tens of Billions$$/year in welfare $ payouts to their citizens from our treasuries.

Here's the list >>>

Harms of Immigration

Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($123 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases.

17. Influx of terrorists (ex. ISIS with "Syrian refugees")
GOP congressman Collins of NY's 27th district bragged about using illegals on his dairy farms. You nuts have got to get with reality....these rich white mf's could give two shits about illegal immigration in this country......they don't live in their communities, they don't drag down home values, don't overwhelm their communities with spanish only venues, don't drain their community resources, don't show up at their hospitals and clinics and don't take their jobs....its the poor they fuck over and that's why politicians like Trump who uses them also...WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER BUILD A WAY, ADDRESS THE PROBLEM OR SEEK A SOLUTION....GET WITH REALITY PEOPLE
Trump's plan equals 100% Obama's plan!!!

Sounds good to me!
FALSE! Trump's plan is still 100% mass deportation of ALL illegal aliens . That has not changed one iota. IF it does change, THEN we can talk about that.

And why/how would Obama's handling of illegal aliens (amnesty, sanctuary cities, catch & release, etc) be "good' for you ? Are you an illegal alien ? If not, how could the harms listed in Post # 33 be good for you ?
Hey idiot, the cost of mass deportation is ranging right now in the billions, inching toward a trillion dollars, who may I ask will pay for that? You and your welfare check?
All those people who supported him thought the wall was determined. It's what he said.
You are confusing 2 separate sub-issues. The wall is border security (keeping the invaders from coming in). Mass deportation is enforcement (getting the invaders out). I haven't heard anything about the wall. Last I heard, it goes up. Mexico pays for it.

And the Cartel will dig under it... So build the wall and show the World how to waste money on something that will not even slow the flow of illegal immigration nor anything else from Mexico!

Oh and there are sections of the wall already and yes the Cartel has been digging under it but stay clueless...

As for the Mass Deportations, not happening and Donald Trump will lose this battle but keep on dreaming and remember no one invited the Europeans to come over here and yes there were civilizations here before the European Settler but let not remember that and focus on the invading force you fear so much!
Apparently it is YOU who is clueless. Some years ago they built a double/triple fence along a 14 mile stretch of border south of San Diego, CA. It has been a success, and border crossers long ago stopped trying to cross there.

Another success example is in Yuma, Arizona. Click the links

Still another example of wall.fence success is in Israel.

Where U.S.-Mexico border fence is tall, border crossings fall

San Diego Fence Provides Lessons in Border Control

PS - I think Obama's idea of an alligator moat along the wall is not a bad idea. We have tons of them here in Florida, and we'll be more than happy to donate them.

Build that freaking wall. Tell the Mexicans they are being held prisoner! Roflmslwao

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