If Trump dies, who is the Republican nominee for President?

Do we even know if he's sick?
Yes. He has symptoms.
Dude... Symptoms can be a runny nose... I'll go look myself.


Ahh... When I had it once I had the very low grade fever ( right at 100 ) for two days, I was right as rain on the third. If he already is at that stage of fever, and he reacts like I did, he'll be fine today or tomorrow. It should be noted that I took no drugs for it though.
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Some say Trump is faking this to garner sympathy, that he will make a remarkable rapid recovery and bound back to the White House and the campaign trail.
I don't think so.

No, he's not faking it. This is the last thing he wants because it makes him look weak. We all know that is something Trump can't tolerate. He's mocked Biden for looking weak by wearing a mask and chiding others who do, too. Olivia Troye (Pence's ex-COVID Task Force aide) has described in vivid detail the insanity and chaos behind the scenes in the Oval Office. How his screaming and ranting at people is daily de rigueur.

One can only imagine how Trump has fought his advisors and staff on going to Walter Reed. You know he spent hours this afternoon staging his exit from the WH to boarding Marine One.

Appearances mean everything to this shallow, vapid cretin and his equally shallow, vapid uni-browed family.

I hope they ALL get sick as hell, become "long haulers", except for Barron.
Some say Trump is faking this to garner sympathy, that he will make a remarkable rapid recovery and bound back to the White House and the campaign trail.
I don't think so.

No, he's not faking it. This is the last thing he wants because it makes him look weak. We all know that is something Trump can't tolerate. He's mocked Biden for looking weak by wearing a mask and chiding others who do, too. Olivia Troye (Pence's ex-COVID Task Force aide) has described in vivid detail the insanity and chaos behind the scenes in the Oval Office. How his screaming and ranting at people is daily de rigueur.

One can only imagine how Trump has fought his advisors and staff on going to Walter Reed. You know he spent hours this afternoon staging his exit from the WH to boarding Marine One.

Appearances mean everything to this shallow, vapid cretin and his equally shallow, vapid uni-browed family.

I hope they ALL get sick as hell, become "long haulers", except for Barron.

Actually it would make Trump look stronger than ever. Especially when comparing to Sleepy Joe who's running for President. It would make the biggest statement for America to unite. If Trump can beat the Chinese Virus... then American can beat the Chinese Virus!
God forbid anything happens to President Trump, but if he does pass, his dying wish is for all democrats to guzzle antifreeze or hang themselves in a she-shed....

So we've got that going for us.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Who would be Pence's Vice President?
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Who would be Pence's Vice President?

It would be a Senator from a state with a GOP Governor, who would appoint another GOP Senator.

But if Trump passes...why do we need to pick another candidate. A Dead Trump vs a Live Biden would be
a pretty even match.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.

Actually, we have. Democrat candidate Horace Greeley died in 1872
If Trump dies, Pence is President and up for election on November 3rd. Simple.
I believe there has been a President who's died from illness while in office. But if Trump can beat Covid, then WE can beat Covid. This can unite the country reelecting Trump four more years if he's able to pull through this.

If Trump beats Covid, it will because he had the best medical treatment that the country has to offer.

Unlike the tens of millions of Americans who've lost their health coverage under his watch.
If Trump dies, Pence is President and up for election on November 3rd. Simple.

How would that theoretically change the "Never Trump" faction's choice? They are supposed to be Republicans who don't like Trump- but presumably like regular Republicans like VP Pence.
Pence would be President, but I think the Republicans would have to hold another convention to nominate him for the election in November.

We have never in our history have a Presidential candidate die, so this is unknown territory.
Trump ain't going nowhere

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