If Trump fired the special prosecutor, how would Trumpsters react?

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The PURPOSE of the question was to find out if Sessions had communicated with any Russians during the campaign as part of Trump's team in an effort by Democrats to somehow prove Trump collusion occurred, which it did not.
-- The honest, factual answer to that question was 'NO'. The honest, factual answer acts to discredit the liberal attempt to prove collusion. Left with nothing - no evidence or answer to help them further their goal, the Democrats then want to play the 'gottcha' game by attempting to secure a prosecution anyway of ANYONE for ANYTHING, even if it has nothing to do with their goal of proving 'collusion'. THIS is exactly what liberals seek to do with Sessions and his answer.

Poor desperate snowflakes....

Sessions also answered Leahys written question about contact with the Russians, and again denied any communications.

He lied under oath, and in writing. Sessions is toast.

Yeah, and Hillary on a landslide!!!
Because of Mullers close ties to Comey he should withdraw as Special Counsel. There's a clear conflict of interest, unless Comey is not to be involved at all and that door has already closed..
No, no conflict of interest exists.

Really, Comey was Mullers direct supervisor 2003-2005. So one or the other can't be involved. Which will it be?


Well, Comey has been fired so it will likely be he who is not investigating. Do try to keep up.

You might want to keep up with the law and conflicts of interest.

Mueller was picked, and he accepted, despite his connections to Comey. And now, he's ramping up his team. Mueller's going nowhere unless Trump fires him.

You might want to read up on the law.

28 CFR 600.7 - Conduct and accountability.

"The investigation is not over."
- We have not found anything yet.

"The investigation is not over."
- It will never be over until we find something, manufacture something, or catch someone slipping up in all the testifying so we can prosecute them for perjury and thereby justify the whole fishing expedition.
What's wrong with that?
What's wrong with allowing snowflakes to continue with their political 'witch hunt'?

It is a never-ending investigation based on NO CRIME, NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, and NO EVIDENCE, based on, instead, politically motivated, HATE-driven, sore-loser, butt-hurt need for 'revenge'.

If a never-ending investigation to find crimes is NOT a bad thing in regards to Trump, then why were (are) you snowflakes whining like little bi@tches demanding the Benghazi hearings end.

Using your behavior / actions against you, if Republicans would have argued that the Benghazi hearings would have continued on and on because nothing had been found yet, that the investigations were still on-going, are you little hypocrites saying that would have been acceptable to you, and you would have had no problem with them continuing?

...because that is what I am hearing from you....which, as we have seen, has certainly NOT bee the case.
No, no conflict of interest exists.

Really, Comey was Mullers direct supervisor 2003-2005. So one or the other can't be involved. Which will it be?


Well, Comey has been fired so it will likely be he who is not investigating. Do try to keep up.

You might want to keep up with the law and conflicts of interest.

Mueller was picked, and he accepted, despite his connections to Comey. And now, he's ramping up his team. Mueller's going nowhere unless Trump fires him.

You might want to read up on the law.

28 CFR 600.7 - Conduct and accountability.


All that shows is that Mueller can't be fired.
No, no conflict of interest exists.

Really, Comey was Mullers direct supervisor 2003-2005. So one or the other can't be involved. Which will it be?


Well, Comey has been fired so it will likely be he who is not investigating. Do try to keep up.

You might want to keep up with the law and conflicts of interest.

Mueller was picked, and he accepted, despite his connections to Comey. And now, he's ramping up his team. Mueller's going nowhere unless Trump fires him.

You might want to read up on the law.

28 CFR 600.7 - Conduct and accountability.

I see nothing in there inconsistent with what I posted.
Brennan: I saw information, intelligence that was worthy of investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not such cooperation or collusion was taking place.

Brennan: "I encountered and am aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign that I was concerned about because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals, and it raised questions in my mind about whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals."

1. Brennan is the CIA chief that should be in jail right now for illegal espionage (spying) on the US Senate and possibly the USSC.

