If Trump Died

If Trump died, could you imagine the conspiracy threads?

It would be worse than JFK
At this point, literally no matter how he dies, the internets are going to explode with conspiracy theories and deep state allegations. Particularly this site.

We are all going to die. Trump is a 77 year old man with a considerable weight problem and so is probably going to die sooner than most of us.

But even if he dies of a stroke or a heart attack, and it’s verified by his doctors, coroner, etc., can you imagine how many people here are going to post Facebook and Twitter posts claiming “evidence” he was murdered?
More and more I'm thinking Vivek.
I would put Vivek first except that I think DeSantis carries greater market share and broader appeal to a wider base for beating Biden in '24.

While I support Trump's policies I've always been disappointed in his big mouth
I know but I can't let mere brashness of style and presentation cloud my appreciation for the truly IMPORTANT things such as his actual stewardship of the nation while in office. That not personality are the things all people ought to be looking for in an actual president. Just that I also understand his style as a CEO of a big business conglomerate. All of the big CEOs have that sort of flamboyancy, unless they are extreme leftwing Sheldonian freakazoids like Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.
At this point, literally no matter how he dies, the internets are going to explode with conspiracy theories and deep state allegations. Particularly this site.

We are all going to die. Trump is a 77 year old man with a considerable weight problem and so is probably going to die sooner than most of us.

But even if he dies of a stroke or a heart attack, and it’s verified by his doctors, coroner, etc., can you imagine how many people here are going to post Facebook and Twitter posts claiming “evidence” he was murdered?
MAGA will not just accept that Trump had died of natural causes……there has to be a conspiracy somewhere
I would put Vivek first except that I think DeSantis carries greater market share and broader appeal to a wider base for beating Biden in '24.

I know but I can't let mere brashness of style and presentation cloud my appreciation for the truly IMPORTANT things such as his actual stewardship of the nation while in office. That not personality are the things all people ought to be looking for in an actual president. Just that I also understand his style as a CEO of a big business conglomerate. All of the big CEOs have that sort of flamboyancy, unless they are extreme leftwing Sheldonian freakazoids like Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.
I'd definitely vote DT again. Hopefully he learned a thing or two about controlling his mouth though. I'm sick and tired of seeing the Liberals all go in a feeding frenzy over everything he says. These days one definitely needs to be arrogant in order to hold political office. If you're not you'll be eaten alive. It's kind of a two-way street. If you shoot off your mouth too much they're going to trample on you but if youre too nice the same thing applies
First. I skipped the 2020 election. I refused to vote because both candidates were giant steaming piles of shit.
Nobody asked.
Second. It wouldn’t bother me if a Black Woman was President. Hell you could make Charles Manson President and that would be preferable to the moron Trump.
You’re dead wrong and tragically retarded. You libturds installed a demented old man to the highest elective office in our land. Potato is much worse than Trump could ever be.
Third. If you want to find a Fascist. Look in the mirror.
Wrong yet again. Unlike you, I loathe fascists. This is why I deem you to be worse than any steaming pile of shit.
I'd definitely vote DT again. Hopefully he learned a thing or two about controlling his mouth though. I'm sick and tired of seeing the Liberals all go in a feeding frenzy over everything he says. These days one definitely needs to be arrogant in order to hold political office. If you're not you'll be eaten alive. It's kind of a two-way street. If you shoot off your mouth too much they're going to trample on you but if youre too nice the same thing applies

If I were Trump, I'd change a lot, starting with getting some professional training on public speaking and expatiating ideas, not to phony Trump up as just another pressed suit, but to more succinctly put across ideas that are more understandable to more people. One of the things that irks me most is Trump tends to say everything at least 2-3 times repeating stuff always circling back like we forget or can't follow or remember.

If I were Trump, I'd also come clean by admitting that while I still believe the election was stolen, that he was never able to prove it. And of course, sometimes, you just need to take the high road and stop putting people down or insulting them even when it is true or they deserve it. My personal theory is that Trump doesn't listen to such things believing that how he ran in 2016 was his blueprint for success and doesn't want to change, but it wouldn't hurt for him to show that he learns from experience and evolves as well.

As far as ammunition, you might be right; my guess is that no matter what Trump might say or not, they'd still attack him. It's all they have.

If I was managing Trump's rallies, I'd change up from that same tired music, thanking people and going back over his successes and other's failures and kick it up a notch of urgency and coming right out with the 5 biggest things he sees as issues to tackle and exactly how he would tackle them.
If I were Trump, I'd change a lot, starting with getting some professional training on public speaking and expatiating ideas, not to phony Trump up as just another pressed suit, but to more succinctly put across ideas that are more understandable to more people. One of the things that irks me most is Trump tends to say everything at least 2-3 times repeating stuff always circling back like we forget or can't follow or remember.

