If Trump comes out on Russia's side Friday, there will be a huge demand to see his Tax Returns.



“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.


Trump's own son gives us the connection.

What is the real connection? Only his tax returns will tell us.

What if Trump comes out of the meeting tomarrow suddenly converted? Will he be believable? Will he settle for working for Putin behind the scenes?

I guess we'll know tomarrow.
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.


Trump's own son gives us the connection.

What is the real connection? Only his tax returns will tell us.

What if Trump comes out of the meeting tomarrow suddenly converted? Will he be believable? Will he settle for working for Putin behind the scenes?

I guess we'll know tomarrow.

You will never see his tax returns, because no one of import cares what you think.
Poll: 62 percent of Republicans want Trump's tax returns

Poll: 62 percent of Republicans want Trump's tax returns

This was before any not-so-subtle Putin' lapdoging by Trump.

Here is Pense blatantly lying about Trump's blatant lying:

“Donald Trump started this campaign in 2014 and he said, if I run for president, I will absolutely release my taxes.” — Kaine

“And he will.” — Pence

“He's broken his first promise.” — Kaine

“He hasn't broken his promise.” —Pence

Trump has broken his committment to release his tax returns
“Donald Trump started this campaign in 2014 and he said, if I run for president, I will absolutely release my taxes.” — Kaine

“And he will.” — Pence

“He's broken his first promise.” — Kaine

“He hasn't broken his promise.” —Pence

Trump has broken his committment to release his tax returns
Poor little snowflakes. After the most significant political drubbing they've received in a lifetime, they are more desperate than ever to find anything to destroy Donald Trump, no matter how irrelevant or unimportant.

And they can't understand how normal people (I.e. the large majority of Americans) could find it irrelevant or unimportant, when it means the whole world to the snowflakes.

Poor little snowflakes. There is probably nothing that can pull them out of their misery and desperation.
“Donald Trump started this campaign in 2014 and he said, if I run for president, I will absolutely release my taxes.” — Kaine

“And he will.” — Pence

“He's broken his first promise.” — Kaine

“He hasn't broken his promise.” —Pence

Trump has broken his committment to release his tax returns
Poor little snowflakes. After the most significant political drubbing they've received in a lifetime, they are more desperate than ever to find anything to destroy Donald Trump, no matter how irrelevant or unimportant.

And they can't understand how normal people (I.e. the large majority of Americans) could find it irrelevant or unimportant, when it means the whole world to the snowflakes.

Poor little snowflakes. There is probably nothing that can pull them out of their misery and desperation.

Normal people like 62% of Republicans? :rolleyes:

Trumpster lemmings are not normal people, you are confused. When he said he could walk out on the street and shoot someone and people will still support him, he had fellas like YOU in mind.
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.


Trump's own son gives us the connection.

What is the real connection? Only his tax returns will tell us.

What if Trump comes out of the meeting tomarrow suddenly converted? Will he be believable? Will he settle for working for Putin behind the scenes?

I guess we'll know tomarrow.
Will Trump be believable, you ask.
The answer is that Trump's supporters will believe anything he says, literally or metaphorically.
No-one else believes Trump.
Poll: 62 percent of Republicans want Trump's tax returns

Poll: 62 percent of Republicans want Trump's tax returns

This was before any not-so-subtle Putin' lapdoging by Trump.

Here is Pense blatantly lying about Trump's blatant lying:

“Donald Trump started this campaign in 2014 and he said, if I run for president, I will absolutely release my taxes.” — Kaine

“And he will.” — Pence

“He's broken his first promise.” — Kaine

“He hasn't broken his promise.” —Pence

Trump has broken his committment to release his tax returns
Apparently you are one of those fucking faggots in spandex and air streamed helmet who think if they are pedaling fast enough (while holding traffic up on the highway) they are able to cross under the arch of the rainbow to find unicorns and sit on their horns to get their faggot pleasures, you fucking faggot, you nasty shit sucking fuck...

Man, you got them homo fantasies up the wazoo. been thinking about this too much?

If Trump comes out on Russia's side Friday, there will be a huge demand to see his Tax Returns.

Yes - but only from sane American patriots. Trump's NaziCon cult doesn't care.
from who? You Snowflakes?

Patriot? Isn't that one of the titles that signaled to Lois Lerner and her minions at the IRS to make life miserable for the applicant? Funny how a year ago being a "Patriot" was something you progressives equated with being an unwanted entity but now you want to wrap yourself in the flag and declare that YOU are a Patriot!
If past is prologue, Trump will come out on both sides of the issue. If there is a third side, he will be on that side too. If Trump does release his tax returns,
It would take a dozen trained accountants and at least that many Philadelphia lawyers the next six months to get a clear understanding of it. People will search for something that they can present in a bad light with no context.
Poll: 62 percent of Republicans want Trump's tax returns

Poll: 62 percent of Republicans want Trump's tax returns

This was before any not-so-subtle Putin' lapdoging by Trump.

Here is Pense blatantly lying about Trump's blatant lying:

“Donald Trump started this campaign in 2014 and he said, if I run for president, I will absolutely release my taxes.” — Kaine

“And he will.” — Pence

“He's broken his first promise.” — Kaine

“He hasn't broken his promise.” —Pence

Trump has broken his committment to release his tax returns
Apparently you are one of those fucking faggots in spandex and air streamed helmet who think if they are pedaling fast enough (while holding traffic up on the highway) they are able to cross under the arch of the rainbow to find unicorns and sit on their horns to get their faggot pleasures, you fucking faggot, you nasty shit sucking fuck...
Def of "Unhinged"
upset, unglued; especially : mentally deranged <attacked by an unhinged extremist>

Examples of "Unhinged" in a sentence
  1. <destined to become one of the nation's most notorious serial killers, he apparently became unhinged as a result of being abandoned as a young teen>

  2. He was unhinged when he said, "to find unicorns and sit on their horns to get their faggot pleasures, you fucking faggot, you nasty shit sucking fuck."
“Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.


Trump's own son gives us the connection.

What is the real connection? Only his tax returns will tell us.

What if Trump comes out of the meeting tomarrow suddenly converted? Will he be believable? Will he settle for working for Putin behind the scenes?

I guess we'll know tomarrow.

You will never see his tax returns, because no one of import cares what you think.

Caring and your feelings are never the point.
If past is prologue, Trump will come out on both sides of the issue. If there is a third side, he will be on that side too. If Trump does release his tax returns,
It would take a dozen trained accountants and at least that many Philadelphia lawyers the next six months to get a clear understanding of it. People will search for something that they can present in a bad light with no context.

It's really easy to see dollar amounts and where they come from and since they've already been audited it's not a problem but your concern for their time is noted.
The Donald and every rational person side with the truth, not the false dichotomy by the butthurt brigades! The truth is Russia did not provide the DNC emails to Wikileaks! Get over it!
The Donald and every rational person side with the truth, not the false dichotomy by the butthurt brigades! The truth is Russia did not provide the DNC emails to Wikileaks! Get over it!
The CIA says differently.

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