2. Those contacts and interactions had long ago / early on been analyzed and deemed, according to the NSA and FBI, to have NOT been criminal and to have NO Intel value, making the information - which Rice illegally provided to Obama loyalists in the Intel agencies - protected Classified Personal Intel. This information was later leaked, an act the FBI and NSA deemed to be 'Felony Espionage'.

The investigations of these 'concerning' communications were conducted and found NOT to be criminal ' 'NOTHING THERE'.

Attempting to cite these communications and Brennan's un-substantiated concerns as justification for continuing to investigate a case in which there was never any evidence of a crime, no evidence of collusion, and no evidence of obstruction is an act of desperation by Democrats.

All of the snowflake claims and concerns have been investigated and found to be without merit. Once again, for the deniers, Comey just testified:

No crime.
No collusion.
No Obstruction.
No evidence.
No Trump under investigation.
THUS No need for Mueller.

Weird ALL that nonsense you posit and Trump's DOJ, and GOP House/Senate aren't going after Brennan? Hmmm

And again, this is just the first investigation. There are many more to come.

The NSA has investigated.
The CIA has investigated.
The FBI has investigated.
The DIA has looked into this.
The House Intel Committee has investigated.

STOP making shit up - you are just helping my case (unless that is what you mean to do).
Nonsense. The NSA, CIA, and DIA held no investigations. They collected data and testimony for the FBI, which is the only Department investigating Trump campaign/Russia collusion; and for the House, which investigated the leaks.

But relax, there can be many more investigations into this. This will be kept alive going into the 2018 election. Maybe even 2020.
And Trump fans daily what little fire there is
Easyt's screaming is our version of infowars continued denial and deflection.

The more smoke the more likely possibility of fire.

The more screaming the more possibility the trumpers did something wrong.
The PURPOSE of the question was to find out if Sessions had communicated with any Russians during the campaign as part of Trump's team


To this day we have no explanation from Sessions what those meeting were about.

This lead to his RECUSAL:

I have now decided to recuse myself from any existing or future investigations of any matter relating in any way to the campaigns for president of the United States.
"The investigation is not over."
- We have not found anything yet.

"The investigation is not over."
- It will never be over until we find something, manufacture something, or catch someone slipping up in all the testifying so we can prosecute them for perjury and thereby justify the whole fishing expedition.
What's wrong with that?
What's wrong with allowing snowflakes to continue with their political 'witch hunt'?

It is a never-ending investigation based on NO CRIME, NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, and NO EVIDENCE, based on, instead, politically motivated, HATE-driven, sore-loser, butt-hurt need for 'revenge'.

If a never-ending investigation to find crimes is NOT a bad thing in regards to Trump, then why were (are) you snowflakes whining like little bi@tches demanding the Benghazi hearings end.

Using your behavior / actions against you, if Republicans would have argued that the Benghazi hearings would have continued on and on because nothing had been found yet, that the investigations were still on-going, are you little hypocrites saying that would have been acceptable to you, and you would have had no problem with them continuing?

...because that is what I am hearing from you....which, as we have seen, has certainly NOT bee the case.
You moron... that's exactly what the Benghazi hearings did. After the first one concluded and nothing was found, Republicans opened a second one. And then a third one ... and a 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th; each one following an investigation which found nothing. Dragging it on for 4 years through 3 elections.

So it seems you're finally starting to catch on. We still have 7 more investigations to go on Trump/Russia collusion. It doesn't matter if there's no evidence of wrong doing. It doesn't matter what it costs. It doesn't matter how partisan it is. It doesn't matter how much the left lied about it. All that matters is that it's kept alive to sway at least the next 2 elections.