If I were Trump, I'd also come clean by admitting that while I still believe the election was stolen, that he was never able to prove it. And of course, sometimes, you just need to take the high road and stop putting people down or insulting them even when it is true or they deserve it. My personal theory is that Trump doesn't listen to such things believing that how he ran in 2016 was his blueprint for success and doesn't want to change, but it wouldn't hurt for him to show that he learns from experience and evolves as well.

As far as ammunition, you might be right; my guess is that no matter what Trump might say or not, they'd still attack him. It's all they have.

If I was managing Trump's rallies, I'd change up from that same tired music, thanking people and going back over his successes and other's failures and kick it up a notch of urgency and coming right out with the 5 biggest things he sees as issues to tackle and exactly how he would tackle them.
I doubt Trump can or would change.

He does need to change his rallies to involve more moderates. Right now, he is preaching to the choir, filling them with the same old rhetoric and endless complaints and claims of victimhood.

Right now his rallies consist of stolen election lies, claims of a witch hunt, silly name calling and a long list of his enemies.

MAGA buys it but they are already voting for him.
He needs to appeal to moderates, suburban communities and undecideds
Nobody asked.

You’re dead wrong and tragically retarded. You libturds installed a demented old man to the highest elective office in our land. Potato is much worse than Trump could ever be.

Wrong yet again. Unlike you, I loathe fascists. This is why I deem you to be worse than any steaming pile of shit.

Interesting. Biden is worse in your mind. Did Biden instruct the Vice President to take blatantly unconstitutional actions and reject designated electors in an effort to steal the Presidency?

Yet Trump is your choice. Did Biden cause fake electors to be provided with forged documentation attesting to their authority to be created?

You realize I hope that Trump in his last ten weeks in office committed more crimes than Nixon and Clinton combined.

Then he lied to Federal Agents. Ordered subordinates to hide evidence. I mean seriously. Trump is a bigger crook than the head of the Gambino Crime Family. The only people who are bigger crooks are the heads of various drug cartels.

Want to win the election? Throw Trump out and embrace Nikki Haley. She is beating Biden by ten points. The only candidate Biden has a chance of beating is Trump. And with it being certain that at least one of his trials will go forward before the election there is a better than even chance he will be in Prison before the election. Especially if the Georgia Trial goes forward. If Convicted there is no option besides Prison.
Maybe a better question is:

If Donald Trump loses to Joe Biden TWICE should he just off himself?

It's probably the honorable thing to do.
It would be really refreshing if neither side nominated either Biden nor Trump and instead nominate two other candidates.

But that won’t happen.
Interesting. Biden is worse in your mind. Did Biden instruct the Vice President to take blatantly unconstitutional actions
He might have. But Trump didn’t .
and reject designated electors in an effort to steal the Presidency?
Nice of you to ignore the belief that election fraud had illegally altered the outcome.
Yet Trump is your choice.
WOW. You followed along. :itsok:
Did Biden cause fake electors to be provided with forged documentation attesting to their authority to be created?
Not that we know of. But then again, neither did Trump.
You realize I hope that Trump in his last ten weeks in office committed more crimes than Nixon and Clinton combined.
I wish you could comprehend that your claim is ridiculous, false and merely the product of your ignorance and bias.
Then he lied to Federal Agents.

No evidence for that.
Ordered subordinates to hide evidence.

I mean seriously.

No. You mean “gullibly.”
Trump is a bigger crook than the head of the Gambino Crime Family.
Your baseless hyperbole carries zero persuasive weights. As usual.
The only people who are bigger crooks are the heads of various drug cartels.
Zzzz. More of your jackass bloviating bullshit.
Want to win the election?
I want America to win.
Throw Trump out and embrace Nikki Haley.
Try not to be such a dipshit.
She is beating Biden by ten points.
That’s good.
The only candidate Biden has a chance of beating is Trump.
Lol. Sure. Sure. :itsok:
He might have. But Trump didn’t .

Nice of you to ignore the belief that election fraud had illegally altered the outcome.

WOW. You followed along. :itsok:

Not that we know of. But then again, neither did Trump.

I wish you could comprehend that your claim is ridiculous, false and merely the product of your ignorance and bias.

No evidence for that.


No. You mean “gullibly.”

Your baseless hyperbole carries zero persuasive weights. As usual.

Zzzz. More of your jackass bloviating bullshit.

I want America to win.

Try not to be such a dipshit.

That’s good.

Lol. Sure. Sure. :itsok:

I included links to interviews that Pence did concerning his testimony to the Grand Jury.

So here is what it takes to be a Trump supporter. Everyone is lying. Every election official. Democrat and Republican. Every appointed and elected individual everywhere. Everyone that Trump hired to work for them. They are all lying. Everyone.

Pence is lying when he says Trump told him to. The minions who worked for Trump are lying. Just everyone.

I included links to interviews that Pence did concerning his testimony to the Grand Jury.
I didn’t dispute that he was asked to do some things, you fucking stupid troll. I denied your repeated claim that any of those things were unconstitutional or illegal.

Asshole suckers, like you, should really consider being honest for once.

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