If Trump Died

St Donald .

Opinion polls on who was the greatest
Jesus the Essene Priest , or ,
St Donald .

Jesus loses again .

Whoever said that Trump was greater than Jesus? I know that I sure didn't.

so should Biden/Harris

Can't argue with you there.

Maybe he's been dead for a while now

Braindead for sure.

You mean all this time you haven't been a Trump supporter?
Died? Wouldn’t he rise up 3 days later and play golf for 30 days before ascending to heaven with even more suckers’ donations than he collected while alive the first time? He’d make Jesus’ 10% look like peanuts.
aka David Duke lite?

I would have put Ramaswamy first, but I fear he suffers name recognition problems and bias against him for being Hindi. And we can count out Niki and her fascist ideas and Blubber Butt Christie as a consideration for anything other than a door stop.

All a moot point really as Trump will be the guy.
Whoever said that Trump was greater than Jesus?
You mean all this time you haven't been a Trump supporter?
Did you read me when he was in office?

for the record, i haven't agreed with the last dz potus's RR

not one of them made a dent in the slow demise of this country

all of them catered to those that greased them into office, and made sure they retired fat & happy on our dime

they've nothing to offer in terms of representation , nothing in terms of mutual direction, nothing in terms of the well being, prosperity or liberty

It's all bread & circuses , and Trump is no more than another clown to fool us all

Died? Wouldn’t he rise up 3 days later and play golf for 30 days before ascending to heaven with even more suckers’ donations than he collected while alive the first time? He’d make Jesus’ 10% look like peanuts.

Wow, you have got one of the worst cases of TDS on this message board.:rolleyes:
  1. DeSantis
  2. Vivek Ramaswamy
End of list.
More and more I'm thinking Vivek.
While I support Trump's policies I've always been disappointed in his big mouth and how he gives the libtards so much ammunition. Unfortunately DeSantis does that too. Vivek is much more articulate and careful.

1. Trump
2. Vivek
3. DeSantis
More and more I'm thinking Vivek.
While I support Trump's policies I've always been disappointed in his big mouth and how he gives the libtards so much ammunition. Unfortunately DeSantis does that too. Vivek is much more articulate and careful.

1. Trump
2. Vivek
3. DeSantis
I don’t mind supporting Trump.

But that’s not the same as ignoring his obvious faults and shortcomings.

For a number of reasons, including but not limited to punishing the moronic pussy libturds, I’d be very happy with Trump returning to the Presidency.

I wouldn’t lose a moment’s worth of sleep if we manage to get DeSantis into the White House, instead, though.

I’ve soured on Vivek.

OTOH, as much as I dislike the fat fuck ex-Governor of NJ, I’d even more or less happily take him over Potato or HeelsUp or Newscum.
You fascists voted for her. So, no howling.

I grant you that she is maybe even dumber than Potato. But you fascist libturds have no right to bitch about her.

First. I skipped the 2020 election. I refused to vote because both candidates were giant steaming piles of shit.

Second. It wouldn’t bother me if a Black Woman was President. Hell you could make Charles Manson President and that would be preferable to the moron Trump.

Third. If you want to find a Fascist. Look in the mirror.

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