C'mon, you should be on board with this... it's a page right out of the Republican play book.
The PURPOSE of the question was to find out if Sessions had communicated with any Russians during the campaign as part of Trump's team in an effort by Democrats to somehow prove Trump collusion occurred, which it did not.
-- The honest, factual answer to that question was 'NO'. The honest, factual answer acts to discredit the liberal attempt to prove collusion. Left with nothing - no evidence or answer to help them further their goal, the Democrats then want to play the 'gottcha' game by attempting to secure a prosecution anyway of ANYONE for ANYTHING, even if it has nothing to do with their goal of proving 'collusion'. THIS is exactly what liberals seek to do with Sessions and his answer.

Poor desperate snowflakes....

Sessions also answered Leahys written question about contact with the Russians, and again denied any communications.

He lied under oath, and in writing. Sessions is toast.

Yeah, and Hillary on a landslide!!!
"on a landslide"?
Sessions also answered Leahys written question about contact with the Russians, and again denied any communications.

He lied under oath, and in writing. Sessions is toast.
Covered this already - repeating it will not change the answer. Sessions interpreted the question to be about communications with Russians as a member of trump's team, which there were none.

The questions were to find out about potential collusion by TRUMP TEAM MEMBERS. As a TRUMP TEAM MEMBER, Sessions never met with Russians.

THAT is the bottom line Democrats wanted to know. Not getting the answer they wanted, now they want to punish him for his interpretation of the question, for doing his job as a Senator?

Getdafukouttahere....... Snowflakes have gone bat-shit crazy because their attempt to oust Trump with false accusations has totally resulted in FAILURE, so they want to punish anyone they can.


If liberals are that hard up for a conviction they should subpoena every Republican and keep going until they can trip up and indict as many as makes them finally satisfied.

In regards to the Trump 'Russian Collusion Scandal', though - there is nothing there. Wanting to prosecute Sessions for something that has nothing to do with any real 'collusion' is proof of that.
Friend says Trump is considering 'terminating' Mueller

I can predict the responses:

"Well, he's the president! He has that power!"

"There's nothing to investigate anyway!"

Right Trumpsters just think they know everything there is to know about the case.

1) How about Trump just let the investigation vindicate him if he has done no wrong doing?

2) Why aren't ANY congressional republicans backing him up on this?

No..mueller is a good friend of comey...there is a conflict of interest there since Trump fired his best friend....
Sessions also answered Leahys written question about contact with the Russians, and again denied any communications.

He lied under oath, and in writing. Sessions is toast.
Covered this already - repeating it will not change the answer. Sessions interpreted the question to be about communications with Russians as a member of trump's team, which there were none.

The questions were to find out about potential collusion by TRUMP TEAM MEMBERS. As a TRUMP TEAM MEMBER, Sessions never met with Russians.

THAT is the bottom line Democrats wanted to know. Not getting the answer they wanted, now they want to punish him for his interpretation of the question, for doing his job as a Senator?

Getdafukouttahere....... Snowflakes have gone bat-shit crazy because their attempt to oust Trump with false accusations has totally resulted in FAILURE, so they want to punish anyone they can.


If liberals are that hard up for a conviction they should subpoena every Republican and keep going until they can trip up and indict as many as makes them finally satisfied.

In regards to the Trump 'Russian Collusion Scandal', though - there is nothing there. Wanting to prosecute Sessions for something that has nothing to do with any real 'collusion' is proof of that.

Every Senator in the senate met with the guy......the real question would be how his meetings with democrat senators helped Hilary get 140 million dollars from Putin...
Flynn offered to testify in exchange for immunity. And what did Flynn say last year about people seeking immunity? "When you are given immunity, that means you have probably committed a crime."

Trump said last year, "If you are not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for?"

Flynn then invoked the Fifth Amendment. What's Trump's position on that? "The mob takes the Fifth Amendment. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"

Don Corleone Trump is running scared now. He fired the guy who wouldn't stop looking into Flynn.

And now his consigliere is making some noise in the streets. Trump's mob is going to the mattresses. They're already trying to assassinate the character of the prosecutor Mueller.

I guess his Chumps will be running out to buy LOCK HIM UP T-shirts, right? Right?

TRUMP FOR PRISON 2020. :lol:

Poetic justice.
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